From the First Tate Homicide Progress Report*
William J. Doyle, Toronto, Canada, No. FPS 230 203-A, male Caucasian, 27, 5-8, 180, brown hair and brown eyes. This suspect has one arrest for Uttering Prescription for Narcotic Drug, two charges. Disposition indicates that he was sentenced to 12 months, case suspended, case appealed. The appeal was allowed, the conviction was squashed and the verdict of acquittal entered. Doyle is a native of Toronto, Canada and a user and smuggler of drugs to the United States.
William Doyle and Tom Harrigan came to Los Angeles in January of 1969, from Toronto, Canada. Doyle arrived first via commercial airline, arriving with an estimated two pounds of cocaine. After his arrival, he took up residence at Cass Elliot’s, 7708 Woodrow Wilson Drive, Los Angeles. Doyle and Elliot, had met while Elliot was making a film in Toronto, Canada, Doyle’s and Harrigan’s hometown. When Doyle arrived, it was obvious to Elliot that he was high on drugs and when he produced the two pounds of cocaine, Elliot told him he would have to leave. It was at this time that Harrigan arrived and the two of them took up residence at 1459 North Rings Road, Los Angeles. From this location, Doyle and Harrigan began to solicit and make friends among various persons in the movie industry. They did this in order to make contacts for the sale of the smuggled cocaine.
Harrigan and Doyle, after moving to Kings Road, sold at least $6,000 worth of cocaine during their first month.
Terrance Cooksley, an 18-year-old houseboy at the Kings Road address remained high for at least the month of February on cocaine supplied by Harrigan and Doyle. Sometime in March, he stole the $6,000 that Doyle and Harrigan had made. He frequented miscellaneous discotheques in the Los Angeles area and spent the money freely or gave it away in the form of large tips to various waiters. Doyle and Harrigan followed him to Stockton, California where they knocked him around and threatened him. They told him to keep his mouth shut and left Cooksley returned to Los Angeles, and in mid March, Doyle and Harrigan took Cooksley, bodily, from the Whiskey-A-Go Go. They rode around in the Hollywood hills, with Harrigan driving. Doyle was in the back seat beating Cooksley with a hammer handle. Harrigan stated it appeared that Cooksley liked the beating and, therefore, they stopped. A crime report was taken; however, Cooksley gave misleading statements and information and there was no prosecution. He did describe Harrigan and Doyle to his father as vicious persons and probably hired killers.
In mid March of this year, the Polanskis had a large catered party which included over 100 invited guests. The persons invited included actors, actresses, film directors and producers, business agents for the above-described people, and the Polanskis’ attorneys. Most of the people invited came to the party along with several people who were uninvited. The list of uninvited guests included William Doyle, Thomas Harrigan and Harrison Pickens Dawson. They came to the party accompanied by an invited guest, Ben Carruthers and an unidentified male.
During the party, a verbal altercation ensued involving William Tennant, Roman Polanski’s business agent, and William Doyle. Doyle apparently stepped on Tennant’s foot during this altercation. Dawson and Harrigan joined in the verbal altercation, siding with Doyle. Roman Polanski became very irritated and ordered Doyle, Harrigan and Dawson ejected from the party. Ben Carruthers and the unidentified male that had accompanied him to the party escorted the three men from the property.
Doyle and Harrigan became quite friendly with [Wojciech] Frykowski and [Abigail] Folger. This was mainly due to the fact that Frykowski was interested in the known drugs on the market, in addition to future synthetic drugs that were being made in eastern Canada. Doyle and Harrigan told Frykowski that they would obtain the new synthetic drug, MDA, from Canada and allow him to be one of the first to try it. This conversation or agreement apparently took place sometime in the early part of July, 1969, at the Polanski home.
[Witold] Kaczanowski was present at the Polanski home in the early part of July and overheard Doyle and Harrigan tell Frykowski they were going to get him the drug known as MDA. Kaczanowski did not see Doyle and Harrigan after this meeting.
In mid July, Doyle left for Jamaica with Charles Tacot to make an underground film about the effects of marijuana. Harrigan made a trip to Toronto, Canada and brought back a supply of MDA and possibly other drugs via commercial airlines. It is known that he supplied at least a portion of this MDA to Frykowski. It is possible that Frykowski was given this drug by some other emissary two or three days prior to the murder.
* Portions of this police report have been rearranged for chronological purposes.
LT. EARL DEEMER: It’s 11:50 and this is William – what’s your middle, uh —
WILLIAM DOYLE: Joseph George.
LT. EARL DEEMER: William Joseph George
Well, suppose you can give me a little run down just how you became uh – so when you came – first came to Los Angeles.
WILLIAM DOYLE: I believe I first – to the best of my recollection, I first uh. I first came to Los Angeles two years ago.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Two years ago.
And, uh, you stayed up until – did you stay or were you back and forth?
WILLIAM DOYLE: I was back and forth between, Los Angeles and Canada and other places.
LT. EARL DEEMER: And uh, prior to this occurrence, when was the last time you were in Los Angeles? When did you leave Los Angeles?
WILLIAM DOYLE: I believe – I’m trying to recall the exact day – I believe I arrived in Jamaica on the uh, 15th of July.
LT. EARL DEEMER: 15th, so you left with Charles?
WILLIAM DOYLE: I don’t know the dates. And of course, I wasn’t expecting him, but I can find out the dates; ’cause I kept the airline tickets.
LT. EARL DEEMER: And, when did you leave Jamaica?
WILLIAM DOYLE: I left Jamaica.
Excuse me Mr. Deemer, do you remember the day that I came in?
LT. EARL DEEMER: Well you told me uh —
WILLIAM DOYLE: You met me at the airport
LT. EARL DEEMER: — (unintelligible) the day coming back. Uh
I have to look at something.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Ok, I guess you caught my name. It’s Lieutenant Deemer from Los Angeles Police Department.
When you leave – I talked to Charles about this – when you leave Jamaica, what is required, that you uh, pay two dollars or something like that?
WILLIAM DOYLE: When you go to Jamaica they give you – Canadians, Neither Canadians or Americans need a passport to enter Jamaica. When you enter Jamaica they give you a slip. Akin to a visa slip. They take a two dollar – a two dollar and fifty cents head tax, tourist tax. (unintelligible) and keep this with you at all times and turn it in when you leave the island, you get. And you pay two dollars and fifty cents and they stamp it, and turn it into the customs agent as your leaving the island.
LT. EARL DEEMER: And you, uh, originally went down there with Charles to uh, do some work on this?
WILLIAM DOYLE: To collaborate on a film.
Were you in the acting aspect or the, producing, writing or?
WILLIAM DOYLE: I was giving Charles my – he was making a film on the socialogical impact of drugs and culture today, particularly how it deals with the young people. I was with him. He was asking me my opinion of what I’ve saw, what I’ve seen in Hollywood; or wherever I have been. And what my uh – getting some impressions from me, as to, pertinent to the nature of the film.
LT. EARL DEEMER: That was the 18th of the – that you returned from uh, Jamaica. (unintelligible)
WILLIAM DOYLE: That was the day I left then.
LT. EARL DEEMER: And you came directly to, uh?
LT. EARL DEEMER: Where did you first hear about this, uh?
WILLIAM DOYLE: Learned about it on Saturday at noon from a news broadcast. And the records will show that the telephone lines in the north shore of Jamaica were out that day. And uh, that evening I got through to California and I instructed Cass – told me what happened and I instructed her to call the officers that had been to see her. I believe she did that immediately. And uh, from that time on the Los Angeles Police Department was appraised of my whereabouts, my address and my phone number. Three days after that I read in the paper I was wanted for murder; or in connection with the murder.
I was very nervous. I couldn’t understand it.
LT. EARL DEEMER: And uh, was there anyone else in the party when you left to Jamaica, besides you and Charles.
WILLIAM DOYLE: Charles and I were together
LT. EARL DEEMER: Were there a couple of girls in the uh, group?
WILLIAM DOYLE: Yes there were.
They weren’t – they, they didn’t come when Charles and I flew in from – Los Ang- the United States. Both girls were Jamaica nationalists who are, residents of Canada, under working permits who came down to stay with us down there; we had a lovely home; and there were servants there, and a housekeeper, and a maid, and a gardener who were all living in the house.
LT. EARL DEEMER: They’re still there?
WILLIAM DOYLE: They’re there all year round.
LT. EARL DEEMER: They live there?
WILLIAM DOYLE: They live there full time.
LT. EARL DEEMER: You remember – you remember their names?
WILLIAM DOYLE: I do. The housekeeper’s name is Ruth. The maid’s name, is Lesrine. And the gardener is Lesrine’s brother. And his name is Guy.
They perform such functions as, serving meals; making – keeping the house tidy. In other words they were in the house actually living with us. They weren’t out tucked away somewhere. They were, waiting for me.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Now, how long has it been since you uh, met Tom Harrigan?
WILLIAM DOYLE: I do not know when I didn’t know Tom Harrigan.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Well, How long has it been since you’ve seen him? Or talked to him?
WILLIAM DOYLE: I haven’t talked to Tom Harrigan since uh, at least a month before I went to Jamaica.
He dropped up to the house – to Cass’ – I was with him.
About a month before I went to Jamaica, I saw him briefly.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Was uh, he in business with you down in Jamaica at one time? Or are you —
WILLIAM DOYLE: Never in Jamaica in business with me. That was here. Tom worked for my father. Tom has never been in business.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Sort of a salesman?
WILLIAM DOYLE: He was a salesman. And he worked for a subsidiary of the (unintelligible) Company.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Was it a telephonic type thing.
LT. EARL DEEMER: There’s a few names I want to ask you about, uh —
LT. EARL DEEMER: Did they, uh – of course you know Tacot, uh. How do you pronounce this last name?
LT. EARL DEEMER: Uh, you’ve know Harrigan all your life.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Pretty much raised together. How about uh, Deturo?
WILLIAM DOYLE: I met John with Tom. I met him here in Toronto, once. Next time when I met John – I did not know John. I met John – I shouldn’t, I shouldn’t make definite statements like that, excuse me.
LT. EARL DEEMER: To the best of your recollection, is all we ask.
WILLIAM DOYLE: Uh, I met him up in (unintelligible). Uh, I met John more than once up in Toronto. I never knew him. I knew him by sight. Uh, he came to – he showed up in Los Angeles. He seemed to know where to find Tommy. That’s how I met him.
LT. EARL DEEMER: What was your impression of Deturo?
Was he uh – personality wise? How would you feel about John?
Strike you as uh —
WILLIAM DOYLE: He strikes me as uh, what I would uh, call a stand up fellow.
I got John as uh – much more together than a lot of young people I see today. His hair has never been long or over his shoulders; as mine, extends over my ears a bit. He’s not a hippy. He uh, I understand he has a girlfriend, that he’s had for sometime. I, believe uh, he loves kids.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Do you know what he does for a living?
WILLIAM DOYLE: Don’t have the faintest idea.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Ever seen him work?
WILLIAM DOYLE: Never. I don’t – I never, I – as I’ve said I’ve met the man two or three times, and socially. And when I say socially, I mean I don’t know any other way to describe it. I ran into him with people I know. He’s never been in any place that I’ve ever lived, or frequented. And I don’t believe he drinks. If he does, he drinks moderately, because I’ve never seen him in a bar.
LT. EARL DEEMER: How about a man by the name of Hatami?
WILLIAM DOYLE: I’ve heard the name. I believe I’ve met him while at Jay Sebring’s. I believe uh, we’ve shaken hands and said hello. To my knowledge, I’ve never had a conversation with that man.
LT. EARL DEEMER: You uh, ever met Polanski?
WILLIAM DOYLE: I met Roman, on two occasions.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Where was that?
WILLIAM DOYLE: One night at a housewarming party he had.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Up at the Woodstock address – or the uh —
WILLIAM DOYLE: Cielo Drive —
LT. EARL DEEMER: — Cielo Drive?
WILLIAM DOYLE: — Yes. And uh, somewhere else, I can’t recall but it was social – in Hollywood.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Were you uh, familiar with, Sharon – Tate?
WILLIAM DOYLE: Yes, I met Sharon.
LT. EARL DEEMER: This was during, uh?
WILLIAM DOYLE: This was early.
Sharon’s a lovely girl. Sharon did not take drugs. Sharon never took drugs, to my knowledge. I never saw Sharon high, ever. And I’m the kind of fellow that notices.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Did she drink, that you’d see?
WILLIAM DOYLE: I never saw her drink.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Uh, how about Debra, Tate?
WILLIAM DOYLE: I can’t recall Debra…yes, I saw Debra Tate once. I went to the Cielo Drive residence again. Wojciech was taking pictures of Pic, for Pic’s composite. Pic at that time, was thinking that he had a chance, to audition (unintelligible) – to read for a part in a film. I’d tell you the name of the producer but I don’t know. I believe Cass may be able to help you there. And uh, and uh Sharon’s sister was there.
LT. EARL DEEMER: When was the last time you talked to Cass?
WILLIAM DOYLE: Four or five days ago.
LT. EARL DEEMER: She still worked up about this?
WILLIAM DOYLE: She’s hysterical.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Mm Hmm. I understand she has uh, I little bit of an emotional problem. Have you ever noticed it?
I mean uh, once again I’ve become short with myself and you, and I apologize for being short with you. I can’t say no so quickly. Everyone I know has emotional problems. I particularly have ones I’m very familiar with. I think Cass is a lovely girl.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Have you ever seen Cass use narcotics?
I already know the answer to it, just uh —
WILLIAM DOYLE: May I ask you something?
WILLIAM DOYLE: Is any of my testimony, uh – will my testimony concern whether I was into that.
LT. EARL DEEMER: No. (unintelligible) —
WILLIAM DOYLE: I have nothing – nothing to hide protect or hide, but I don’t want to cause anybody any more undo pain. This secondary investigation has caused a lot of people, a lot of pain, because a lot of people feel that they’re guilty or they have something to hide about something, and go through enormous emotional wringers. This is what Cass is hysterical about.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Well, of course —
WILLIAM DOYLE: I don’t want to hurt her but I want to help you with everything I can.
LT. EARL DEEMER: — in this background, we are running into all this drug business. Now, whether if drugs actually had anything to do with the killing, we’ll see. And uh —
WILLIAM DOYLE: I tell you everything I know and you put the picture together because I can’t, I don’t have any of the, any of the – you people obviously have a big puzzle you’re trying to fit together and I’ll just tell you want I can.
LT. EARL DEEMER: We don’t have any interest in drugs per se. That’s been entirely separate from it – for instance, Harrigan told us a great deal about drugs and we gave him a free ride. We’re not really investigating anything that has to do with drugs; only has it has interest in this case.
WILLIAM DOYLE: Can you give me an idea of what Harrigans told you?
LT. EARL DEEMER: Well, hes indicated your uh, part in this to some extent. But again, we told Harrigan that we weren’t interested in —
WILLIAM DOYLE: My part in this?
LT. EARL DEEMER: Well, as far as your part in the drugs. Your use of drugs and you being at these parties, and taking part in it. And of course I know (unintelligible)
WILLIAM DOYLE: I’m not denying, I’m just asking.
LT. EARL DEEMER: All these names dropped out, and so one thing leads to another, to the extent that we are talking to all kinds of people.
WILLIAM DOYLE: I only asked you because Cass has a career and uh, I wouldn’t want to hurt anybody, or cause any more grief to anyone then that’s already been caused by this whole thing.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Well uh, if we tried to uh, publish the names of everybody that used drugs in Hollywood uh, you know it would take up a telephone book. We’re not interested in that, frankly.
Uh, a couple more names here – how about a Rinehart, Billy Rinehart?
WILLIAM DOYLE: Yes, I know Billy Rinehart.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Ok, do you happen to know where he is now?
LT. EARL DEEMER: When was the last time you saw him?
WILLIAM DOYLE: Last time I saw Bill Rinehart he was uh, at Cass’ house. They were talking about doing uh, uh, recording a song; he had written a couple of songs and he was playing them for Cass. But I saw William often, because he came over to the house. A lot of younger musicians, always – Cass’, a lot of people always came to visit Cass.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Is that Billy Rinehart?
WILLIAM DOYLE: That is not.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Is that someone you recognize?
WILLIAM DOYLE: Real light, I can’t tell you. It looks familiar but I don’t know. No, I’d have to say I’ve never seen this person before. But I can’t tell you for sure, it looks very familiar and it’s a very odd angle.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Yeah, it’s taken from down the steps there.
WILLIAM DOYLE: It is a very close likeness to me.
LT. EARL DEEMER: (unintelligible).
WILLIAM DOYLE: Neither of them are me.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Ok, you don’t know this person?
WILLIAM DOYLE: Interesting. Very interesting. Almost reminds me of the company store. Are these two people the same people?
LT. EARL DEEMER: Well, that’s, I think so, yes. But I couldn’t say that definitely.
WILLIAM DOYLE: Well, I can tell you how I know they’re not me. If you blow both of these pictures up and look at the bottom earlobe you’ll notice mine is not attached. His ear – there are two kinds of ears.
LT. EARL DEEMER: He’s got his hair styled in a that fashion.
WILLIAM DOYLE: I’ve had my hair over my ears, but it never looked like that. My hair is naturally like it is here. His ear is going directly to his cheek like this, you’ll notice. Mine don’t.
This one, I’ve seen.
LT. EARL DEEMER: But you don’t know —
LT. EARL DEEMER: — a name? Ok, that’s uh, Parker – Parker, the uh, karate —
WILLIAM DOYLE: I know him.
LT. EARL DEEMER: — uh, Sebring.
Did you know Pic —
LT. EARL DEEMER: — when he was uh, dressed like that?
LT. EARL DEEMER: Were you um, fixing yourself like this when uh, when you knew him?
WILLIAM DOYLE: All the time.
LT. EARL DEEMER: Well uh, You don’t know where Rinehart lives in L.A.?
WILLIAM DOYLE: I do not. I believe he lives with his family.
As far as (unintelligible) he’s in the beverage business. He also is often found with the Gemini Twins; two girls who do recording, like the Blossoms.
LT. EARL DEEMER: How about a Randy Greenwell?
WILLIAM DOYLE: I know a Randy, but I don’t know a last name. He has a wife that bought him a bentley. Same man? Red hair? Works in a beauty salon? I know him.
Thanks Bo, very interesting interview. Can’t wait for the follow up.
I hope other TLB type folks will give it a listen and consider what is being said.
Very interesting. I love hearing the actual voices! What a treat!
Thanks so much for all of your hard work.
My bad, I didn’t realize this had already been posted over at Cats’ site about a year ago.
Thanks for sharing. Your hard work is appreciated.
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