Jan. 4 – Debra Tate has penned an Op-Ed for the Los Angeles Times in which she discusses the most recent parole hearing of Patricia Krenwinkel.
Last Thursday, the California Board of Parole Hearings issued a continuance on the parole suitability hearing for Patricia Krenwinkel, because it was suggested that Krenwinkel was a victim of “intimate partner abuse.” According to Vicky Waters, Press Secretary for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, the Board of Parole hearings will conduct an investigation into the allegations, and then resume the hearing at a later date.
“I couldn’t believe it when Lam asked if Krenwinkel qualified as a battered woman,” wrote Tate. “Nor could the other family members in the hearing room.”
“Patricia Krenwinkel has been diagnosed as a sociopath more than once. In the controlled environment of prison, she has done well. But she is still a dangerous woman. Krenwinkel — and all the members of the Manson family — should never be granted parole.”
She has not been diagnosed as a sociopath.
You have got to be freakin’ insensitive to this article, picture, and especially anything GOT dang resembling a HUMAN Donna Nelson. Ya got to be looking for attention because NO ONE in their right mind would cherry pick what you just did from this article.
All I can say is this: better be skippy arse happy this didn’t happen to YOUR loved ones.
Not that I don’t have compassion. But Debra isn’t always honest either. Didn’t mean to seem insensitive. Just read another article and that was on my mind.
Donna, can you share the other article you are referring to? Thanks
As well there have been articles about Debra in similarity. I do have compassion for the victims and their families. I think Sharon was the most beautiful woman of her Era and very sweet. With Debra, she doesn’t seem as genuine as her mother and her sister in their fight for jusTice. While I have no doubt that she loved Sharon… it seems,also she uses her sister for artenting as well.
Attention, that is.
I think the pertinent issue is whether or not PK I suitable for parole: whether or not she has been diagnosed as a sociopath, or whether or not DT is always truthful is besides the point. As we who have followed this case know, the defendants were initially sentenced to death on multiple counts: the only reason why they were never executed is that in 1972 the Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty was unconstitutional, and “kicked” the application of it back to the states. Within a year, it was back on the ballot and overwhelming approved of by the people of California; only it wasn’t retroactive. The Manson killers “slipped” through the “cracks’, and were now eligible for parole after 7 years. Obviously, for most of us, that decision and the fact that the legislature didn’t think things through and now offered these particularly brutal killers a chance for freedom was appalling. I can’t imagine the reaction of a family member who lost their loved one so senselessly. I guess I’m revisiting history is because I feel we as a society have already been merciful; their lives were spared; but allowing them to reenter society, and I don’t care how old they are/how long incarcerated, is unacceptable. PK, for whatever reasons, participated in human slaughter, and at the very least, we owe it to the victims to make sure she is never granted parole.
I believe LVH and even PK have paid for their crimes and have turned their lives around. I do not feel they would be any further risk to society.
You stated they were originally given death penalty…which was reduced to life in prison with possibility of parole. That is the law.
Just my humble opinion.
Your humble opinion? Well here’s mine: They are both psychopaths who deserve to die in prison. And they will.
Like you said: POSSIBILITY of parole. That is the law. A very, very, very remote possibility.
I agree. When the victims get paroled from their graves and the families get paroled from their pain then the Manson monsters can get paroled.
Yeah, hold a half-century long grudge for something she did as a kid. Real sensible and civilized. At some point you need to grow up and move on.
The real question is why the hell my tax dollars are going into supporting this grudge of the Tate family and keeping someone locked up that is no threat to anyone.
Leslie in particular has a master’s degree. Instead of my hard-earned dollars paying for her keep, she could very easily make way more money than me and the taxes she pays on that income would go to building schools, bridges and improving our standard of living. But my standard of living is sacrificed to maintain the grudge of some upper-class idiots?
Why don’t THEY pay for Pat’s and Leslie’s incarceration out of their own pocket if they’re that serious about it?
Well said Kip
I’ll preface my comment by saying the obvious, that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I couldn’t disagree with you more on this issue. Holding a “grudge”? Grow up and “move one? To use those idioms to convey the reaction/behavior of the victims’ families could be more inaccurate, dismissive, if not cruel (in my opinion). It’s not as if PK stole someone’s car, robbed a bank, etc…, but well, hell we all know what she did. I can tell you, I would find it hard not to hold a “grudge” against the person(s) who slaughtered my family member whether it was fifty years ago or fifty days ago. In terms of growing up/moving on, it appears to me that all of the victims’ families have done that. That doesn’t mean, however, that by “growing up and moving on” you cease to feel what you feel, and experience all of the ramifications of being the family member of a violent crime victim, and wish to see that those responsible for your loved one’s loss pays, and perhaps in the mind of some, “pays” dearly (much like the victims in this case “paid” with their very lives). I can tell you this: as a family member of someone who has survived a violent crime, we as a family have “moved
on”, but in doing so, we continue to be vigilant in terms of our support of loved one/victim and in making sure that the offender stays in jail for as long as possible. Look at the crime scene photos of both the Tate/LaBianca residences; look at what PK and the others did to their victims. For me, anyone who is capable of such horror, such profound loss, should never be granted parole. I don’t care how many years she’s been locked up or how much it costs. That is what my tax dollars are for. Earning a MA in jail (LVH), big deal. She only accomplished that success because she was locked up, in a controlled environment. I mean, look what she did when she was out on her own, amongst the rest of us. I would wager that the LaBianca’s would have something to say about paroling her. If they were alive. Which they are not. And we should never forget that.
So, we have haters that focus on Leslie and Patricia and conveniently ignore the more than 1,000 lifers that have been released from California prisons since 2008 when the Supreme Court of that state ruled that the crime itself cannot be the sole determination for parole.
And, that the behavior of an inmate is also paramount.
If some of you say, well then they should all be in prison, that there be no release for any lifer convicted of murder, yeah, okay, but then you must, to be honest say, then, that Leslie and Patricia are being singled out and treated unfairly and illegally.
Equal justice under the law should include with a parole.
Amazing how so many people act as if there were no murders or crimes in California and in the nation, when they focus special hate for Leslie and Patricia, as they did for Susan.
By the way, Leslie did not murder anyone, though she deserved a charge of first and / or second degree, I get that. If the truth be told, she should have been released years ago, as, as I stated above were many lifers, and many lifers were freed after serving 18 or so years, according to a study by Stanford Law School.
“Haters”? Who said anything about “hate”? If anything, if I were to use the word “hate” to describe any aspect of this sad case, is what was done to the victims on those two horrific nights. The loss of life, the terror, that I “hate” In terms of those who had once been convicted of first degree murder (in California and elsewhere) and now walk freely amongst the rest of us; an absolute travesty/injustice. But what do you expect from a state that recently paid for the sex reassignment surgery for an inmate (who I believe is one death row) at the expense of the tax payer, when services are being cut to law abiding citizens? I believe that both LVH and PK demonstrated by their brutal actions that there is something in them that is not, thankfully in the rest of us; something that enabled them to kill in the most heinous possible ways. And let’s be clear about LVH: if indeed Mrs. LB was dead at the time LVH stabbed her, that was not something that was “negotiated” by LVH. Never once have I read her stating that she agreed to participate in the carnage if and only if the victim(s) were already dead; then and only then would she take part in the stabbing. If she stabbed Mrs LB only after she had already succumbed to the assault, it was simply a coincidence that LVH stabbed her after the fact. Let’s not make LVH into something that she is not. I mean, think about it. If you know yourself, and at my age I feel I have a pretty good sense of who/what I am; I don’t care how much sex, drugs, rock-roll, and indoctrination you subject me to (and whether I am 18 or 80 is immaterial), there is no way on God’s green earth that I could participate in murder; especially the murders of absolute strangers, and in PK’s case, the murder of a pregnant woman. Whatever it takes to accomplish such deeds, I don’t have it that “gene/mutation” in me. In fact, I’d rather die first than to do something so barbaric to another person. But I understand that there are those who believe that LVH and PK have served “enough time” and are no threat to society. I get it. I just disagree.
Stephen, I understand how one would feel toward those that commit crimes of violence and so, I don’t begrudge how you feel.
First, let me say, that, I was a teen boy in the late 60’s and hung out with different people, at times, such as ‘hippies,’ and, I met and spent time with Susan Atkins around a month before the August Tate-Labianca events.
There was no violence in the life of Susan or Leslie before that terrible weekend of August 8-10. In my study of those situations/murders, I concluded how, in ways, Leslie and Susan were acting bizarrely and should have been punished however, I also concluded that Susan did not attack Sharon Tate, Tex did and stated so.
Tex also had Leslie stab Mrs. Labianca.
Well, since the law allows for parole, let Leslie have hers. She has served twice as many years as others that actually committed cold blooded murder of one and two people.
I too, get angry when I read of criminals committing murder but, really, Leslie is no danger and so, saying that she is puzzling to me. Remember, in September, 2009 Susan had less than a month to live with a leg amputated and brain cancer and they denied her parole based on the “danger to society’ excuse. So, they simply meted out more punishment for her and for Leslie as special cases.
I appreciate your thoughts, Fayez, and in complete candor believe that the only reason why these defendants are still incarcerated is because of the notoriety of the case; as others have stated throughout the years, if it “had been anybody else”, they would have been paroled years ago. However, having said that, I do believe that our legal system has been way to lenient with violent offenders, and have allowed many of them to literally get away with murder. I also think that the Supreme Court/State legislatures didn’t really think it through in terms of the ramifications of abolishing the death penalty and not offering life without parole as an option. I mean, in all honesty, does anyone feel that these particular offenders should have been given a sentence that offered parole at all? Their initial sentence was death; to then be eligible for parole (after 7 years no less) boggles the mind. And I believe that once the ramifications of abolishing the death penalty/parole eligibility became obvious to the powers that be in relation to these particular defendants, the legal system began to use any means whatsoever to keep these folks in jail as long as possible. And any time they are deemed eligible for parole (PK and LVH), the governor will veto that decision.
Go for it Debra…stick to your guns…none of these dirtbags should ever see the light of day…what I wouldn’t give to get my hands on Tex Watson
Thank you Paul. Amazing how people forget who the REAL VICTIMS are.
Prison is PUNISHMENT. How dare anyone say PK is ready for parole for 7…yes SEVEN counts of first degree murder. Divide her time in prison to her victims. Anyone who feels that is justice served is an idiot.
As for you Donna, you’re a piece of work. Keep citing references about freeing LVH et.al. Yep, gives you tons of credibility.
Eileen no need to get sassy.
I want to make a friendly statement, which is of thanks to you, Stephen and Donna for being civil and respectful in your replies to those that disagree with you or even agree on some points.
No name calling is appreciated and I respect others opinions including Eileen’s.
I’m grateful for the open discourse here, Thanks
Pat made a HUGE mistake by saying she smoke pot in prison as far as early 80’s. She has claimed to be clean during her entire incarceration in previous parole hearings. She also could not identity the date of her sobriety. That is very telling . Is she really sober? Bottom line, is she after Tex was a ruthless and violent killer. Never let her out
I should have added, that, while I respect other people expressing their opinion, that does not mean I agree or like anything they say.
So, having said that, it is Donna Nelson that says it like is, among others, and I certainly don’t agree with Eileen’s words.
I can understand how people who are the victims here do not ever want to see their loved one’s murderer to have a chance to live a life that denied others. I get it and I can’t say that I wouldn’t feel the same way if someone had slaughtered my family member.
On the other hand, emotions and grudges are not the backstone of our legal system. Fairness, justice and compassion are.
Is it fair that those lives were cut short? No way. Similarly, its not fair that LVH and maybe PK have served a sentence 8 times longer than others who have murdered people.
Had Sharon Tate not had been a celebrity, these people would have been out years ago, except for Tex Watson, who is a died in the wool sociopath.
LVH and PK were young girls whose brains were scrambled due to drugs, isolation, and fear. Their crimes were unspeakably cruel, but, again, the legal system is not supposed to allow emotions sway decisions.
May I add one more comment: Whether they ever get out or not, I would urge the remaining family of the murder victims to forgive LVH and PK. This will not benefit LVH or PK in any way, but it will make your own life more bearable.
Also, Debra Tate, you have no credibility. Your mother had all my respect in the world….she was campaigning for her beloved daughter and other victims rights. Strong, incredible woman. Patti, took the responsibility when Doris passed. Again, she was doing it out of love
for her sister.
That’s the BIG difference. Doing something out of love and doing something so that the camera shines on you is a gap that cannot be bridged.
Sharon was her sister!!!! Jesus
Charles Manson was a skinny, wizened, psychopathic, little con man who managed to hoodwink a bunch of white, middle-class, trust-fund babies, who’d run off to join the circus. The ‘Manson women’ – Van Houten, Krenwinkel and Atkins, as well as Good and Fromme, are nothing more than dangerous idiots – the sort of women who look the other way while their boyfriends abuse their children – anything to keep their ‘man’ happy. Lock them up, throw away the keys, and forget about them. And, all you clowns who think these idiots are something special, you’re the reason why they should stay locked up – a never-ending queue of gullible fools eager to swallow their bullshit !!
Let me first help you all understand Pat Kren…Les Van…Sue Atk…and the others..”God forgive them forvthey do not know what they do” ARE NOT HIPPIES…..HIPPIES DO NOT KILL IN COLD BLOOD FOR PETES SAKE…..THEY ARE NOT HIPPIES..PLEASE LET US MAKE THAT ABUNDANTLY CLEAR……NOW for the recordcim a victim of violent crime and i fortunately survived…not all of us are lucky to have a beacon to speak for the silencedover my dead effin body will anyone disrespect or discount any and all of Debras cause!!!yes there is forgiveness ..hoever there is also being albeit said “an ignorant fool to let sociopathic life snuffers out….kids are enthralled and influenced by these people its 2017 for ef sake and manson is allowed to effin married….no they need to stay where they are and answer to Gods judgment..not mine or anyone elses…hear this UNTIL YOU OR ANYONE ELSE CLOSE TO YOU HAS BEEN A VICTIM OF CRIME THATS VIOLENT IN NATURE …PUHHHLEEEZ..STAY IN YOUR LANE on the sidelines because you have no clue what damage incidents do to folk…my brother please……
Yeah murder is like bank robbery. Got it! what a callous ass you are.
Hello Eileen,
I’d like to say that I’m not for the automatic release of any inmate that has committed murder.
The situation with Leslie Van Houten is one, though, that makes one wonder why all of those others, inmates, that is, in California and elsewhere were released, yet we have the individuals in some agencies in California that spend so much time working to block Leslie’s parole. She was given a sentence with the chance of a parole.
Just how many times are the former DA assistants from over 45 years ago going to re-try the case?
They keep searching for anyone that has any connection from those bad old days and events and some simply should not be allowed at the hearings.
Like Barbara Hoyt. Or some relative of Jay Sebring, as another example, that never knew the guy.
You know, Leslie should have been charged as she was and she has constantly expressed
remorse and accepted responsibility for her involvement on that awful night on Waverly Dr.
at the LaBianca house.
Just so you know, my interest in the ‘Manson thing’ is due to the fact of meeting with three of the girls from Spahn, in July, 1969. Susan Atkins was one of them and she and I spent time together, in Chatsworth at the time.
Of course, she, Leslie and Patricia were guilty, but there is so much in all manner of media that is not true.
I look at all that’s been going on in California, from 1000,’s of murders in only several years time there, and all the ‘lifer’ killers released and I’m thinking and then asking the former Assistant DA’s from all those years ago…Leslie is your big concern…?
So, anyway, Eileen,
I hope that you kinda get what I’m saying, where ‘I’m coming’ from,’ as we used to say in the mixed up late 60’s.
Hi Eileen,
Thanks for the friendly reply.
I’d like to clarify a bit of something in the context of my views/opinion:
I think that each case involving a parole should be treated on it’s own, of course.
At least as far as that person’s involvement.
I’m not excusing Leslie from her delusional mindset on the days of August and on, for a while after, anyway.
I understand how you feel about the victims, I do.
I have said that she, just as Susan, should have been charged with at least one murder, if not two. Yet, I still wanted them to get parole.
It is crazy how they acted one day, then, when the time came, on the evenings of August 8-10, they were plain, well, it’ hard to describe such thinking on their part.
You have good intentions as to the innocent victims losing their lives, I
Here, I don’t want to plug something I write and won’t give a title or anything else about my just completed book about the 60’s, however, I’ll say that of the 5 parts, part one is about the whole Manson situation. With an insight no other media ‘product’ even came close to.
Take care
May I ask, Fayez, if you wouldn’t mind telling us about your meeting with three of the Manson “girls” (circumstances, etc…)? And what was your reaction when you read about the details of the crimes they were eventually convicted of?
P.S. If you’d prefer not to, I understand.
Hi Stephen,
It’s cool. The situation is in the first couple of chapters of my book, which will be public anyway, soon.
This is what happened, in July, 1969, in Chatsworth.
Then, later, what happened to me.
On that July day, I walked out of a grocery store, around 11 in the morning.
Across the parking lot stood a girl, leaning against a tree. She was waving at someone.
There were two girls, at the back of the store talking with a worker, out there.
When I got near to the street, she looked at me and said,
“whatcha doin?”
I said I was gonna ask you that.
Well, she said sit here, let’s talk. We did, smoking a cigarette and we talked for a while.
Her two friends, walked back to us and we all talked for a while.
She told them that she was going to be with me and see you later.
They had a car and said we’ll be back we’re gonna drive elsewhere.
We walked and stopped for snacks and soda pop here and there.
We sat and talked at some places. And more.
She talked about living in the ‘height’ and so on. Haight-Ashbury.
She said her name is Sadie and she was funny and fun to be with.
She said we live on a ranch and explained how they, she used the word ‘gang,’
worked for being allowed to be there, in there own area, “like a commune.”
It’s a long story, with more details, but she asked me three, four times to come with her.
I said, I cant, not now. ( I was in the L.A. area for week, where a former co-worker from Colorado was showing me around.)
She wrote down a phone number: “call that number and just ask for Sadie.”
Her friends met us where we first met. Sadie and I were together for around eight hours.
The two girls had light hair and were really friendly and open, as we talked for a while.
I wasn’t planning on seeing her again, but the next day, I did call and talked with two other girls on the phone. There was chatter and they said we can’t look for her now, and so on.
Years later, something was wrong in my head, and I had repeated nightmares that I was involved in something horrible. I kept seeing, in those occasional nightmares, a dark haired girl, with a knife, running toward a woman and stabbing her.I didn’t get it till one day, after seeing many pictures and some videos, I knew.
Along with the trauma I had suffered with a ‘hippie’ girl, in Colorado, (she was suddenly gone, an involved story, my ‘trippin’ on lsd and more, in a part of my book about that.) There were my experiences with student anti-Vietnam war protests,
then my being a playboy, so to speak and on and on.
One day, in June, 2016, I collapsed, mentally and physically as I walked on the Univ of Colo. campus. Suddenly, like a fast playing film, so much of what I had done and seen in the late 60’s came back and I blacked out and fell. Two students helped me up and to a building for water and so on.
A couple of days later, I sat, thought, and said, boy you gotta do something.
I did. I began wiring the book, where everything in it occurred.
Just before I began the book, I heard a song on the radio about California, I thought about Sadie being Susan and I broke down crying. ‘It Never Rains In Southern California.”
There is a lot written about the 60’s that’s not true.
I was there, and I cover those late 60’s years.
What Sadie told me about her experiences in S.F. and at their ‘commune’ and what my research showed me is covered in the whole Manson part of my book, from the crimes, the trial and much more.
There is a lot of humor, sarcasm there, too.
Maybe I said too much here, oh well.
Thank you, Fayez, for taking the time and writing about your experience(s). I couldn’t help but think as I read your account of what might possibly have happened to you if you had gone back with her to the ranch, met the “gang”, etc…(not that you’d become a crazed killer, but generally speaking). It must be hard to reconcile the friendly young woman you spent an afternoon with and the wild-eyed murderess who at the very least participated in the slaughter of a pregnant woman and her unborn child. What a waste.
Thanks again for writing,
I appreciate that.
Here are some thoughts, as I look back.
I have, since my mid-teen years, looked at people this way:
is this guy or gal genuine? Is he shallow, how does he or she ‘know what is’…so to speak.
It could be because I was brought up in two cultures and languages, and so, had a critical eye, often skeptical. I could think in two cultures and languages. No accent in either.
Even when I went to middle school, between elementary school in Detroit-high school in Denver, I went to an American school (private) in ‘what was then,’ Jordan. Like shifting sands, welcome to the Middle East…a little humor here…but also true.
Well, one year before laughing Sadie and I were together, and she kept asking me to come with her, I was with true, authentic ‘hippies,’ in a camp for a week. A nicer, more honest people, ‘down to earth,’ you couldn’t find. Rare, anyway.
They didn’t care what they were called, and they were honest and there was no ‘free love’ as in a ‘free for all sex.’ They were, I must surmise, among the first people that brought us natural or organic food, farming and such.
The reason I bring this up is this:
had I gone to Spahn with Sadie, I know that I would have spent the night, with her, of course.
Then, I thought, as I wrote about that whole situation, Charlie would really like me, as I have always had a sense of humor and, after a little while, most people thought I was ‘cool’ and ‘different.’
However, I would not have liked the common living situation of a bunch of people in a room, ‘getting it on,’ as Sadie kept referring to sexual ways, adventures.
I would have left in a couple of days if there was acid tripping and sex in that room 3-4 times a week. I would have simply walked across the road, or gone to some ranch visitor and asked for a ride.
This does not mean I was always a smart, calculating guy. I simply analyzed people, in my head, when they talked religion or philosophy. I have done my share of ‘wildness’ with fun, meaning with girls and was hardly always responsible.
I would not have been there a month later,
when the girls and Tex got into that white car.
If someone told me, say a ‘brother’ or ‘sister’ from Spahn, that, “hey Sadie here will ‘kill if she wanted to, man.” I would have said, “you’re out of you’re ‘effing mind, get away from me.”
Funny, of all that I’d done 1967-1970, that time with Sadie was such a ‘trip’ to my mind, it helped screw it like some of the most traumatic experiences I had. To this day.
But then, my mind went from her and I walking, holding hands, to being under trees and around bushes, for around an hour, joking and… well… then to the night of August 8. The dark night.
Hope I gave a bit more here about what is what.
The things we do. The things we did.
A correction here, for anyone that read my previous statement:
The word ‘would’ should have been ‘wouldn’t’ rather than would, when I talked about what Charlie Manson’s attitude would have been toward me had I gone to Spahn ranch and met the guy. I was writing too quickly.
My attitude was not that of someone that would agree and go along with that serious bull crap a guy like him was spouting.
He would not have liked my attitude at all. I was always sarcastic and joking with people and I didn’t take any of those ‘philosophers’ seriously that I saw and heard.
Donna Nelson, then I guess you would happily volunteer to let them stay with YOU. They will have paid their debt to society when they are carried out feet first, just like susan adkins and charles manson were, and NOT before.
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