Category Archives: Archived News

At the End of the Road, Death

Copeville, Tex., Oct. 13 — It’s about 1,500 miles from this Red River country town to the neon-glutted boulevards of Hollywood. But, for Charles “Tex” Watson, the road has been considerably longer and a good deal more drama – packed […]

Watson is Guilty of 7 Cult Killings

Charles ‘Tex’ Watson is led back to his cell from a courtroom in Los Angeles after he was convicted Tuesday of seven counts ot first-degree murder and one of conspiracy to commit murder in the Tate-LaBianca slayings. Watson, a former […]

Defense Rests Case in Manson Murder Trial

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 10 — The defense rested its case Friday in the second murder trial of condemned killer Charles Manson, who smilingly refused to testify in his own behalf. After Manson’s attorney, Irving Kanarek, told Superior Court Judge Raymond […]

Jury Gets Watson’s Case as 4-Day Arguments End

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 9 — The fate of Charles (Tex) Watson was put into the hands of a Superior Court jury yesterday. Watson 25, a member of the Charles Manson “family” is accused of seven murders which were committed in […]

Testifies In Defense of Cult Leader

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 9 — Linda Kasabian, the star prosecution witness in the Tate-LaBianca murder trial, yesterday spent a full day on the stand as a defense witness in Charles Manson’s second murder trial. Her testimony appeared to add nothing […]

Prosecution Says Watson ‘Directed Knife’

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 6 — Cult leader Charles Manson ordered the Tate murders but it was Charles “Tex” Watson’s will that “directed his hand to thrust his knife downward into the flesh of the defenseless victims,” the prosecution said Tuesday. […]

Kasabian Accused As “The Leader”

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 5 — The real leader in the slayings of Sharon Tate and six others two years ago was a star prosecution witness, Linda Kasabian, a defense attorney says. Sam Brubrick said that in contrast his client, Charles […]

Walter Scott’s Personality Parade

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 3 — Want the facts? Want to learn the truth about prominent personalities? Want informed opinion? Write Walter Scott, Parade, 733 3rd Ave, New York, N.Y. 10017. Your full name will be used unless otherwise requested. Volume […]

Watson Called Calculated Killer in Closing Argument

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 1 — Charles (Tex) Watson was depicted yesterday as a level-headed man who took charge of the band of Manson cultists on the nights Actress Sharon Tate and six others were killed. The description of Watson as […]

Watson Claims He Was Mistreated In Jail, Hospital

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 29 — Charles “Tex” Watson, testifying at his murder trial, says he was mistreated while a prisoner at the county jail and a patient at a state mental hospital. Technicians at Atascadero State Hospital beat him, Watson […]

Watson Defense Counsel Counters State Witnesses

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 28 — The prosecution in the trial of Charles (Tex) Watson rested its rebuttal case yesterday and the defense opened its surrebuttal. Watson 25, is the remaining defendant accused of the 1969 Tate-LaBianca murders. Charles Manson and […]

Watson Faked Insanity, Psychiatrist Tells Court

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 24 — The assistant superintendent of Atascadero State Hospital testified Thursday that Charles “Tex” Watson was “malingering, playing the perfect fool” at the hospital. Dr. Alfred Owre, also a psychiatrist, said Watson suffered from depression, but not […]

Ex-Girl Friend, Jailer Testify at Watson Trial

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 23 — A former girl friend and a jailer of Charles “Tex” Watson, yesterday described the mannerisms of the Manson family cultist before and after the Tate-LaBianca mass murders. He “seemed the same” except that he “made […]

Says Watson Telling Truth About Killings, Drugs Use

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 19 — Charles (Tex) Watson is probably telling the truth about drugs he says he took and about the Tate-LaBianca murders, a court-appointed psychiatrist testified on Friday. Dr. Andre Tweed testified that Watson had no way of […]

Testifies Manson Boasted of Stuntman’s Decapitation

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 17 — A college student testified yesterday that Charles Manson boasted that Donald “Shorty” Shea was decapitated, cut into pieces and buried because Manson thought he was a police informer. The testimony came from Barbara Hoyt 20, […]

Psychiatrist Testifies on Watson Mental Capability

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 15 — A court-appointed psychiatrist testified yesterday that Charles (Tex) Watson was incapable of “forming intent or harboring malice” and that his ability to premeditate was “severely impaired” at the time of the seven Tate-LaBianca killings for […]

Indict Manson Girl Friend In Hinman Murder Case

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 15 — Charles Manson’s first girl friend among the “flower children” of the Haight-Ashbury and the mother of his young son was indicted on a murder charge yesterday by the County Grand Jury. The Grand Jury, following […]

Stephen Grogan’s Motion to Fire His Lawyer Denied

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14 — Manson family member Stephen Grogan lost another motion yesterday to fire his court-appointed attorney, who he claims has “sewn me up for the gas chamber.” After denying Grogan’s motion to dismiss attorney Charles Weedman, Superior […]

Blaze Costs Manson His Jail Rights

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14 — Charles Manson’s jail privileges have been revoked for 10 days after the condemned killer set fire to the bedding in his cell yesterday authorities said. Manson, who has been sentenced to death in the Tate-LaBianca […]

Claim Former Manson Aide Suffers from Brain Damage

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 9 — Another physician testified Tuesday that former Manson lieutenant Charles (Tex) Watson is suffering from organic brain damage, probably brought on by drug use. Dr. Richard Walter, a neurologist at UCLA, said his tests on Watson […]