• Van Houten Hospitalized with Coronavirus

Van Houten Hospitalized with Coronavirus

Thursday, December 24th, 2020

Dec. 24 – Leslie Van Houten has contracted the coronavirus. The 71 year-old inmate was hospitalized for five days last week according to her attorney, Rich Pfeiffer. Van Houten was returned to the California Institute for Women earlier this week after her condition improved.

There are 8,790 active coronavirus cases among inmates according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. 113 inmates have died from the virus since the beginning of the pandemic.

Earlier this year, California’s 2nd District Court of Appeal denied Pfeiffer’s request to have Van Houten released on her own recognizance or bail after an inmate in her housing until tested positive for coronavirus.

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47 Responses to Van Houten Hospitalized with Coronavirus

  1. Bobby Davidson says:

    Governor Newsom has political ambitions he would never do anything to mess that up besides he thinks he knows more about picking someone to be eligible for early release aka parole better than the experts that are only people who are experienced in the Matter of parole requirements that it takes to offer a person be released into the free population

  2. Jb says:

    Good. Let her croak.

  3. james shields says:

    The governor is involved with political posturing There is a term, rehabilitation which has specific terms to its definition in the justice system. In this case, rehabilitation was attained DECADES ago. The psychiatrists–where have they been–should have studied and written about this exceptional bizarre case. The social environment which oriented these people to follow commands to commit such criminal acts, was very powerfully orienting. This orientation took time and getting out of this orientation took time. This person should be granted parole for the sake of human rights and justice for all. She is about as dangerous as a well-mannered six year old. She is more mature and sensible than most who live in my neighborhood.

  4. Cybele Moon says:

    I think this case has been studied and written about forever as to the social and psychological ramifications.
    Brainwashed or not and whether they get out or not I still find it very hard to excuse or mitigate their actions. They “chose” to follow Manson. Who knows if she is “more mature and sensible” than most. She has been living in a rather limiting and controlled environment for the last 50 years.

    PS I wish everyone a happy and safe season!

  5. Lee says:

    Listen, I don’t wish harm on LVH or any of the other perps and I hope dhe is able to make a full recovery, but, she, unfortunately chose to participate in an act that ended two human beings’ lives. Shr has to live the rest of her life in an institution, not because she’s a danger to anyone now, but because she ASSISTED IN KILLING TWO PEOPLE! What is so hard to understand about that? All that legal mumbo-jumbo aside, she will not be released because of what she did. Is it fair? No, it isn’t, but it also isn’t fair that Rosemary LaBianca had to hear her husband being stabbed to death while she awaited her turn. Do you realize how horrifying that is? Now THAT isn’t fair!

  6. Echo says:

    It’s amazing to me she’s lived this long given the amount of drugs and chemicals she used heavily for so many years. These people did every drug under the sun! It’s no wonder they were out of their minds. A 50 year cleanse has obviously done her body well. She hasn’t had the major illnesses the others have had. She’s a tough cookie. She’ll survive COVID. She’s probably more concerned with her uphill battle to be released then she is COVID.

  7. Cybele Moon says:

    Hey Echo what major illnesses have the others had? I think a lot of people did a lot of drugs in that era and many have lived into old age. I know Susan Atkins got cancer but the rest seem to be still relatively healthy. Covid can be a bit unpredictable as to the severity of symptoms. I certainly don’t wish cancer or covid on any of them.

  8. Echo says:

    Cybele, Manson was ill with colon cancer. Bruce Davis has some health issues. I remember reading something in his parole hearing transcripts. I think Patricia and Leslie are probably the healthiest of them all. I know in the 60’s, a lot of people were doing drugs but the Manson family did them from sunup to sundown every single day. Their drug use was extreme.

    • John says:

      From morning to night LSD logically drives
      everyone crazy. And makes you receptive to the
      babbling of a madman.

  9. Fred Bloggs says:

    Lee says:
    she will not be released because of what she did. Is it fair? No, it isn’t

    I’m surprised to read you say that.

    Echo says:
    It’s amazing to me she’s lived this long given the amount of drugs and chemicals she used heavily for so many years

    She didn’t really use drugs for that many years. When one thinks of Ozzy Osbourne or Keith Richards, it’s amazing they’re alive !

  10. Echo says:

    Haha Fred very true! Well she said she started when she was 14 and was 21 at the time of the murders right so that’s 7 years straight of heavy mind altering drug use. People are dying after doing meth just a few years. I mean weed is not that bad in my opinion. God made it. But that other stuff they were doing is what messed them up to where they went out and slaughtered innocent people. I’m sure she regrets ever touching that stuff.

  11. Fred Bloggs says:

    I think she was a week or two shy of her 20th birthday at the time of the murders. I agree with you that LSD played a major role in the creation of the mind that was ready to murder. But it wasn’t the cause. She was still free of mind in terms of her decision making.

  12. Cybele Moon says:

    I think if we get old enough whether we did drugs or not. diseases like heart disease and cancer can strike healthy people too Even sports figures have dropped dead,

    But of course doing drugs goes hand in hand with unhealthy habits.

  13. Echo says:

    Fred, Oh yes for sure. The fact that she practically begged to go that 2nd night speaks volumes. She definitely made that decision to go. She should have said no like one of the others did. I think it was Diane Lake. Even Linda K told Charlie I’m not you, I can’t kill people and refused to kill anyone.

    Cybele, I can agree with that. Old age and ailments go hand in hand. I’m just surprised their hard drug use didn’t have a bigger effect on their health.

  14. Billy Esquire says:

    Echo…”Old age and ailments go hand in hand. I’m just surprised their hard drug use didn’t have a bigger effect on their health.”

    Or maybe the alleged deleterious effects of drugs we’ve all heard about aren’t so accurate. Relatively speaking, there are far more people today that used drugs when they were younger who are just fine and doing well than there are people who died young and/or had lifelong health problems as a result. Look at people like Paul McCartney. Someone once asked him what The Beatles would rate on a scale of 0-10 for serious drug usage back in the 60’s. His answer was “11”. But here he is 78 years old and still appears to be doing great for his age.

    I’m not trying to intentionally disagree with your point. I think we all have a tendency to think of the later consequences of drug usage exactly like you mentioned. I’m just thinking…..maybe what we’ve always thought really isn’t true?

    In actuality, it looks like if you made it out of your personal period of drug usage, and are still alive, then in all probability you’ll be just fine. The world is full of really OLD people who once had serious problems with heroin/cocaine.

  15. Cybele Moon says:

    Keith Richards and Marianne Faithful? Keith’s first wife Anita made it to 75 I think but died of complications due to Hepatitis C.

    on the other hand my dad had an aunt that made it 112- She was French and drank a lot of French wine lol. Like the Queen mom at 101 and her gin.

    And a lot of them didn’t make it out.

  16. Fred Bloggs says:

    I had an uncle that lived till he was 105 {or 108 depending on which story one believes} and from when he was around 55, used to drink a fairly sizeable amount of this locally brewed gin type substance called ogogoro on a daily basis. It was way stronger than any spirit sold legally !
    There’s no rhyme nor reason to these things but why take the chance in giving poor health a helping hand ?

  17. Daniel Cotter says:

    She doesn’t deserve to be freed anyways. She is going to rot in prison like the other mansonnites.

  18. Jim Justice says:

    If her crime was not associated with the name “Manson”, she would have been released years ago. Some people that did far less have been paroled.

  19. Amius Z. Corpus says:

    It’s outrageous that little Miss Innocent, Linda Kasabian, was exonerated in exchange for her testimony. for

    She facilitated them getting there, driving them all then waiting outside in the car while the rest of them committed these horrendous crimes.
    She could have walked to the neighbor’s house andcasked them to call the police.

  20. Cybele Moon says:

    I always find it odd when people say if her name wasn’t associated with the name Manson!

    Jim Justice,
    Everything she did was a reflection of Manson. All the murders became Manson murders as he was the leader. The story is so incredible.
    Perhaps if she had never met Manson she would not have committed those crimes – but she had been on that trajectory which culminated in their meeting and with tragic consequences especially for the victims but also such a waste of their own young, middle aged and now older lives.
    Pat Krenwinkel has a movie made about her life with Manson. It was well done but to me it came off with her painting herself as a victim in it all- someone who was just looking for love ( as many of them have said). Brainwashing aside, here had to have been a sinister attraction of like minds in some way for it to all have come together as it did.

  21. Tom McCarter says:

    Some people think this Van Houten Monster is the least culpable of the Manson Murderers, apparently because, after breaking into the home of total strangers, she only stabbed one person (Rosemary LaBianca multiple times in the back as other Manson Monsters held the defenseless woman down). I guess by Manson Monster standards that makes her a model citizen. She is a murderous psychopath who brutally massacred total strangers just because a nutcase, that only a maniac would follow, told her to. She was convicted twice and deservedly sentenced to death. The Horror must die in prison.

  22. Tom McCarter says:

    Actually he has the good sense to keep a murderous psychopath in prison where she belongs. This Van Houten monster brutally massacred total strangers just because a nutcase, that only a maniac would follow, told her to. She was convicted twice and deservedly sentenced to death. This monster must die in prison.

  23. Tom McCarter says:

    Some people think this Van Houten Monster is the least culpable of the Manson Monsters apparently because, after breaking into the home of total strangers, she only stabbed one person (Rosemary LaBianca multiple times in the back as other Manson Monsters held the helpless woman down). I guess by Manson Monster standards that makes her a model citizen. She is a murderous psychopath who brutally massacred total strangers just because a nutcase, that only a maniac would follow, told her to. She was convicted twice and deservedly sentenced to death. This Monster must die in prison.

  24. Christy says:

    Amius, yes she could have walked to a neighbor and had them call the police but if you’ve ever read Helter Skelter you’ll have noticed that when the children of Rosemary LaBianca ran to the first neighbor’s home to report a crime they weren’t believed. Teenagers and young 20s were viewed with suspicion in some areas. Plus the Tate house, where Kasabian could have done something, was at the top of a winding road. Two houses close by but I can understand being afraid she might not have gained admittance or if the homeowners could have protected her if she was.

    Also without her testimony there’s a very good chance this crime would have never been brought to trial. This isn’t unique either. Deals with participants are not unusual.

  25. Christy says:

    Jim, if she hadn’t acted like a donkey’s behind during her first trial she may have been paroled. But her actions, as well as her two friends, convinced people that she wasn’t taking this seriously, that they couldn’t trust her not to revert.

    I agree with Cybele that this isn’t just about being associated with Manson’s name. After seeing a few people act up in court it pretty much guarantees they don’t have self control. And Leslie did this for nine months.

  26. Dan Cotter says:

    Quite a few of them died from cancer. Always been rumors because of god knows what was at Spahn Ranch. Also Susan’s mother died from caner. She obviously also had the cancer gene.

  27. Echo says:

    Billy, I agree but it wasn’t just the drugs for them tho. They were nasty nasty people. They didn’t bathe, they ate out of trash cans, they had STD’s. I read in the archives where Charlie would offer the girls for favors but the recipient always caught an STD from them. The night of the murders, Susan was barefoot because she had sores on her feet. A lot of them had sores on all parts of their body from just being nasty and dirty. Even the poor kids. Between the drugs and their filthiness, I still say they are lucky to have lived as long.

  28. EMH says:

    LVH had three trials. The second trial was granted because of her lawyer disappearing. The second trial ended in a hung jury. Between the second and third trial she was free and lived on her own and worked in the community without any problems. Back then they didn’t have foot bracelets etc to monitor anyone. The only requirement she had was to call her probation officer once a week. She had no issues and was out for several months. She was also the first one to ditch anything from Charlie, she broke away from his hold first.

    All of this shows she’s not the monster people think she is. No one chooses to have their mind controlled by someone else, that’s not how it works. Manson knew what to look for in people that he collected. He had a very powerful hold on her. Once she no longer was around him, her mind broke away from his hold.

    She may have volunteered to go the second night, but she was hesitant to participate once she got there. The stabs she inflicted were done after Rosemary was already dead. Her testimony at her second trial matched that of the corners report regarding the stab wounds she inflicted. Tex was standing over her telling her Charlie said they all had to participate, it was a threat.

    At her second and third trial you saw the real LVH. Her first trial she was totally controlled by Manson.

    She’s now a political prisoner and that’s not right regardless of the crime. There are others that murdered someone and they’re out after 20-30 years. LVH has been in prison for close to 50 years now. Why have laws if the justice system doesn’t follow them?! She’s met all the guidelines for release, she should be free. Anyone that argues differently isn’t willing to follow the laws set by the state.

  29. Cybele Moon says:

    “She may have volunteered to go the second night, but she was hesitant to participate once she got there. The stabs she inflicted were done after Rosemary was already dead. Her testimony at her second trial matched that of the corners report regarding the stab wounds she inflicted. Tex was standing over her telling her Charlie said they all had to participate, it was a threat”

    So you are saying she was a victim!?
    No one else was there to actually corroborate what any of them said. And whether or not she inflicted fatal wounds she did hold down the woman at one point for others to stab. This gang were terrorists plain and simple. She was part of it all and believed in it all.

    At any rate if she does get out it doesn’t change the story. Is she remorseful and has she tried to do well in prison? it seems so. But these were horrifying crimes and shocking on many levels- not the least of which is that young women committed these murders- not easily forgotten.
    She ruined her own life and I don’t blame the system for the time she has spent behind bars. If she is lucky she may get out thanks to her lawyer who also believes as you do regarding the law. I understand that point of view, but at the same time, it’s been so controversial- mainly because they were given the finality of the death penalty (which I don’t support) – but then strangely it became life with parole possibility after 7 years!? Not much justice for the victims.

  30. EMH says:

    Not much justice for the victims. No punishment can ever be enough justice for any victim, not even death. No matter what’s done, the victims are still dead. However we do have laws and they should be followed by citizens or by lawyers, Gov etc. If you don’t like the laws then change them! What you don’t get to do is make them up however you want. The Cali law said 7 years for parole hearing, so that’s what should be followed unless changed.

    Meanwhile the Gov should not have the opportunity to overrule the parole boards decision. The Gov is motivated by politics and won’t offend anyone that may vote for them. Working for the people gets thrown out as soon as any political gets voted in. Any Cali Gov knows Deborah Tate will make waves and their political career will be over. Is that fair? No its not.

    Did you ever hear the true crime about a Jersey dentist murdering his wife? Don’t recall his name right now but his first name was Ken. Anyhow he murdered his wife. He beat her so bad that he broke her skull into three pieces, if that wasn’t enough he stabbed her several times. All of this just 20-30 feet away from their six month old son. My point is, he’s out after serving 34 years. His sentence was for 30 years but 4 more years were added for his attempted escape. I wouldn’t ever want him out of prison and fear for any woman’s life he may end up being with. He attempted to murder his first wife too, she just never reported it.

    My point is, he is out and I feel he’s way more dangerous than LVH. Watch the movie, “In a child’s name”. After watching it you just might see why I think LVH should be out. The others can stay in forever as far as I’m concerned, I won’t advocate for their release, but neither will I advocate for their continuing prison time. It is ALL about the law. Justice has no room for emotions or no one would ever be released, the law is the law.

  31. Cybele Moon says:


    fair enough.

    The Tate Labianca murders garnered nation wide and world wide coverage. The notoriety never died due to media coverage, books, interviews etc. It became one of those unforgettably shocking crimes like Leopold and Loeb, Lindberg kidnapping, OJ Simpson. Unfortunately that has made it very hard for them to be easily paroled

  32. Mike says:

    To address your statements in order:

    “ It’s outrageous that little Miss Innocent, Linda Kasabian, was exonerated in exchange for her testimony.”

    It’s called an immunity deal. It happens all the time. Kasabian didn’t kill anyone, therefore they weren’t releasing a killer onto the streets. Without her testimony, likely Manson and the others wouldn’t have been convicted.

    “She facilitated them getting there, driving them all then waiting outside in the car while the rest of them committed these horrendous crimes.”

    She was likely so scared of Manson and Watson that if they had told her to do a 2 1/2 backflip in the pike position, she would have at least attempted it.

    “She could have walked to the neighbor’s house and asked them to call the police.”

    And likely gotten herself and the neighbor killed in the process. Your thinking is WAY too simplistic.

  33. Cybele Moon says:


    saw the story about the dentist. Terrible! there was another tragic story on Netflix about someone similar- Chris Watts- who won’t get out.

    However, I guess as I said before at some point., there are rage murders, murders committed during robbery, murders to gain something- the dentist was I suppose psychotic – no excuse for what he did of course. and hopefully he won’t get out.

    But the Manson murders had no motive for those who actually slaughtered the Tate and LaBianca’s- no money, no anger, no grudge- just following orders. To me that is even more chilling.

  34. Dave says:


  35. dave says:

    Yes She Should Never be Freed nor Bruce Davis , Charles Watson aka Tex nor

    Patricia Krenwinkel nor Leslie Van Houten nor Robert B.

  36. EMH says:

    People miss the real reason Linda didn’t do anything. Her daughter was back at the ranch with Manson. Don’t start in about the fact that eventually she had to leave her daughter behind. By that time she heard manson say , “not ready to kill kids yet”. So she had to leave to save herself. She checked in by phone, that’s when she returned to get her daughter from social services.

    This poor girl was traumatized, even the prosecutor said that. The prosecutor said, she wasn’t like the others at all. The killings haunt her to this day I’m sure. Maybe read the book Helter Skelter. The prosecutor is very clear in the book on his thoughts of Linda. He actually liked her and felt sorry for her. He was happy to give her immunity. People need to stop saying things that they have no clue to what they’re talking about.

  37. Cybele Moon says:

    I think Linda Kasabian’s role will always be a bit controversial. She did the least and was willing to testify so a deal was made. She definitely did not get her “hands dirty” by stabbing anyone. Prior to that they thought they were going to have to use Susan Atkins I believe.

    Yes Linda did take a chance in leaving her daughter at the ranch. She took off when she could, for herself alone. That made me wince. Many mothers would not leave their child even if frightened – which I am sure she was. I’m sure she is haunted by the crimes as I think most of them are. However, and sadly, she did not turn her life around in a positive way and ended up abusing drugs and had some subsequent run ins with the law as well.

    The prosecution made a deal with her, and portrayed her as a victim, to seem less culpable, simple as that, or she would have been prosecuted with the rest.

  38. Dr Ken says:

    Leslie does well in a structured and enforced setting. She should stay were she is at and quit putting the Labianca family through the annual parole hearings. She was, and remains, very manipulative and deceitful. Look at her evolving justifications over the years, all geared to minimize her responsibility. She states she inflicted “about 16 non lethal stab wounds on Ms Labianca” as Tex made her do it. Leslie, you have no medical training, you don’t know what is lethal, you didn’t know at the time, that was a defense postulated by your counsel that you a have adopted. You tired blaming Manson. You tried the domestic violence survivor defense along with Patricia. You tired the COVID19 early release, you tried the elderly inmate argument. While I am for rehabilitation I also feel there are those who need to serve their time and Leslie is in that group. She is no victim and never was a victim, she was a willing participant and willingly, actually excitedly slaughtered two people. Leslie, get off the pity wagon, quit allowing your selfishness to inflict yearly painful reviews on the Labianca family

  39. Steve Earl Parent says:

    It will be good if LVH is never released and she dies in prison. Leno and Rosemary LaBianca both received death sentences and LVH has already gotten a pass from the death sentences that the justice system administered to her. Life in prison is already a present for LVH.

  40. K Lawson says:

    In response to the comment about Linda Kassabian, she left the ranch as soon as she could which was 2 days later and went looking for her husband to help get her daughter.She was upset while the others laughed…thats remorse and actually said she knew it would be her to tell what happened that night

  41. laurie says:

    all of them need to stay in prison until the day they die. kudos to the family members of the victums for going to parole hearings for decades to make sure that they never get out of prison.

  42. ted says:

    leslie should have been freed long ago…. only the manson name has kept her in so long….even buglosi said she will be out in 12 years…. leslie was forced to participate so she would not be able to snitch on manson …. leslie was not needed to commit the crime, she just followed….she did not plan the crime… she was in a weakened state and was manipulated…. she has done over 50 years and the parole board says she should be free… the gov has made her a political prisoner, buy keeping her in…

  43. bill says:

    manson told tex to make sure everyone got dirty….. meaning get everyone implicated, so they would not be as quick to rat the family out….leslie did not plan this crime… and the crime would have gone down with or without leslie…… she got life with the pos of parole… not life without…. she has long ago renounced manson…the parole board has said she should be released…. gov newsom has made leslie a political prisoner…this is not the way a democracy should behave…..please allow my comment to stand, even if you dont agree…..

  44. bill says:

    would the people moderating this site please identify yourselves….. obviously you dont want any comments favorable to the parole board or leslie to stand…. dont you think full disclosure is fair… or do you want to hide behind your far right agenda… which tilts this whole discussion….

  45. Christina says:

    No one needs to hide I really don’t care who you are just need to hear different opinions and I respect yours mine is that Leslie should stay in prison for the rest of her life she wasn’t in the wrong place or the wrong time when the murders occur she happily volunteer and participate committed them.

  46. Lee says:

    Far right agenda? Just because people have differences of opinions doesn’t make someone have an agenda. Typical unstable leftist: no differences of opinions allowed or else you start name calling & bullying!

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