Apr. 26 – Robert Beausoleil was a member of Charles Manson’s cult known as “the Family.” In the summer of 1969, the group fervently embraced Mr. Manson’s apocalyptic and brutal worldview. Mr. Manson and his followers believed that a civilization-ending war between the races – known as Helter Skelter – was imminent, and that the Family would emerge from hiding in the desert at the end of the war to take control of the world. Mr. Manson and his followers came to believe that the Family would have to trigger the start of a race war by committing atrocious, high-profile murders of white victims to incite retaliatory violence against black people. See People v. Manson (1976) 61 Cal.App.3d 102, 127-130. The Manson Family’s stated goal was to prepare for Helter Skelter, physically, mentally, and financially.
In July 1969, Mr. Manson and a group of Family members, including Mr. Beausoleil, discussed ways to raise money to relocate their group to the desert. They identified an acquaintance, Gary Alan Hinman, as a potential source of funds. On July 26, 1969, Mr. Beausoleil was seen in the company of Mr. Manson and Bruce Davis. Mr. Beausoleil was carrying a sheathed knife, and Bruce Davis had a 9-millimeter gun. That night, Mr. Davis dropped off three Family members: Mary Brunner, Susan Atkins, and Mr. Beausoleil at Mr. Hinman’s residence. Two days later, the group of three called Mr. Manson from Mr. Hinman’s house and reported that Mr. Hinman “was not cooperating.”
Mr. Manson and Mr. Davis returned to Mr. Hinman’s house. When they arrived, Mr. Hinman had already been struck with a gun; during that struggle the gun had discharged. Mr. Davis took the gun from Mr. Beausoleil and pointed it at Mr. Hinman while Mr. Manson sliced Mr. Hinman’s face open with a sword, cutting from his left ear down to his chin. Mr. Davis and Mr. Manson drove back to the Ranch in Mr. Hinman’s vehicle. Ms. Brunner, Ms. Atkins, and Mr. Beausoleil remained at Mr. Hinman’s house for two more days while Mr. Hinman lay bleeding. Mr. Beausoleil eventually stabbed Mr. Hinman in the chest and smothered him with a pillow, killing him.
Inside the home, using Mr. Hinman’s blood, the group wrote the words “political piggy” and drew an animal paw print on the walls. Mr. Beausoleil fled, but later returned to the house to wipe the paw print off the wall. Mr. Hinman’s badly decomposed body was found on July 31, 1969. Police arrested Mr. Beausoleil in Mr. Hinman’s car on August 6, 1969.
The question I must answer is whether Mr. Beausoleil will pose a current danger to the public if released from prison. The circumstances of the crime can provide evidence of current dangerousness when the record also establishes that something in the inmate’s pre- or post-incarceration history, or the inmate’s current demeanor and mental state, indicate that the circumstances of the crime remain probative of current dangerousness. (In re Lawrence (2008) 44 Cal. 4th 1181, 1214.) Additionally, I am required to give “great weight to the diminished culpability of youth as compared to adults, the hallmark features of youth, and any subsequent growth and increased maturity of the prisoner” when determining a youthful offender’s suitability for parole. (Pen. Code, § 4801, subd. (c).)
I acknowledge that Mr. Beausoleil’s crime was committed when he was 21 years old and that he has since been incarcerated for more than 49 years. I also acknowledge that Mr. Beausoleil has made efforts to improve himself in prison. He has participated in self-help programming, including Alcoholics Anonymous, Anger Management, Parenting, and Effective Communication. He earned a GED, completed two vocational programs, and has received positive ratings from work supervisors.
I carefully examined the record for evidence demonstrating Mr. Beausoleil’s increased maturity and rehabilitation, and gave great weight to all the factors relevant to his diminished culpability as a youthful offender — his immaturity, impetuosity and failure to appreciate risks and consequences — and his other hallmark features of youth. I have also given great weight to his subsequent growth in prison during my consideration of his suitability for parole. However, these factors are outweighed by negative factors that demonstrate he remains unsuitable for parole at this time.
Mr. Beausoleil helped perpetrate the first of the Manson Family’s atrocious, high-profile murders in an attempt to start a civilization-ending race war. Mr. Beausoleil and other Manson family members kept Mr. Hinman hostage and tortured him over several days in an attempt to finance their apocalyptic scheme. When Mr. Hinman refused to cooperate, Mr. Manson sliced Mr. Hinman’s throat and severed his ear, before Mr. Beausoleil stabbed him to death.
The circumstances of this brutal killing are not the only evidence that proves Mr. Beausoleil remains unsuitable for parole. The 2016 psychologist found that Mr. Beausoleil demonstrated only partial insight into the motives behind the crime, noting that he “lacks appreciation for the predatory, antisocial motivations for the crime, especially his willingness to engage in violence in order to achieve a goal.” The psychologist also concluded that Mr. Beausoleil’s lack of insight into his prior substance use makes him vulnerable to relapse and contributes to his risk of future violence. The psychologist noted that Mr. Beausoleil’s prior drug use led to his involvement with the victim, continued into his incarceration, and “caused significant impairment in his overall functioning.” While Mr. Beausoleil has participated in substance abuse programming, the psychologist determined that he “continues to demonstrate limited insight into his substance abuse” and “underestimates the significance of his prior use, as well as the risk of relapse.”
Over the course of his incarceration, Mr. Beausoleil has made admirable efforts at self-improvement. While Mr. Beausoleil reports to have accepted responsibility for his crime, I am troubled by his lack of insight into his underlying motives for committing such extraordinary violence. I am also concerned that Mr. Beausoleil will relapse into substance abuse if released. Given the heinous nature of this crime and Mr. Beausoleil’s limited insight into his violence and substance abuse, I do not believe he can be safely released at this time.
I have considered the evidence in the record that is relevant to whether Mr. Beausoleil is currently dangerous. When considered as a whole, I find the evidence shows that he remains an unreasonable danger to society if released from prison. Therefore, I reverse the decision to parole Mr. Beausoleil.
Decision Date: April 26, 2019
Governor of California
Justice wins again.
This is just crazy, how is the man still dangerous? Would he be less dangerous if Manson name wasn’t all over his case? Most murders are brutal, but there is know problem letting 100’s of murders out.
This is a gov that won’t kill someone that has been giving death in a court of law but he will keep a man in a cage for the rest of his life.
Good for Newsome. Yes, Sherri he deserves to be in a cage. Everything I have seen regarding this man seems to indicate he is a sociopath. Not dangerous!!? He tortured a man for three days before stabbing him to death. What!!
You call this crazy? Crazy is torturing a man for three days, then stabbing him in the chest. Boo-hoo that his murderer (who was found to be selling child pornographic cartoons to admitted pedophiles and sending them questionaires asking them if they were turned on by getting spanked as a child) gets three meals a day, a roof over his head, is allowed internet access to sell music and make money, etc. Boo- Hoo!
Guv Newsome said…
While Mr. Beausoleil reports to have accepted responsibility for his crime, I am troubled by his lack of insight into his underlying motives for committing such extraordinary violence
I think that here, Bobby has reaped what he has sown.
I am also concerned that Mr. Beausoleil will relapse into substance abuse if released
I thought this was rather interesting. I wouldn’t disagree with Newsome but given that he’s the guv of a state in which recreational use of marijuana is legal, I wonder how he squares that. What substance is he concerned Bobby will abuse ?
The Guv said…
I carefully examined the record for evidence….. When Mr. Hinman refused to cooperate, Mr. Manson sliced Mr. Hinman’s throat
He didn’t study it that carefully !
I’m pleasantly surprised. I’ve always been against parole for any of the former Manson followers in custody, but Bobby’s the one I have the most reservations about, even if he didn’t rack up the horrendous body count that Watson and Krenwinkel did. I’m no fan of Newsom, but I appreciate his decision.
Columbo, that Hannity bullshit ring around your mouth is getting larger by the minute, masked only by the phallic shaped tin foil hat upon your head.
Boo! *cue maniacal liberal laughter*
Those of you who are/were arguing for his release, need to stop, and find a better way to spend your time.
What is so hard for you to understand?
Beausoleil took a life. He murdered a man.
It does not matter what has happened in the years that followed,
or who he is today.
He murdered a man. Coldly and brutally.
He belongs in prison until he takes his last breath.
And that’s all there is to it.
Please find something better to do!
Thank you.
oh boy Columbo, you really have a soap box going on with the politics. Obviously some must like him (Newsom) and agree with him just as some agree with Trump. There’s a huge divide between the two parties and it’s going to bring you all down if you aren’t careful. I’ve never seen this before in other American governments of the past.
All this talk about illegal aliens being criminals. Some are, but most are not. 500 years ago people flocked to North America to escape persecutions and poverty. Now many want to close the doors not realizing that what’ is happening out there directly affects us in here any way, and we’ve had a hand in much of it. Closing the doors to immigration isn’t the answer.
Interestingly my partner manages a big kitchen. He said it’s the local workers with whom he has problems. Some of them call in sick or just don’t show up.The ones that are here from other and third world countries are willing to work very hard, are very appreciative. They want a better life than what they had.
I’m not surprised Newsom denied Beausoleil. I think he’s a sociopath.
Why did Bobby go back to clean the walls? I could never figure out the reason for this. I think he did it because Manson told him to, but why?
Someone is off their meds. Lock him up! lol
Calm down Columbo, you’re embarrassing yourself and some wanton lib may feel sympathetic to your mental health.
The irony is this: You support a murderous cult of socialists. tsk tsk
Stick that up your snowflake pipe.
I’m glad to see that B.B. will remain exactly where he belongs, at least until the next “go around”, and hope that his parole reversal and the governor’s rationale for doing so, is an indication for what awaits LVH ( and before anyone comments on the differences between the two and their prison records, I am aware of them. However, I am also aware of their similarities: Each participated in human slaughter, and for me, it doesn’t matter how long ago or how young they were, etc…They are destroyers of the most precious of gifts; human life, and are exactly where they should be).
Columbo I find it very interesting that you seem to indicate any candidate that is interested in supporting environmental issues (for future generations?) is a left wing nut job or at worst a criminal. I”m assuming you support Trump’s xenophobic ambitions because all foreigners must be criminals or terrorists. As America doesn’t have the great reputation among nations it once did there might be some candidates who have a more world wide view as opposed to just making corporate America great. You believe in the death penalty while supporting those who have escaped it (Manson family).
I lived briefly in California at one time and it has always been a “liberal” state as far as I can see and most Californians do not feel as you do. I do not agree with belittling on either side. Yes, you are right it doesn’t look like this bodes well for the other Manson family members.
Fred, besides the pedophilia allegations against BB was he not also at one time a member of the Aryan Brotherhood? I am not sure that Newsom was referring to recreational use of marijuana.
Thank God! Hopefully now Gov. Newsom will follow suit and deny parole for Leslie Van Houten as well.
Columbo, thank you for saying I’m nice. Does that really mean kind of bleh- haha. I love how both parties call each other snow flakes. I’ve been called worse!! lol. Columbo let me explain about this El Salvadoran gang thing etc. It is terrible I do agree. However, I am very interested in history and how we come to these situations on a global as well as national scale. I actually do read various accounts of different events, certain questionable policies in third world countries etc. Anyway Ms 13 is not unlike your own Hell’s Angels organization which by the way has become a world criminal organization and has taken over many tourist spots in Asia and other countries much to the dismay of many law enforcement agencies. Again though you might call me liberal, I must emphasize that both our countries are made up of many different nationalities. Most people trying to get in are not criminals.
We have plenty of home grown criminals and terrorists. So we digress a bit from the Manson family though I did notice Newsom brought that aspect of domestic terrorism up re: helter skelter’s race war thing.
Pot and kettle, meet Columbo.
NJNP is that a witticism to do with marijuana? lol As a former and famously controversial PM of Canada when asked what he thought of the “pot” issue replied that everyone should have a little chicken in their pot. Of course it is legal now in Canada, Reefer madness and drug crazed hippies notwithstanding.
I am very curious now about the others like Bruce Davis who is coming up for parole and possibly Tex Watson? Of course LVH as well. Very interesting that on the No Parole for Manson member site to see who has the most signatures against. The one whose supporters claim she did not kill anyone.
A great day for justice. Next up LVH, she was convicted of two murders as compared to one for Bobby so we may have a preview of her fate.
Hey Columbo, isn’t Leslie one of those murderers who the state refused to put to death?
Cybele, I’m at that age where my mind still thinks I’m 29, my humor suggests I’m 12, while my body mostly keeps asking if I’m sure I’m not dead yet. (fav meme) As for LVH supporters saying she didn’t kill anyone, that is about as convoluted as political knee jerking. And yes, you are nice.
Fred, I noticed that throat reference too. Not good. One could argue Newsom did not review the case seriously. Nope, not good at all. The drug reference could very well be about legalized marijuana, and wasn’t there a meth deal somewhere involving Cupid? Or was that Tex?
Pam, if Cupid had not been caught, is it safe to say he too would have been involved in the other murders? He had proven his worth after three days of torture and murder of a supposed friend. Wonder why he was riding around in Hinman’s stolen car? Did he know what was coming down fast? We’ll really never know.
Newsom’s remark about the cut throat was sloppy, but in fairness, that slice Manson inflicted on Hinman did seem to go from ear to throat, so I can give him some wiggle room on that.
NJNP, yes, the meth deal played into Bobby’s crime, as Bobby alleged Hinman sold him some bad dope and needed to refund him. That seems to have been part of the motive.
And if he hadn’t been caught, he might well have been assigned Tex’s role in the Tate/LaBianca killings. After all, Charlie chose him, not Tex, to oversee the first murder (that we know of) Then again, Tex seemed more sold out to Charlie than Bobby, so maybe Bobby was only chosen for Hinman because of his prior relationship with him. Interesting question you posed.
it’s interesting though, as Columbo said they are looking for reasons not to allow the parole. Hmm, that must mean that they think these people are a danger in some way even if the governor is being swayed by politics or the people or the emotional impact. Maybe they will not go off to murder others again but their whole story of what they believed and acted upon was a danger and a great affront to society in general and all of them including Ms. Van Houten really have ended up reaping what they sowed. To me this crime still resonates with it’s social/ political/psychological ramifications and as stupid as they may have once been they can’t blame politics, or governors or as we know, most of the general population, etc for not wanting them free. Whether they will or not remains to be seen but the reluctance to free them has substance I believe.
you made an articulate point Columbo but at the same time why doesn’t the public feel safe to let them out? That’s what I was trying to say. I do see your point but at the same time it does seem that public opinion does matter here if that is what Governors go by.
Just for argument’s sake I have known a few messed up and troubled teens, rebellious teens and teens on drugs, as a volunteer at a local kid’s club. Outside of robbery, selling drugs and/or shoplifting I have never seen the type of crime the Manson gang did. Most of these kids have had quite horrendous home lives. And as I said before I have always found it hard to sympathetic with the Manson gang women ( except maybe for Atkins) because they did have a “reasonable” upbringing (compared to most who find themselves running amok with the law). They had advantages and options in their lives.
Michael, I was thinking along the same lines you posted. Just read the arrest report and Cupid stated he purchased Hinman’s car for $200 from black men.
For him to be not as touched by Manson, he sure did direct the HS narrative by blaming black men.
What Happens to a Parole Decision?
‘Once a decision is final, generally after the 120-day decision review period, the Governor has statutory authority under Penal Code sections 3041.1 and 3041.2 to review parole suitability decisions. Up to 90 days prior to a scheduled release date of an inmate, the Governor may request that the Board review its panel’s decision. When such a request is made, the matter is placed on the Board’s public meeting agenda and the public has the opportunity to give a 5-minute statement on whether the Board’s hearing decision should be upheld. If an inmate was convicted of murder, the Governor may reverse or modify the Board’s decision without referring it back to the Board for review.’
**Wonder if Newsom will go this route. Make the board face a public hearing, listening to the public’s view on LVH’s parole. Dollars to donuts the majority will rule and she’d be sent back to fester in her life choices another year. Interesting as it will no doubt be about the savage brutality of her crimes. Just as the current governor and past governors have stipulated in each reversal of parole. **
‘Approximately 1,400 out the of nearly 1,600 lifers that were reviewed in California’s prisons have been released over the past three years in California since Jerry Brown became governor. Under previous administrations, murderers and others sentenced to life with the possibility of parole almost never got out.
Governor Brown has affirmed 82% of parole board decisions, resulting in a record number of inmates with life sentences being released.
Brown’s predecessor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, authorized the release of 557 lifers during his six-year term, affirming a BPH decision to grant parole about 27 percent of the time. Before that, Governor Gray Davis approved just two lifer parole decisions during his entire three-year term.’
**Oh really? And yet if you keep reading it is highly political without mentioning political leanings.**
I hate research. I’d rather bitch and moan.
I call complete bullshit on that ridiculous drug burn motive. BB simply doesn’t want to admit that he went to Gary’s on Manson’s orders. Listen to the recording of Ella Jo Bailey on this website. Listen to the recording of Al Springer, who was a Straight Satan motorcycle rider. He was appalled at these people. Danny DeCarlo is a piece of shit too, but listen to his recording. How could anyone actual give any sort of credibility to this jackass story. Every fucking participant in the Hinman murder says that BB was sent there to get money. If this was a drug thing, where did the money go? Gary had been saving money to go to Japan. You think it he had $1,000 cash on him, he would’ve been that stubborn to not hand it over? BB, Mary Brunner & Susan made that man wait in scared agony, then killed him and left him to rot. BB is an egotistical, delusional slob. He thinks himself some sort of celebrity and that’s his biggest problem. He doesn’t deserve parole whatsoever. He has tarnished his victim’s memory by labeling Gary a drug dealer. That’s truly nauseating!
I call complete bullshit on that ridiculous drug burn motive. BB simply doesn’t want to admit that he went to Gary’s on Manson’s orders. Listen to the recording of Ella Jo Bailey on this website. Listen to the recording of Al Springer, who was a Straight Satan motorcycle rider. He was appalled at these people. Danny DeCarlo is a piece of s*it too, but listen to his recording. How could anyone actual give any sort of credibility to this jackass story. Every f*cking participant in the Hinman murder says that BB was sent there to get money. If this was a drug thing, where did the money go? Gary had been saving money to go to Japan. You think it he had $1,000 cash on him, he would’ve been that stubborn to not hand it over? BB, Mary Brunner & Susan made that man wait in scared agony, then killed him and left him to rot. BB is an egotistical, delusional slob. He thinks himself some sort of celebrity and that’s his biggest problem. He doesn’t deserve parole whatsoever. He has tarnished his victim’s memory by labeling Gary a drug dealer. That’s truly nauseating!
I have to agree with Lee, for, although I too read that GH had allegedly “burned” the family in a drug deal despite assertions from others that there is actually no basis/truth in this claim and that BB had simply been sent to GH’s home to get money, Manson believing that GH had recently received an inheritance. What occurred to GH in those horrible few days at the hands of those whom many today sympathize with was simply a slaughter, and demonstrates, why, in my opinion, that many of us feel these murders should stay locked up until their own demise (and here I am in total agreement with PK who stated once “what we did is unforgiveable”): if any crimes demand incarnation for life, it is crimes like those perpetrated on the victims of the Manson killings. I concede that there have been countless crimes with levels of brutality that are mind boggling, and knowing that in many cases the ones responsible for such atrocities now walk free; however my feelings are that these occurrences are truly a travesty of justice, and the problems/concerns are not the continued incarceration for the Manson killers, but the fact that those of their ilk who were convicted of committing similar crimes are now free. And if the notoriety of the case/perpetrators/victims is the driving force that keeps these destroyers behind bars, good. It’s too bad that life without parole was not an option when the U.S. Supreme Court abolished the death penalty back in 1972. Then at least the families of those lost during this killing spree would (perhaps) have more of a sense of closure, and not be subjected to attending parole hearings in their search for justice (and believe me, having attended two parole hearings for the man who murdered my dear, sweet cousin many years ago, it is one of the most brutal experiences you’ll ever go through).
Lee I agree with you about the drug burn being crap, but that is the narrative from Cupid and he’s stuck with it. They wanted money for dune buggies and supplies to prepare for HS, which was the proven motive. I also believe there was the big get even due to Manson not making it musically. I believe it was the prosecutors mistake not to introduce that part of the motive as it has left speculation wide open. I’m speculative of Newsom including the drugs as part of his reversal. Glad he did, just wondering why.
Gary Hinman was the first victim and he is always forgotten or at best receives a mere mention. (as does Shorty Shea) His murder was just as horrific as the others suffered, if not more so due to the three days of torture preceding his death.
Stephen Craig, I truly am sorry for the murder of your cousin. No one really understands unless they go through it, being member of a club no one wants to belong to is a terrible experience. Guess that’s why I’m the curmudgeon of the board. Victims just want their loved ones to never be forgotten, to not be known as a murder victim or statistic, but that they lived. They had a life brutally ripped from them.
It’s up to us to never let them forget.
I appreciate your thoughts, “NJNP”, and it because of my family’s experience dealing with the murder/aftermath, that I feel the way I do about people like those discussed in this forum. Loosing a loved one to murder is a “unique” experience, and one that evokes emotions that are hard to describe. The utter “unfairness” of it all is staggering, and the way the brutality of the act forever taints the way you look at the world, others, and personal safety is overwhelming. The man responsible for my cousin’s death served 25 years of his 25 to year life sentence, after which he was up for parole. My other cousin (the victims brother) and I “represented” not our family, but more importantly, our murdered loved one at this hearing, and, although we had “steeled” ourselves for the experience, once the perpetrator was brought into the room and the hearing began, I felt such an overwhelming sense of sadness, so “deep” that I thought I was literally going to be sick. I remember reaching for my cousin’s hand under the table and throughout the whole ordeal we sat there, gripping each other’s hands under this table, as if to give each other the strength to make it through this process. And believe me, we needed all the “strength” we could get, for it was a horrible experience on many, many levels. Yet we were willing to go through it for Kenny (my cousin), for we were determined to demonstrate to the board that we were not there to talk about a “footnote” to this crime, but a person; a real-life human being who had his hopes, his dreams, his fears, his triumphs (and more importantly, that he was loved and missed in ways that words cannot describe). Kenny’s killer did not receive his parole that go-round, but he did three years later. His family was there to greet him as he left prison, laughing/smiling/all dressed up and carrying balloons and flowers. A local news reporter asked what he was planning to do when he got home, and he said something along the lines of “eat some good home cooking and get my life back” When asked if he had anything to say to the family of the victim, he replied (something along the lines of) “I’m moving forward with my life. So should they”. Of course, that was easier said than done because for us, there was no homecoming, Kenny wasn’t getting his life back, our family wasn’t “whole” again. Kenny was dead, and his killer was now a free man. So anyway, when I read people say that Manson killers have spent enough time in jail, that so-and-so is a political prisoner, that holding someone down while someone else tries to stab them is not so bad, etc…, I do have to wonder about their levels of compassion. I know that in our case there were defense attorney’s/supporters/family members of my cousin’s killer who wanted my family to just “go way” for they were taken aback by family’s refusal to back down from lobbying for continued incarceration. For them, we were simply a reminder of the slaughter their loved one had committed, and our continuous involvement in the process and support for Kenny was a reminder of what their loved one was: a killer. And they clearly didn’t want to be “confused” by the facts, and instead wanted to create a false narrative that minimized that actions/damages done to the victim, allowed them to rationalize behavior, and demonstrate a lack of humanity that was, for me, appalling. And I see the same thing happening here with Manson family members who we now comment on.
Stephen your post really resonated with me too and I agree! I don’t understand how anyone on being given the gift of freedom after committing such a crime can celebrate and rejoice knowing that some one else is grieving. Just go quietly and with shame!! I suppose if I was their family member I might be happy that they are coming home but not with fanfare etc.
On saying that I agree with you that those that get out after committing such a horrendous crime are a travesty of justice usually. The Manson gang are really an example of those who should never get out. They were horribly cruel and callous and left such horror at the time and tragedy in their wake.
Well said Stephen, perfectly expressed.
Cupid has stuck with it, because he doesn’t have a choice. He started that ridiculous, asinine lie about Gary, just so he could try minimizing his Manson involvement. Why would every person involved other than him insist after 50 years that it was a planned robbery? It’s stupid. He isn’t ever going to get out, nor does he deserve to. Recording artist, my ass!
Snort, yeah, like a conservative republican Governor would grant parole to any Manson follower. They’ve got a better chance with Newsom.
The only thing I can possibly come up with for the AA and substance abuse is Bobby is busy making pruno in prison.
BB is better off where he is right now. What is he going to do to support himself if he gets out tomorrow? He gets regular meals and health care where he is. He won’t get those once out and meth cooking isn’t a career. Which is about the only thing he’s qualified for.
I simply don’t see this guy being able to support himself without turning to crime.
Christy, didn’t you hear? Bobby Beausoleil won’t need any job when released! The public will be so grateful that he will be out & free to start recording AND touring again, that he’ll have millions upon millions from record sales. His artwork will sell in galleries worldwide too! You see, Bobby Beausoleil was railroaded by Gary Hinman into wasting away in a prison cell for decades all because Gary sold him bunk and he was going to get beat up by the bikers at the ranch! The world has been a miserable & sad place without having access to this man’s recordings & tours! He was so well known and played in so many famous bands that people will be paying him simply for being free……NOT!
No one ever wants any of the Manson family out, no way no how. Their names and their crime are synonymous with senseless horror and will go down in history as such. Any one who could participate in such acts, brainwashed or not can never be fully trusted again, no matter how rehabilitated they are in a controlled setting.
I am not surprised by the governors decision although I did feel for a time Bobby was rehabilitated to the degree one can become in jail. I was kinda rooting for Bobby for some time but the kiddy porn made by him in jail was when I started to feel differently. I don’t feel he can be held responsible for crimes he MAY have committed had he not already been in custody and therefore wasn’t involved with mass murders . I I feel Cupid has been his own worst enemy during all his parole hearings. What drug are they afraid he will relapse on ? Marijuana which is now legal ?? How does that compute in California now. I do think Bobby is talented musically and I do feel in his own mind he has done his best. He had so promise when he was young. I do wish Bobby peace and I think you could get out if you could just get you ego until control.
In an interview Vincent Bugliosi himself said the only Manson family member he could ever see being paroled was Leslie Van Houten from the Tate-LaBianca murders.
Columboid…you have proven yourself to be a rabid Hannity/Bow Tie Bitch/Lingram whore.
Stop. Just fucking stop with your extended poli-spew.
Seems to me you have your nuts in an oak tree knot twist.
Linda: Like anyone with have a…. I digress.
The California justice system, in this instance at least, is working just fine…but thanks for your concern.
The Parole Boards are doing their job, which is to make recommendations about parole, and a succession of Governors, thankfully including the current one, have been doing their jobs as well….which in this instance is to take the PB’s recommendation into account, review the history, and then make a legal decision as to whether or not parole is granted.
Maybe you should run for Governor if you don’t like the current one’s legal decisions.
Too funny Lee! Wish I’d come back earlier. We are heading into the 50 year anniversary.
Yeah, sure Colombo. We’re only the fifth largest economy in the world so I guess California government must be doing something wrong.
It’s obvious that none of the 5 Manson members still in prison are going to get out. No matter how many times the parole board recommends parole, the governor, whoever it is, will turn it down. The only chance any of the Manson gang has is with the courts, and their position must be that the governors are nullifying the very purpose of a parole board.
It’s obvious that none of the 5 Manson members still in prison are going to get out. No matter how many times the parole board recommends parole, the governor, whoever it is, will turn it down. The only chance any of the Manson gang has is with the courts, and their position must be that the governors are nullifying the very purpose of a parole board.
It’s obvious that none of the 5 Manson members still in prison are going to get out. No matter how many times the parole board recommends parole, the governor, whoever it is, will turn it down. The only chance any of the Manson gang has is with the courts, and their position must be that the governors are nullifying the very purpose of a parole board.
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In the two decades since launched, we have disclosed over 80 thousand pages of case documents, obtained and restored thousands of original photographs, as well as releasing numerous hours of investigative audio recordings. As we forge on, we remain focused on our efforts to lobby law enforcement agencies to disclose the entirety of their case files. Thank you for your support, without it, our common goal would be unattainable.
The Family
Tate - LaBianca Murders
Gary Hinman Murder
Hinman / Shea Murders
© 2025