Category Archives: Audio Archives
Audio Archives: Rudolf Weber, December 29, 1969 interviewed by Sgt. Robert Calkins
Sunday, March 10th, 2013
Mar. 10 – For this installment of the Audio Archives, we travel back to Monday, December 29, 1969 and listen to Sgt. Robert Calkins interview Rudolf Weber.
Rudolf Weber was awoken by the sound of running water around 1 a.m. on Saturday, August 9, 1969. Expecting to find a burst pipe, Weber instead found Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, Linda Kasabian, and Charles “Tex” Watson using his water hose just minutes after the group had committed the Tate murders less than two miles down the canyon.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Mr. Weber, we now have a tape recorder running and uh, we’re on tape and, we’re here with Jim Rabe, the uh – our reporter. My name is Sergant Calkins, to identify myself. You’re name is Rudy Weber –
RUDOLF WEBER: Rudolf Weber, yes.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: – is that correct? And uh, could you tell me Mr. Weber your home address and your business address?
RUDOLF WEBER: Well, I live at 9870 Portola Drive, Beverly Hills – that’s post office Beverly Hills.
And I work as Stewart at Brentwood Country Club, 590 South Burlingame, West L.A., 49
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Alright, now your house I believe you say has a mailing address of Beverly Hills, it’s actually in the city of Los Angeles.
RUDOLF WEBER: It’s actually West L.A.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: West L.A., right, ok.
Now…Your residence on Portola Drive, I believe that street’s a dead end street; is that correct?
RUDOLF WEBER: It’s just a dead end street.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Your house is uh, on the south side of the street, about, what about two or three hundred yards from Benedict Canyon?
RUDOLF WEBER: Well, I would say that —
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: approximately.
RUDOLF WEBER: – about three hundred feet.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Your house is uh, somewhat of a hillside house –
RUDOLF WEBER: It is, yes.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: – where the lot runs up behind the house —
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: – very steeply to the south.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Now, on – in the early morning hours of August, the ninth, 1969…uh, an incident occurred at your house that, we’re interested in.
Would you go back to the time, that you went to bed – or approximately the time you went to bed, and relate to us, as best you can, everything that happened as far as you know?
RUDOLF WEBER: Well, to the best of my recollection…we went to bed around 9 o’clock which is our usual bed time –
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Who…Who is we? excuse me.
RUDOLF WEBER: My wife and I.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Would you identify your wife, please?
RUDOLF WEBER: Her name in Mila(?)
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Alright, thank you.
RUDOLF WEBER: We, uh – ‘cause I have to be at work at 6 o’clock in the morning. So, about – it must’ve been about 1 o’clock, I heard the uh, the sound of, running water. So uh, I jumped out of bed, and grabbed the flashlight, and I went downstairs, under the basement, opened the garage door; thinking that something had gone wrong with the plumbing.
Uh, there was nothing wrong with it. I couldn’t see any water of any kind. And then I heard voices…on the street, outside.
So I went over, and here were four people standing. And of course you know the exact place.
RUDOLF WEBER: Around the corner there.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: That’s actually in the street.
RUDOLF WEBER: In the street, uh. And uh, I put the flashlight on them. And I said, ‘Just what do you think you’re doing?’
And the man says – he looked to me like – they all looked to me like teenagers. And this one man, the only man, of course – a rather tall fellow, just looked at me and says, “Hi”.
He says, “We’re just getting a drink of water…and we’re sorry we disturbed you.”
And looking over, the people, I figured well, they’re just teenagers out on a Friday night.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Would you describe the people, each one if you can?
RUDOLF WEBER: Well, I cannot describe the people except the man – the boy – was rather tall, the girls I hardly saw, except I knew one of them was rather, short stature.
So, uh —
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Were they all caucasian? Or were they negro? Or did you make that determination?
RUDOLF WEBER: Well, that I couldn’t say, but from what I would guess, they were all caucasian.
So, uh, I went back and turned the water hose off – turned the water off. And in the meanwhile, the girls did not say anything, he’s the only one who spoke.
The girls started walking down, and then I – then I look down the street and see a car parked, facing west; towards the main canyon, Benedict Canyon. Uh, which looked to me unusual because all around, residences on the street, nobody parks on the street. We all have a parking space.
So I said, “Is that your car?”
“No it’s not, we’re walking.”
Uh, so they started to precede to go down the street toward the car…in front of me, and I followed them. And when they got to the car…he I believe opened the back door, to the, to the back seat. And the girls got in. And the dome light was on and I happened to look inside the car and it was all messed up and dirty and so on and so forth, and uh, things on the floor.
He closed the door and he got into the driver’s seat. So, in order to uh, scare ‘em, I acted as if I was going to reach for the keys. And that minute he stepped on the starter and took off before he closed the door – down the street.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Did you notice which way they turned, uh, when —
RUDOLF WEBER: That, I couldn’t say —
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: — they got to the canyon.
RUDOLF WEBER: — after they – they took off like that, I walked back up again and we went back to bed again.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Ok now, just a couple of things – you said it was 1 o’clock, or approximately 1 o’clock when you uh, heard water running. Was that A.M. or P.M.?
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Alright, now —
RUDOLF WEBER: It would be Saturday morning A.M.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: The plumbing underneath your house is exposed from the garage is that correct, most of it?
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Is that the reason you ran into the garage?
RUDOLF WEBER: Well, the plumbing is all underneath the house —
RUDOLF WEBER: — but you can see every single pipe, and uh, connect with everything else.
Now, just – let me describe the front of your house and see if you agree with me. Uh, you come down a rather steep few steps, from the east side of the house. And uh, at the base of the steps, uh, against the house is where the hose is connected.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: And you keep your hose in that general area, and so it runs out into the street and to the right, and up into uh, a sort of a planter area, that you water.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: And so it would be visible, very readily from the street, is that correct?
RUDOLF WEBER: That’s right. Anybody that would go down the street would see it.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: And it’s there most of the time, and it was there that night?
RUDOLF WEBER: It’s there most of the time because the hose connection is so hard, to connect, for some reason. That’s – we just leave it on, and uh, the hose (inaudible) stay in that area. Water there and then take the hose and water the other part of it.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: At the night – the night we’re talking about – about – or the very early morning hours, the hose was out there so it could be seen from the street?
RUDOLF WEBER: Could be seen from the street.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Now there’s no curbs, and there’s no sidewalks in front of your house, is that correct?
RUDOLF WEBER: No curbs, no sidewalks and no street lights.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: So, it’s quite a dark area, is that correct?
RUDOLF WEBER: Yes, it is.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Alright, now, there – where the car that was parked there, that these people got into and left, that’s an illegal parking area, is that correct?
RUDOLF WEBER: That’s right, it’s right next to the sign that says no parking at anytime.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Alright. You had a flashlight with you, correct?
RUDOLF WEBER: I had, yes.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Was it in pretty good working there?
RUDOLF WEBER: Well, I’ll say yeah.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Alright. Now, at the time you followed these people down to the car, did any of them make any statements at all except the man?
RUDOLF WEBER: Well, after they started towards the car, nobody said anything.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: I see. Then what was the only statement the man made?
RUDOLF WEBER: Uh, he only said “Hi” and uh, “We’re just getting a drink of water, sorry to disturb you” and when I asked him, “Is that your car down the street?” he said, “No, we’re walking.”
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: And that’s all that was said.
RUDOLF WEBER: That was all – all that was said that I can remember.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Now, at the time you walked down towards the car, your wife was with you, is that correct?
RUDOLF WEBER: No, she was staying behind. I was actually behind (inaudible)
RUDOLF WEBER: — (inaudible) about three or four feet.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: As you approach the car, did you take notice of the license plate?
RUDOLF WEBER: Well I (inaudible) I pointed the flashlight on the license plate.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: On the rear license plate?
RUDOLF WEBER: On the rear license plate, yes.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: And did you memorize that number?
RUDOLF WEBER: Well, I memorized it at the time, but later on I wrote it on – when I got back home again I put it on a piece of paper. And, uh, kept it there for awhile. But then I remembered the number so I through the paper away.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: I see. So what is the number that you memorized?
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: And that was a California license?
RUDOLF WEBER: A black background with yellow letters.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Ok. Do you know what kind of car, uh?
RUDOLF WEBER: No, it was an old car, and the paint on it wasn’t – it wasn’t shiny anymore; it was all – what do you call it?
RUDOLF WEBER: Oxidized and to me it seemed to be a Beige, color or that type – Tan or Beige.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: It was a fairly light car, anyway.
RUDOLF WEBER: It was a light car and to it was – I couldn’t tell you, it might’ve been a Ford or Chevrolet, I just didn’t know.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: It was a rather older model, anyway.
RUDOLF WEBER: It was an old car, yes.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Is there anything else about the car that you remember? Was there any fenders dented?
RUDOLF WEBER: That I couldn’t say, because once the girls get in and he got in the car and then he took off.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Did they turn their lights on as they took off or do you remember?
RUDOLF WEBER: Well, that I don’t remember.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Do you remember seeing any tail lights as they drove off?
RUDOLF WEBER: I’m not sure of that.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Ok. Now, you said you saw some of the material or something on the floor of the car when the dome light was on, when they opened the door. Did you determine if it was clothing or do you have any recollection of any of it?
RUDOLF WEBER: Well, I don’t think it was clothing. It looked to me like blankets or something like that.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Ok, Did you determine whether it was dark or light?
RUDOLF WEBER: It was not dark, it was uh, – well, uh – it was definitely not dark.
RUDOLF WEBER: But I only saw a hint of it, because as soon as they got in he slammed the door.
Now, uh – in the past, have you had trouble with uh, hippies, or uh, young individuals up in the canyon, or up at your house? Have you had cause for concern?
RUDOLF WEBER: Well, yes we’ve had. Uh, because uh, quite a few houses are for rent. As a matter of fact there’s not too many people that actually own their house – most of them are rentals.
Well, a bunch of hippies would come in, perhaps one person would rent the house. And – any house were awful high rental, rent was high. And the first thing, three or four or five or more would move in. And then they stayed for awhile and then they move out again and others come in. Uh, I mean we’ve – other unsavory types of, like this. Like – I don’t know – you might say, marijuana smokers, stuff like this. And so the neighborhood has been plagued by these uh, (inaudible) . Uh, we have some vacant houses across the street that haven’t been lived in for a year. And somehow, it seems to have an attraction to all these hippie type people. They come along and they can sense that this house is not occupied. So they park and they snoop around, and go behind the house, and uh, in other words, they do something they’re not supposed to do.
So we’re all concerned with something happening on the street. And that was my only concern, that, uh, I took all that trouble with these people, to see what the car was, what the license number was. In case something might’ve happened in that particular street. So later on I could say that this particular car and these people had been in the street. But then, nothing had happened so uh, I didn’t pay much attention to any of it.
RUDOLF WEBER: (inaudible) I said well, they’re a bunch of teenagers out on a Friday night and they’re (inaudible) around. And I thought, if I do call the police, and tell them about that, I’m afraid possibly I wouldn’t get much response because they say uh, “well, it’s a bunch of teenagers using your water, so what?”
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: But this was part of the fact that you have an unoccupied house across the street and that it is a fairly lonesome area up there. This is, this is one of things that was in your mind when you went out and saw these people.
RUDOLF WEBER: It is, yeah. Just (inaudible) the street to see if anything had happened?
RUDOLF WEBER: And as I pointed out before, when this story broke, uh, it never occurred to me to connect the two of them together.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: What’s the address of the unoccupied house across the street from you?
RUDOLF WEBER: 9863 Portola.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Alright, thank you.
Now, we were out there today uh, yourself, and Mr. Bugliosi of the D.A.’s office, and myself and a photographer from the police department. And we photographed, the front of your house and the area in which this incident occurred. And, that this time, that area is substantially the same as it was the night of the incident, except of course for the darkness.
RUDOLF WEBER: Exactly the same.
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: And the hose is in the same position.
RUDOLF WEBER: The hose is stuck in the same position.
I can’t think of anything else. Do you have anything else that you can think of?
RUDOLF WEBER: Well, now, what about this girl that lives two houses up?
SGT. ROBERT CALKINS: Well, we’ll take care of that later, we won’t put that on this now.
I think that’s about it.
JIM RABE: Mr. Weber give me that license number again to make sure I get it right.
RUDOLF WEBER: Well, G as in George, Y-Y 4-35.
JIM RABE: 435, and your address, how do you spell that? P-O-R?
JIM RABE: And the number again was?
JIM RABE: Just wanted to make sure I got those too.
Ok, thank you.
RUDOLF WEBER: I don’t see how you can make that stuff out again.
JIM RABE: (laughs) Sometimes you can’t, then you’re in trouble.
Thank you very much.
RUDOLF WEBER: No, thank you.
Audio Archives: Gregg Jakobson interviewed by Deputy District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi, February 20, 1970 – Tape Four
Thursday, January 31st, 2013
“There was a change in his lifestyle”
Jan. 31 – In our fourth and final installment of the February 20, 1970 Gregg Jakobson interview, Jakobson tells Vincent Bugliosi that Charlie Manson believed women had two purposes, to serve man and to have, but not raise, children.
Jakobson discusses hearing about Charlie shooting Bernard Crowe from Bryn Lukashevsky and Dennis Wilson.
“Did he admit to you that he shot the black man?” questions Bugliosi.
“No, never really did,” answers Jakobson, “he said ‘I’m hot, things were getting hotter. I have to get out of here, I can’t stay here.’”
Jakobson tells Bugliosi of a change he saw in Charlie in the early part of 1969. That Manson started hanging around motorcycle gangs and began acquiring bikes and dune buggies.

Gregg Jakobson
Gregg Jakobson, 30 years-old at the time of this interview, was a musician and talent scout who met Charlie Manson in the spring of 1968 at his friend’s house, Beach Boys drummer Dennis Wilson.
Born an orphan in St. Paul, Minnesota, Jakobson moved to California with his adopted mother in the early 1950s. In high school Gregg began acting, eventually landing a small role on The Doris Day Show, where he befriended her son, Terry Melcher.
Jakobson, who found the Manson “family” interesting and often discussed philosophy with Charlie, talked about wanting to film a documentary on the group’s lifestyle.
He testified for the state in the first Tate-LaBianca murder trial, again in 1971 when Tex Watson was tried, and finally in 1977 when Leslie Van Houten was retried.
Jakobson co-wrote two albums with his friend Dennis Wilson, Pacific Ocean Blue and Bambu. Dennis passed away during the recording of Bambu and the album was shelved until 2007 when Jakobson was finally able to get it released.

Deputy District Attorney Vincent T. Bugliosi
Deputy District Attorney Vincent T. Bugliosi, 35 years-old at the time of this interview, had been with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office for 5 years. Born in Hibbing, Minnesota, Bugliosi had attended the University of Miami on a tennis scholarship, followed by law school at UCLA .
Bugliosi became a member of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office in 1964. He was assigned to the Tate-LaBianca murder case on November 18, 1969.
During his 8 year career with the District Attorney’s office, Bugliosi tried 106 felony jury trials, obtaining convictions in all but one case. Bugliosi ran for District Attorney in 1972 and for Attorney General in 1974 and 1976, losing each election.
Vincent Bugliosi’s book about the Manson case, Helter Skelter, was released in 1974 and went on to become the best selling true crime book of all time.
Audio Archives: Gregg Jakobson interviewed by Deputy District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi, February 20, 1970 – Tape Three
Wednesday, January 30th, 2013
“He believed this was happening now”
Jan. 30 – In part three of the February 20, 1970 Gregg Jakobson interview, Gregg and Deputy District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi read through Revelation 9 and discuss which verses Charlie Manson would talk about.
Jakobson and Bugliosi talk about the relationships within “the family” and how everyone within the group gave themselves up to Charlie.
“He was the unquestioned leader of the group, was he not?” asks Bugliosi.
“Oh there was no question,” answers Jakobson.

Gregg Jakobson
Gregg Jakobson, 30 years-old at the time of this interview, was a musician and talent scout who met Charlie Manson in the spring of 1968 at his friend’s house, Beach Boys drummer Dennis Wilson.
Born an orphan in St. Paul, Minnesota, Jakobson moved to California with his adopted mother in the early 1950s. In high school Gregg began acting, eventually landing a small role on The Doris Day Show, where he befriended her son, Terry Melcher.
Jakobson, who found the Manson “family” interesting and often discussed philosophy with Charlie, talked about wanting to film a documentary on the group’s lifestyle.
He testified for the state in the first Tate-LaBianca murder trial, again in 1971 when Tex Watson was tried, and finally in 1977 when Leslie Van Houten was retried.
Jakobson co-wrote two albums with his friend Dennis Wilson, Pacific Ocean Blue and Bambu. Dennis passed away during the recording of Bambu and the album was shelved until 2007 when Jakobson was finally able to get it released.

Deputy District Attorney Vincent T. Bugliosi
Deputy District Attorney Vincent T. Bugliosi, 35 years-old at the time of this interview, had been with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office for 5 years. Born in Hibbing, Minnesota, Bugliosi had attended the University of Miami on a tennis scholarship, followed by law school at UCLA .
Bugliosi became a member of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office in 1964. He was assigned to the Tate-LaBianca murder case on November 18, 1969.
During his 8 year career with the District Attorney’s office, Bugliosi tried 106 felony jury trials, obtaining convictions in all but one case. Bugliosi ran for District Attorney in 1972 and for Attorney General in 1974 and 1976, losing each election.
Vincent Bugliosi’s book about the Manson case, Helter Skelter, was released in 1974 and went on to become the best selling true crime book of all time.
Audio Archives: Gregg Jakobson interviewed by Deputy District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi, February 20, 1970 – Tape Two
Tuesday, January 29th, 2013
“He spoke mostly of Revelation 9”
Jan. 29 – In part two of the February 20, 1970 Gregg Jakobson interview, Gregg and Deputy District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi discuss the Beatles, Charlie Manson’s impressions of the White Album and Revelation 9.
“Did Charlie play revolution 9 quite a bit?” questions Bugliosi.
“Oh yeah,” answers Jakobson. “Revelation 9 and Blackbirds and Helter Skelter.”
“[Charlie] used these [songs] as arguments to back his beliefs; that the revolution was at hand. All these things he would turn around, to mean to him, that look out man, Helter Skelter is coming down, it’s time to choose sides.”

Gregg Jakobson
Gregg Jakobson, 30 years-old at the time of this interview, was a musician and talent scout who met Charlie Manson in the spring of 1968 at his friend’s house, Beach Boys drummer Dennis Wilson.
Born an orphan in St. Paul, Minnesota, Jakobson moved to California with his adopted mother in the early 1950s. In high school Gregg began acting, eventually landing a small role on The Doris Day Show, where he befriended her son, Terry Melcher.
Jakobson, who found the Manson “family” interesting and often discussed philosophy with Charlie, talked about wanting to film a documentary on the group’s lifestyle.
He testified for the state in the first Tate-LaBianca murder trial, again in 1971 when Tex Watson was tried, and finally in 1977 when Leslie Van Houten was retried.
Jakobson co-wrote two albums with his friend Dennis Wilson, Pacific Ocean Blue and Bambu. Dennis passed away during the recording of Bambu and the album was shelved until 2007 when Jakobson was finally able to get it released.

Deputy District Attorney Vincent T. Bugliosi
Deputy District Attorney Vincent T. Bugliosi, 35 years-old at the time of this interview, had been with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office for 5 years. Born in Hibbing, Minnesota, Bugliosi had attended the University of Miami on a tennis scholarship, followed by law school at UCLA .
Bugliosi became a member of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office in 1964. He was assigned to the Tate-LaBianca murder case on November 18, 1969.
During his 8 year career with the District Attorney’s office, Bugliosi tried 106 felony jury trials, obtaining convictions in all but one case. Bugliosi ran for District Attorney in 1972 and for Attorney General in 1974 and 1976, losing each election.
Vincent Bugliosi’s book about the Manson case, Helter Skelter, was released in 1974 and went on to become the best selling true crime book of all time.
Audio Archives: Gregg Jakobson interviewed by Deputy District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi, February 20, 1970 – Tape One
Monday, January 28th, 2013
“He had a thousand faces and he used them all”
Jan. 28 – For this installment of the Audio Archives, we will travel back to Friday, February 20, 1970 and listen to Deputy District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi interview Gregg Jakobson, in Bugliosi’s office at the Hall of Justice.
In this interview, Jakobson tells Bugliosi about Charlies philosophies on death, changes, how you could do no wrong, and how Manson would take people for rides in cars and deliberately try to scare them.

Gregg Jakobson
Gregg Jakobson, 30 years-old at the time of this interview, was a musician and talent scout who met Charlie Manson in the spring of 1968 at his friend’s house, Beach Boys drummer Dennis Wilson.
Born an orphan in St. Paul, Minnesota, Jakobson moved to California with his adopted mother in the early 1950s. In high school Gregg began acting, eventually landing a small role on The Doris Day Show, where he befriended her son, Terry Melcher.
Jakobson, who found the Manson “family” interesting and often discussed philosophy with Charlie, talked about wanting to film a documentary on the group’s lifestyle.
He testified for the state in the first Tate-LaBianca murder trial, again in 1971 when Tex Watson was tried, and finally in 1977 when Leslie Van Houten was retried.
Jakobson co-wrote two albums with his friend Dennis Wilson, Pacific Ocean Blue and Bambu. Dennis passed away during the recording of Bambu and the album was shelved until 2007 when Jakobson was finally able to get it released.

Deputy District Attorney Vincent T. Bugliosi
Deputy District Attorney Vincent T. Bugliosi, 35 years-old at the time of this interview, had been with the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office for 5 years. Born in Hibbing, Minnesota, Bugliosi had attended the University of Miami on a tennis scholarship, followed by law school at UCLA.
Bugliosi became a member of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office in 1964. He was assigned to the Tate-LaBianca murder case on November 18, 1969.
During his 8 year career with the District Attorney’s office, Bugliosi tried 106 felony jury trials, obtaining convictions in all but one case. Bugliosi ran for District Attorney in 1972 and for Attorney General in 1974 and 1976, losing each election.
Vincent Bugliosi’s book about the Manson case, Helter Skelter, was released in 1974 and went on to become the best selling true crime book of all time.