Mar. 1 – Parole for former Manson family member Bruce Davis was denied today, after California Governor Jerry Brown reversed an October 2012 Board of Parole Hearings recommendation that would’ve set Davis free.
Davis, 70, is serving a life sentence for the 1969 murders of Gary Hinman and Donald “Shorty” Shea. He has twice been recommended for parole and twice been denied by Governor review. In June of 2010, then governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger reversed a Board of Parole Hearings decision that would’ve granted Davis parole, saying, “I believe his release would pose an unreasonable risk of danger of society at this time.”

Too bad, so sad, Thank you Jerry…
Thank you Govenor Brown. You made the correct decision.
for folks who want to listen to the attorney for bruce davis, michael beckman was on the Brian Davis Show a few days ago to discuss same.
when asked how rare it was to have a client be approved by the parole board and subsequently denied by the gov., attorney beckman mentioned that this was not so uncommon and in fact he had one client be approved by the parole board and then rejected by the gov more than five times.
It was actually eight times but I’m sure that the case had alot of other factors that kept him in lockup. Bruce has done all the right things since 72 when he became Christian….. he is seventy and unless I am an extremely bad judge of character I do not see this man going to a halfway house and starting another family and going on a killing spree, like Lynn Fromme, I think he want’s to live his last years in peace. He has done the right thing, Manson has not and yet they are in the same boat………the fact that he was a Manson family member is what is keeping him in……Los Angeles, LA, Hollywood, and movies of the Family are what have kept the general public in fear despite the fact that most of them can be grandparents and even great-grandparents. I think Bruce deserves to be treated like a human being and I don’t think that Gov. Browns reason for denying parole “Bruce needs to explain why he championed the families cause and what other damage may have been caused at their hands” This is just someone who is using the past to convict someone forty years later.. anyone seen Shawshank Redemption…. I dunno, I just expected that from Arnold despite his morals being in a trash can himself but I really thought Brown would study this and find that Bruce should be given a chance…. Fromme, Good, Clem, Share, and others are all doing well……..Bruce is deserving of the same………unfortunately in California Hollywood money from the Tate family (whom Bruce had nothing to do with) sure does help make a Gov. decide which way to go when his campaign contributions could be drastically reduced if he didn’t cut Bruce in half………all BS politics if you ask me.. if you have any comments, agreements, or even disagreements let me know I want to hear something educated. Thank you.
Cris 1967″*.
His was sentenced to death in 1971 and has his sentence commuted to life. A Life sentence means life in prison till death. Releasing him destroys the purpose of his sentence.
Actually, Bruce was never sentenced to death.
Completely political. And you know it’s not the actual Governor deciding and writing this, right? It’s his “people.” Governors are way too busy to personally review the hundreds of parole recommendations that come across their desks.
Chris1967, what did you mean by the Tate family’s money? There is only one Tate left, and she isn’t wealthy at all. What you said is not accurate.