• Bobby Beausoleil Granted Parole

Bobby Beausoleil Granted Parole

Tuesday, January 7th, 2025

VACAVILLE, Jan. 7 – Bobby Beausoleil was found suitable for parole at a hearing held today by the California Board of Parole Hearings.

Beausoleil, 77, is serving a term of 7-years-to-life, for the 1969 murder of Gary Hinman. He was recommended for parole in 2019 but Governor Gavin Newsom reversed the grant due to the heinous nature of the crime and Beausoleil’s limited insight regarding it. He was denied parole in 2020 and 2022, but successfully petitioned the Superior Court to vacate those hearings.

Beausoleil was tried twice for the murder of Hinman: first in November 1969, which ended in a hung jury, and again in April 1970, when he was convicted of first-degree murder. He was sentenced to death on April 15, 1970, but his sentence was commuted to life in prison in 1972 when the death penalty was temporarily abolished.

Today’s decision will undergo a review by the Board of Parole Hearings. Then it will be reviewed by Governor Gavin Newsom, who will either confirm, reverse, modify or take no action on the grant. The decision will be finalized no later than June 6, 2025.

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16 Responses to Bobby Beausoleil Granted Parole

  1. Sean K. says:

    Seemed inevitable after Van Houten walked. Bruce Davis will be next and then, before you know it, they’ll be taking another hard look at Krenwinkel. I can’t remember exactly why Mary Brunner was able to skate in the Hinman case. After all, she and Sadie were right there with Bobby, tormenting and torturing poor Gary in the horrific hours after Charlie mercilessly chopped off half his ear (with the goon Davis acting as sidekick). Doesn’t the lore follow that Atkins then attempted to sew the severed lobe back on with dental floss? Must have been wonderful for Gary!

    I guess you can make the argument that 55 years is enough and that the only reason they’re still there is because of the fame and notoriety of the Manson murders. Despite all that, Tex and Katie need to stay put. Period.

    • Nancy Farrell says:

      I read that Mary was granted immunity if she testified against Bobby in his first trial. She took back all her testimony and said Bobby didn’t do it when Bobby himself was allowed to cross-examine her. Because she had been granted immunity, there was nothing they could do about it. She later went to prison for being involved in the gunshop raid, so didn’t entirely escape punishment.

  2. Don B says:

    Notoriety isn’t enough to keep someone incarcerated for that long. Although I would like to know more about his prison activities before deciding on his suitability.

  3. JOE D says:

    ” 55 Years long enough ” , really ??? Is 55 years ” long enough “‘ for those victims to return from their graves ????

  4. Riff Raff Rackus says:

    Pronounced Bobby Boo-so-lay
    Bobby Bosley is unacceptable
    Murdering people is also unacceptable

  5. happydaysarehereagain says:

    Don’t forget these killers wanted their notoriety. And they earned it by human slaughter in the most heinous way imaginable. They rode the coattails of innocents whose lives borne achievement these garbage eating murderers wouldn’t.

    Victims remain victimized as their murderers enjoy freedom.

  6. Mike says:

    As long as Gary Hinman remains dead, Bobby Beausoleil should remain incarcerated. He actually committed the murder. No parole for him.

  7. Michael says:

    Sean, I’m pretty sure Mary “skated” because she was granted immunity in exchange for her testimony about the Hinman murder. Then , after being granted immunity, she recanted after she was released and went on to participate in at least one other crime with Share and others when they robbed a Hawthorne sporting good store and got into a shootout with police.

    I’ve always felt there was a special cruelty about the Hinman case, though all the killings qualify as unspeakable. Hinman had to experience a few days of terror in his apartment, maimed and guarded, before he will finally killed. Manson connection or no Manson connection, I think a crime like that calls for life behind bars, if life is granted. But I agree, Davis is next.

  8. Lee says:

    I wonder if he still thinks he’s going to tour and be a famous musician like he told a parole board one time? It was so cringy. This man has always had this over inflated ego. He thinks he’s somehow up there with Joe Walsh or Neil Young….NOT. He also has, over the years, NEVER come 100% clean on why he murdered an innocent man. He explains it in a way that kinda sorta blames the victim. It’s disgusting! Personally, I don’t think any of them should’ve ever been let out, including Steve Grogan. It won’t surprise me if BB is released now that California is very soft on crime. Releasing LVH is an example.

    • Michael says:

      Yeah, Lee, I think the precedent set by releasing Leslie will make it harder to hold Bobby or Bruce. Tex? Probably not. Patricia? I don’t see why they ever approved parole for her, but if she can be released, then surely all of them can except, perhaps, Tex. Not that the powers that be give a rip, but this is not playing out the way I feel it should have. Revoking their death sentences was an amazing gift. They did not deserve anything more than that.

  9. Billy says:

    He was pulled over driving Hinman’s car with the murder weapon in the wheel rim…😯🤷‍♂️

  10. Jane S says:

    In every parole hearing Bobby has claimed he never went back to Hinman’s. Danny Decarlo, in his testimony at Bobby’s trial, is the only one that said Bobby went back to wipe the writing off the wall and could hear maggots. If you look at the crime scene photos showing the words Political Piggy on Gary’s wall, they do not appear to be wiped. I think Bobby might be telling the truth on this one.

    • alphaomega says:

      Jane, Is it possible that perhaps that’s what his plan was but the stench and overall state of the house was so offensive that he decided against it?Hence why he mentions the maggots in particular to Danny in this supposed conversation?

  11. Cal says:

    What an idiot … Killed Hinman… Then stole his car and got caught while sleeping … BB .. You should have stayed in San Francisco… Dumb ass

  12. steve brady says:

    Didn’t the judge say Clem was too stupid to be sent to jail ? Same could be said for Bobby.

  13. Hanna says:

    I think it is about time. Why don’t they deserve a chance? I think they have spend enough time in jail. I also don’t think they will be a danger to the outside world.

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