LOS ANGELES, Sept. 11 – The defense in the Sharon Tate murder trial Thursday tried to stop the state from introducing as evidence gun shell casings which the prosecution says were found at the Spahn Ranch, one-time headquarters for Charles […]
Watson Denied Appeal To Stay In Texas Jail
Washington, Sept. 11 – Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black rejected today a plea by Charles Denton Watson for continued asylum in a Texas jail. The action, announced by the court without comment, means California authorities are now free to […]
Witness Claims Manson Ordered Girls to Go Nude
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 11 – Hippie leader Charles Manson’s girls thought he “knew all and saw all” and on his orders ran around the Spahn ranch nude, a prosecution witness testified today. Mustachioed motorcyclist Danny DeCarlo, picking his teeth with […]
May Return Tate Suspect from Texas
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 10 – Charles “Tex” Watson, the remaining co-defendant in the Tate-LaBianca murder case, may be returned to Los Angeles by tomorrow, district attorney’s representatives reported. The statement, however, was coupled with only guarded optimism by Chief Dep. […]
Justice Black Considering Time Extension for Watson
WASHINGTON, D.C., Sept. 10 – Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black is weighing an appeal that Charles Denton Watson be given more time to fight against being returned to California in the Sharon Tate murder case. Lawyers for Watson, 24, […]
Extradition of Watson OK’d
NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 8 – The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals today ordered Charles D. Watson extradited from Texas to California by Friday to stand trial on charges of killing Actress Sharon Tate and six others. The federal court […]
Bizarre Humor at Grim Tate Trial
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 7 – In the grim atmosphere of the Sharon Tate murder trial, arriving visitors are startled by laughter echoing down a corridor from the courtroom. The trial is not funny but the antics of those involved often […]
Bomb Blows Hole In Hall Of Justice
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 6 – A time bomb exploded in a sixth-floor washroom at the Hall of Justice in downtown Los Angeles Saturday, blowing a 9×11 foot hole in a wall and rupturing a six inch water main. No one […]
Tate Murder Trial Building Is Rocked by Bomb Blast
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 5 – The Los Angeles County Hall of Justice, site of the Sharon Tate murder trial, was rocked by a bomb explosion on its sixth floor today shortly after midnight. The blast blew out a wall and […]
D. A. Pulls Prosecution Chief off Manson Case
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 5 – The chief prosecutor in the Tate-LaBianca murder case was removed from the 12-week-old trial Friday apparently because of an off-the-cuff remark to newsmen that violated his boss’ “don’t talk to the press” order. Dist. Atty. […]
Boy, 11, Found Tate Murder Gun, Had Hard Time Convincing Police
Steven Weiss, age 11, said he found the revolver on a hill behind his home in Sherman Oaks on September 1, 1969 LOS ANGELES, Sept. 4 – A 11-year-old boy found the gun allegedly used in the mass killings in […]
Texas Refuses to Release Watson To L.A. Detectives
McKINNEY, Tex., Sept. 3 – District Judge David I. Brown refused Wednesday to grant a motion to hand Charlie “Tex” Watson over to two waiting Los Angeles detectives for trial in California for the Sharon Tate murders. Brown refused to […]
“Atkins’ ‘Sickness’ Only An Act”
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 3 – Susan Atkins, crying out loud and holding her stomach in apparent severe pain, held up the start of the Tate murder trial for an hour Wednesday but finally took her seat in the courtroom. The […]
Testimony About Fingerprints Abruptly Halts Manson Trial
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 3 – Fingerprints found at the home of slain actress Sharon Tate today brought the trial of hippie cult leader Charles Manson and three of his girls to an abrupt halt in Los Angeles Superior Court. Los […]
Ill Susan Returns to Trial Sobbing
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 2 – Sobbing and shaking visibly, Susan Atkins was escorted into Los Angeles Superior Court today to continue her trial — and that of three other Manson “family” members — for the Tate-LaBianca murders. The ailment of […]
Judges Refuse To Bar Extradition Of Watson
NEW ORLEANS, LA, Sept. 1 – A three-member panel of the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals has refused to block the extradition of Charles “Tex” Watson to California to stand trial in the Sharon Tate murders. The appellate court’s […]
Manson Trial Put Off Again as Doctors Examine Susan
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 1 – The trial of cult leader Charles Manson and three of his girl followers was delayed again today to allow doctors at USC County Medical Center to complete their examination of one of the defendants. Susan […]
Just Waiting For Charlie
Charlie Manson’s faithful – some oldtimers, some newcomers – cluster under a boulder to pose for this portrait. From left are: Danny Beausoleil, Catherine Share, Mary Brunner, Chuck Lovett, Ginny Gentry, Cathy Gillis, Lynn Fromme, Sandra Good Pugh, and Ruth […]
Tate Jury Never Sees Key Figure
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 31 – The name and image of Charles “Tex” Watson looms large at the Tate murder trial but the jury never gets a look at him in the flesh. The 24-year-old Watson sits in Collins County Jail […]
Susan Atkins Ailing; May Delay Trial
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 29 – Following an hour of lurid testimony regarding the death of Rosemary LaBianca, the massacre murder trial against Charles Manson and three of his girl “followers” was recessed Friday because of the illness of one of […]