LOS ANGELES, Dec. 17 – After less than five minutes of deliberation, the Los Angeles County Grand Jury late Wednesday returned secret indictments charging three persons with the death of movie stuntman ranch-hand Donald “Shorty” Shea. The indictments which climaxed […]
Manson Clan Member Gets New Attorney
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 16 – The new attorney for Leslie Van Houten, one of three young women defendants in the Sharon Tate murder case, will seek a mistrial for his client after six months of court sessions. Superior Court Judge […]
Another Manson Indictment Asked
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 14 – While hippie leader Charles Manson awaits resumption of his trial on seven murders, the district attorney today asked the grand jury to indict the long-haired ex-convict of another count of killing. Manson and three others […]
New Leads Checked In Search for Attorney
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 10 – Detective investigating the mysterious disappearance of Sharon Tate murder trial attorney Ronald Hughes said Wednesday they are checking out “some new leads” and will resume an intensive search when bad weather clears. Capt. Jim Richards, […]
Efforts Fail To Find Tate Trial Lawyer
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 9 – Sheriff’s deputies say they’ll decide today whether to resume a search in the wilderness for a Sharon Tate murder trial defense attorney, Ronald Hughes. “Everything is speculation, but if Mr. Hughes is in this area, […]
Tate Trial Delayed to Dec. 16
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 8 – The Sharon Tate murder trial has been postponed until Dec. 16 to allow the “associate counsel” of missing defense lawyer Ronald Hughes to study the massive 18,000-page transcript of more than five months of court […]
Step Up Search for Tate Lawyer
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 7 – A search was intensified today for the missing Tate-LaBianca attorney as the lawyer’s “substitute” in the trial announced it would take him until Dec. 16 before he is ready to take part in the case. […]
Missing Report Filed; Search for Lawyer Halted
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 6 – The search for missing Atty. Ronald Hughes was temporarily halted yesterday, Ventura County sheriffs deputies reported. Det. Carl Shoenberger said the actual physical search for the 35-year-old lawyer in the Sespe Hot Springs area of […]
Keith Named Van Houten Counsel
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 4 – Maxwell Keith, veteran of the sensational Finch-Tregoff trial of a decade ago, was appointed by the court yesterday to represent one of the female defendants at the Tate murder trial because of the disappearance of […]
Manson, Girls Demand Chance to Defend Selves
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 4 – Charles Manson and his three girl “followers,” charged with the murder of seven persons, Thursday demanded that their defense be reopened so they can testify and call some 21 witnesses to back them up. They […]
Manson Family Member Surrenders to Authorities
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 3 – Bruce Davis, a member of Charles Manson’s hippie-style family sought since last April on murder charges, surrendered to police Wednesday. Meanwhile, a defense attorney in the Sharon Tate murder trial remained missing for a third […]
Tate Case Stalled; Lawyer Still Lost
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 3 – The Tate-LaBianca murder trial came to a virtual stand still today because of the continued and mysterious absence of defense lawyer Ronald Hughes. Police and sheriff’s deputies searched for the 250-pound red-bearded novice attorney but […]
Manson Case Fugitive Surrenders
Bruce Davis, left, a freshly carved bloody “X” on his forehead, is led into the Hall of Justice in Los Angeles by his attorney, Dave Shinn, who talked the crony of Charles Manson into surrendering. Davis, 27, a member of […]
Weather Hinders Hunt for Attorney
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 2 – Sheriff’s deputies were awaiting a break in the weather today to search for a missing defense lawyer in the Sharon Tate murder trial who is believed marooned in the Sespe area of Los Padres National […]
Tate Case Lawyer Can’t Be Found
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 1 – The disappearance of a defense attorney in the Tate-LaBianca murders case remained a mystery today as sheriff’s officers could not locate him in an area where be was reported “marooned.” Burly, bearded Ronald Hughes, the […]
Manson’s Shattered Defense
ATTORNEYS FITZGERALD, KANAREK, SHINN & HUGHES No way to tell their clients what to do Nov. 30 – For nearly four months, the prosecution methodically presented evidence in the bizarre Los Angeles murder trial of Charles Manson and his co-defendants. […]
Course Unpredictable As Tate Trial Resumes Monday
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 29 – The three long-haired girls are pale and thin after a year in prison. Their gaze is blank except when it falls on the short, dark-eyed man at the counsel table with them. Charles Manson flashes […]
Manson’s Ex-Pal Gets An Attorney
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 26 – One of two former Charles Manson “family” members charged with the attempted murder and robbery of a Long Beach apartment house owner and his guest will be represented at his trial by a private attorney, […]
Manson Takes Stand, Denies Killing or Ordering Deaths
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 21 – Charles Manson publicly denied Friday that he had killed anyone or ordered anyone’s death. He took the witness stand in the Tate-LaBianca murder trial, out of the presence of the jury, and portrayed himself as […]
Manson on Stand in Dramatic Finale
LOS ANGELES, Nov. 21 – “I’ve killed no one and I’ve ordered no one killed,” Charles Manson declared in a dramatic, unexpected monologue that wound up testimony in the Sharon Tate murder trial. Out of hearing of the jury, and […]