Trial Delay Granted For Three Followers

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 5 – A Superior Court judge yesterday continued until Jan. 11 the case of three of Charles Manson’s followers accused of giving an LSD-spiked hamburger to a prosecution witness in the Tate-LaBianca murder trial. Judge Malcolm M. […]

Manson’s Defense Attorney Charges Case A ‘Political Trial’

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 4 – Charles Manson is undergoing a “political trial” in the Tate murder case and should no more be charged with murder than Gov. George Wallace or John Birch Society head Robert Welch, a defense lawyer argued […]

Artist Found in Contempt for Manson Trial Outbreak

Nancy Jo Davis, 34, found in contempt of court Thursday after her outburst during closing arguments. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 1 – A freelance artist who shouted out at the Tate-LaBianca murder trial that she wanted to defend Charles Manson was […]

Manson Trial Interrupted By Follower Of Defendant

Nancy Jo Davis sits outside courtroom with a picture she drew of Charles Manson LOS ANGELES, Jan. 1 – The Sharon Tate murder trial was interrupted by a pretty, blue-eyed brunette who wanted to give the judge a folder of […]

Manson Lawyer Hints at Drug Trafficking

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 31 – Charles Manson’s lawyer, Mr. Irving Kanarek, attemping to lay the blame for the Sharon Tate murders on Charles “Tex” Watson, expects to complete his appeal to the jury for Manson’s acquittal today. Mr. Kanarek yesterday […]

Tate Trial Breaks For Another Case

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 31 – The Tate-LaBianca murder trial was interrupted Wednesday so Charles Manson and Susan Atkins could appear at a hearing in another double name murder case. This time it was the Gary Hinman-Donald (Shorty) Shea case, combined […]

D.A. ‘Programmed’ Linda, Manson Attorney Charges

ANOTHER MANSON FRIEND IN COURT — Nancy Laura Pitman, a 19-year-old friend of Charles Manson, arrives in court in Los Angeles for arraignment after being arrested Sunday when deputies said she tried to visit Manson while carrying drugs in her […]

Defense Sums Up Case For Tate Jurors

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 29 – The defense says Charles Manson and three women codefendants are innocent of the Sharon Tate murders end the real killers are still at large. Paul Fitzgerald, head of the four-attorney defense team, also told the […]

Manson: The Meaning

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 28 – If Charles Manson were only an isolated kook, he would not be on everyone’s mind, including the President’s. Clearly, Manson and his so-called family are something special for us that hits close to home. Bizarre, […]

Girl Suspected Of Trying To Smuggle Drugs To Manson

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 28 – A girl follower of hippie leader Charles Manson was arrested here on suspicion of trying to smuggle drugs, concealed in two balloons, into his jail cell. The girl, Brenda McCann, 19, was booked on suspicion […]

State Ends First Tate Trial Case

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 28 – The state concluded the first portion of its closing argument in the Sharon Tate murder trial today, calling for a verdict of first degree murder against Charles M. Manson and three women co-defendants. The prosecutor […]

Bugliosi Says Manson’s Manner Lulled Victims

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 24 – Prosecutor Vincent T. Bugliosi said Wednesday that Leno and Rosemary LaBianca might have lived it they had not been fooled by Charles Manson’s false face and soft manner. “To fool the LaBiancas, ladies and gentlemen,” […]

Tate Death Jury Plans Yule Party

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 24 – The Sharon Tate murder trial jury, sequestered longer than any in California history, will celebrate Christmas like the one big family it’s become. At the Ambassador Hotel where they have lived under guard for more […]

Four Defendants Disrupt Manson Murder Trial

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 23 – Disruption followed disruption, then turned violent Tuesday in the Tate-LaBianca trial as prosecutor Vincent T. Bugliosi methodically led jurors in final argument through testimony about the seven killings. Charles Manson was removed from the court […]

Manson Hid Lust For Death Under Peace-Loving Mask

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 23 – Charles Manson had a lust for death, blood and murder which he hid under a mask of a peace-loving individual just as he has concealed his true character in court, the prosecutor charged today at […]

Final Arguments Begin in Tate Murder Trial

EJECTED – Charles Manson scowling after he was again removed from the courtroom. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 22 – The Tate-LaBianca murder trial, often disrupted and sometimes delayed, moved into the final argument stage Monday with still another outburst by Charles […]

Manson Called Symbolic Slayer

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 22 – Charles Manson knew where Sharon Tate lived and sent his “robots” out to kill her and her guests because the actress’ home was an elegant symbol of the “Establishment,” the prosecution charged yesterday at the […]

Tate Murder Prosecution Begins Closing Argument

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 22 – The prosecution in the Tate-LaBianca murder trial yesterday began its closing argument to the jury which must decide if Charles Manson and three female followers are guilty of killing seven persons. The 36-year-old Manson was […]

Five More Charges Filed In Manson Family Case

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 19 — Five more members of Charles Manson’s hippie group known as the “Manson Family” have run afoul of the law, this time for allegedly trying to kill another family member to keep her from testifying against […]

3 Manson Women Indicted in LSD Plot on State’s Witness

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 19 – Secret grand jury indictments for criminal conspiracy were returned Friday against members of the Charles Manson “family” in the case of the LSD-laced Honolulu hamburger. Three of the five named, Catherine (Gypsy) Share, 28, Lynnette […]