LOS ANGELES, Feb. 12 – The killing of pregnant actress Sharon Tate and six others in two nights of wanton slaughter “ain’t no big thing,” confessed murderess Susan Atkins told a startled courtroom Thursday. “I didn’t relate to Sharon Tate […]
Susan Now Doubts That Manson Is ‘Divine’
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 11 – Admitted murderess Susan Atkins, who, the state claims, killed at the direction of hippie leader Charles Manson, today said that at the time of the murders she considered the cult chieftain to be the second […]
Susan Admits Tate, Hinman Killings
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 10 – The 22-year-old girl whose confession more than a year ago led to the arrest of Charles Manson and five members of his hippie cult, confessed again Tuesday. This time she was in front of a […]
Susan Atkins Admits Tate, Hinman Deaths
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 10 – Pale, dark-haired Susan (Sadie) Atkins confessed to killing actress Sharon Tate and musician Gary Hinman Tuesday in the penalty phase of the Tate-LaBianca murder trial. The story of the seven Tate-LaBianca murders told from the […]
First Confession Forced – Susan
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 10 – Susan Atkins, who Tuesday admitted killing actress Sharon Tate and musician Gary Hinman, today testified that she had been pressured into her first confession more than a year ago. In dramatic tones the 22-year-old girl […]
Susan Confesses Murder; Sobbing Halts Testimony
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 9 – A sobbing Susan Atkins today confessed on the witness stand that she murdered Topanga Canyon musician Gary Hinman and was “there” during the murders of actress Sharon Tate and four others. Her testimony was cut […]
Bomb Threat Revealed in Tate Penalty Trial
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 7 – The sheriff’s office says it has received information that explosives may be used to disrupt the final days of the penalty phase of the trial of Charles Manson and three female members of his “family.” […]
‘Love Babies,’ Not Manson, Called Leaders by Witness
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 6 – “Love babies” and an 83-year-old blind man lead the “family” in the daily activities, not Charles Manson, a member of the clan testified Friday as the penalty phase of the Tate- LaBianca murder trial continued […]
Watson Found Competent to Stand Trial in Tate Slayings
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 5 – Charles “Tex” Watson, the fifth accused killer in the Tate-LaBianca slayings, was declared mentally competent yesterday and the district attorney said he would proceed immediately to bring him to trial. Watson had been indicted by […]
Watson Declared Sane, Must Stand Trial
LEFT TO RIGHT: Brenda McCann, Attorney Paul Fitzgerald and Sandra Good preparing for court Tuesday. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 5 – Charles “Tex” Watson, the man the state claims is hippie leader Charles Manson’s “head zombie” and the chief executioner of […]
‘Family’ Member Says Life With Manson Was a Game
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 4 – Life with Charles Manson was an existence without rules, a timeless game of make-believe and love, a member of the Manson “family” testified Wednesday. Diminutive red-haired Lynette (Squeaky) Fromme, 22, was called by the defense […]
Manson Girl’s Acid Trips Detailed
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 4 – A teenage Manson “family” member, who Wednesday told the story of the “miracle-worker” Charles Manson, today told of the acid-dropper Linda Kasabian, the star prosecution witness whose testimony was responsible for the conviction of the […]
Cult Girl Tells How Manson Gathered Flock
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 3 – The saga of a Charles Manson who used guitar, song and kind words to gather teen-aged girls into a hippie tribe was unfolded in court Tuesday by one of the first girls who chose to […]
Eight Manson Followers Guilty of Trespass
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 3 – Three youths and five girls identified by police as follower of convicted murderer Charles Manson pleaded guilty Tuesday to charges of trespass and loitering at the Hall of Justice but punishment was fixed at the […]
Leslie Van Houten’s Mother Testifies
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 2 – The second mother today took the witness stand in the penalty phase of the Tate-LaBianca murder trial attempting to save her daughter from death in the gas chamber. Composed, but continuously dabbing at tears, Monrovia […]
Manson Codefendant Shouts As Father Testifies
Joseph and Dorothy Krenwinkel, parents of Patricia Krenwinkel. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 2 – Despite his daughter’s objections and shouts of “You’re not going to do me any good,” Patricia Krenwinkel’s father took the stand yesterday as the defense opened its […]
Officer Tells Death ‘Threat’ by Susan
The final prosecution witness in the penalty phase of the Tate-LaBianca murder trial, Cpl. Thomas Drynan (Right) of the Oregon State Police, confers with Deputy Dist. Atty. Vincent Bugliosi. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 1 – The second and final prosecution witness […]
Ex-Tate Juror Tells Ordeal: ‘Could Only Sit and Sit and’
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 31 – “There was nothing to do but sit and sit and sit. At times we didn’t leave the sixth floor of the Ambassador Hotel for a week at a time, except to stand on the fire […]
Hinman Murder Testimony Barred at Manson Trial
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30 – Charles Manson’s attorney Friday blocked prosecution attempts to offer testimony of another murder in the penalty phase of the Tate-LaBianca trial. Superior Judge Charles H. Older ruled in chambers that prosecutor Vincent T. Bugliosi could […]
Manson Penalty Trial Shortened
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30 – Penalty phase of the Tate-LaBianca murder trial Friday was cut by at least a week when, in a surprise move, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Charles Older refused to allow the prosecution to outline still […]