Says Watson Telling Truth About Killings, Drugs Use

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 19 — Charles (Tex) Watson is probably telling the truth about drugs he says he took and about the Tate-LaBianca murders, a court-appointed psychiatrist testified on Friday. Dr. Andre Tweed testified that Watson had no way of […]

Delay Case of 5 Manson Followers

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 17 – The case of five Charles Manson followers all accused of armed robbery in an abortive gun raid, yesterday was postponed until Monday to determine who will represent the defendants. Superior Court judge Arthur L. Alarcon […]

Testifies Manson Boasted of Stuntman’s Decapitation

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 17 — A college student testified yesterday that Charles Manson boasted that Donald “Shorty” Shea was decapitated, cut into pieces and buried because Manson thought he was a police informer. The testimony came from Barbara Hoyt 20, […]

Psychiatrist Testifies on Watson Mental Capability

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 15 — A court-appointed psychiatrist testified yesterday that Charles (Tex) Watson was incapable of “forming intent or harboring malice” and that his ability to premeditate was “severely impaired” at the time of the seven Tate-LaBianca killings for […]

Indict Manson Girl Friend In Hinman Murder Case

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 15 — Charles Manson’s first girl friend among the “flower children” of the Haight-Ashbury and the mother of his young son was indicted on a murder charge yesterday by the County Grand Jury. The Grand Jury, following […]

Stephen Grogan’s Motion to Fire His Lawyer Denied

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14 — Manson family member Stephen Grogan lost another motion yesterday to fire his court-appointed attorney, who he claims has “sewn me up for the gas chamber.” After denying Grogan’s motion to dismiss attorney Charles Weedman, Superior […]

Blaze Costs Manson His Jail Rights

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 14 — Charles Manson’s jail privileges have been revoked for 10 days after the condemned killer set fire to the bedding in his cell yesterday authorities said. Manson, who has been sentenced to death in the Tate-LaBianca […]

Claim Former Manson Aide Suffers from Brain Damage

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 9 — Another physician testified Tuesday that former Manson lieutenant Charles (Tex) Watson is suffering from organic brain damage, probably brought on by drug use. Dr. Richard Walter, a neurologist at UCLA, said his tests on Watson […]

Deny Motion for Mistrial In 2nd Manson Murder Case

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 9 — A motion for mistrial in the second murder case of Charles Manson was denied, but one juror was excused because she claimed she was afraid after reading of a shootout between members of Manson’s clan […]

Doctor Says Watson Psychotic from Drugs

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 4 — At the time he took part in the Tate-LaBianca murders, Charles “Tex” Watson, 25, had brain damage and was acutely psychotic as a result of heavy drug use, a psychiatrist for the defense testified yesterday. […]

Tex Watson Shows Jurors How He Stabbed Victims

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 3 — Accused murderer Charles (Tex) Watson yesterday showed the jury in his trial how he stabbed the victims at the Tate-LaBianca slayings. “I raised my hand up and I stabbed them like that,” Watson said as […]

Watson Admits Slayings, Denies Stabbing Sharon Tate

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 2 — Charles “Tex” Watson yesterday admitted on the witness stand taking part in the mass murders at the home of actress Sharon Tate, but insisted it was not he who stabbed the pregnant actress. The 25-year-old […]

Mother Says ‘Tex’ Watson Was Her ‘Pride and Joy’

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 1 — Charles “Tex” Watson’s mother testified Tuesday that before he joined the cult of Charles Manson he was his family’s pride and joy, an honor student and star athlete who attended church regularly. Mrs. Elizabeth Watson […]

Watson’s Mother Says Son Fine ‘Til He Went To California’

Elizabeth Watson, mother of Charles (Tex) Watson leaves the courtroom yesterday LOS ANGELES, Sept. 1 — Charles “Tex” Watson was the pride and joy of his family until he went to California, met Charles Manson and underwent a drastic personality […]

Tunnel Plot to Rescue Manson

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 31 – A plot to rescue convicted killer Charles Manson through tunnels beneath the Los Angeles civic centre was revealed today. Members of Manson’s self-styled Family and some ex-convicts they recruited were to stage a commando-style raid […]

Order More Protection For Busch

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 31 — Additional protection has been ordered for Dist. Atty. Joseph P. Busch and members of his family because of fears they may be targeted for attack by followers of Charles Manson, it was reported yesterday. Reliable […]

Blast Judge for Mistrial Decision in Grogan Case

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 31 — Dist Atty. Joseph Busch hit out at Superior Court Judge Joseph L. Call yesterday for declaring a mistrial in the Steve Grogan murder case, denouncing the decision as “absurd” and an “outrageous abuse of discretion.” […]

Judge Declares Mistrial in Manson Cultist’s Case

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 29 — The murder trial of Manson cultist Steve Grogan came to an abrupt end on Friday when the judge declared a mistrial because of a single prejudicial question posed by the prosecution. Grogan 20, charged with […]

Judge Orders Mistrial for Manson Follower

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 28 – More than two months of a costly trial went for naught Friday when a mistrial was declared in the murder proceedings against Steve Grogan, a member of the Charles Manson “family.” Superior Judge Joseph L. […]

Prosecution Rests Case in ‘Tex’ Watson Murder Trial

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 27 — The state rested its case yesterday in the trial of Charles “Tex” Watson, the fifth defendant to be tried in connection with the Tate-LaBianca murders. Click here to read Gregg Jakobson’s August 26, 1971 Testimony […]