• Manson Now Denies He Ordered Killings

Manson Now Denies He Ordered Killings

VACAVILLE, Sept. 15 – Charles Manson now denies he has ordered any more killings.

At the same time, however, he says “there is no place on earth to hide from the IPCR” — a reference to the “International People’s Court of Retribution,” which Manson Family member Sandra Good threatened would kill corporation executives for polluting the environment.

Manson, serving a life sentence in the California Medical Facility in Vacaville for masterminding the murders of actress Sharon Tate and six other persons, last month claimed he “sent a list of people out to be murdered.”

“The murder list that was sent out was people who are responsible for the redwood trees being murdered,” he wrote in a letter to this reporter received Aug. 23.

Manson now says the news media misunderstood his August letter.

“Murder is a penitentiary expression for a stupid act, a slow reaction to something, a mental retarded expression. It doesn’t mean a constant judgment of character,” Manson wrote in a letter to San Francisco writer Richard Rubacher, which Rubacher made available to The Reporter this week.

A check with several ex-convicts and other familiar with prison expressions, however, reveals that “murder” means the same thing inside and outside of prison.

“Manson has his own jargon, so maybe it means something different to him, but ‘murder’ doesn’t mean anything but ‘murder’ in convict jargon,” prison system spokesman Philip Guthrie told The Reporter.

In another letter to this reporter, also received this week, Manson, makes no reference to any alternative definition of “murder.”

He still doesn’t say who is on the “murder list.” But he refers disparagingly to a 9-0 vote in the U.S. Senate on S3091, which would permit clear cutting in the national forests.

“On clear cutting trees in parks (lists make themselves). The vote went all the way to 90-0. That means some other country got a money mute running through the senate. My knife ain’t money it’s blood red and real to their wives,” Manson wrote.

“There is no place on earth to hide from the IPCR,” he added.

Manson made a second reference to “International Peoples Court of Retribution” in another note attached to his letter to this reporter this week.

“You all keep judging yourselves to the IPCR and that’s only your own reflections,” he wrote.

Miss Good is now serving a federal prison sentence for making the “IPCF” death threats last year.

Part of the letter to Rubacher was written for Manson by another prisoner.

“I told this to the guy in the next cell so you might understand it,” Manson himself wrote. Manson admits that he writes poorly.

It is just the second time Manson had another inmate write a letter for him, Rubacher told The Reporter. The first time, he said, was when Manson “confessed” to him his involvement in the Tate murders and spelled out the reasons.

Rubacher declined to discuss the details of Manson’s “confession.” They appear, he said, in his book, which he ( Rubacher ) still hopes to have published.

“He says the Tate murders were a warning that things were bad and getting worse,” Rubacher told The Reporter, especially because of “grievous crimes against the children.”

Manson was concerned with ecology even then, but has become more concerned now, Rubacher said.

Most of Manson’s letters to this reporter concern trees, water, air and wildlife.

“Trees give air and the air is in trouble as it is, and it’s sick in the waters from the fish because balance being off,” his most recent letter said.

“If they (the senate) keep bringing up money laws that overlook their children, their wildlife, the trees, the water, the rest of the stuff I don’t have time to write about and if we don’t stop it one way or the other the earth balance will get so bad the murder will be the only good thing left to do,” Manson wrote.

Rubacher and The Reporter made Manson’s letters available to the FBI, which earlier concluded there was no evidence he committed any crime by claiming to have sent out a “murder list.”


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