If The World Comes Down ‘I Won’t Talk’
Friday, December 5th, 1969
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5 – Linda Darlene Kasabian, 20, a member of the Charles Miles Manson “family” of hippies was returned here Wednesday night to face five counts of murder in the slaying of actress Sharon Tate and four others Aug. 9.
The small, blue-eyed blonde — mother of an 18-month-old daughter and five months pregnant — was charged, along with Charles D. Watson and Patricia Krenwinkel, in a complaint issued Monday.
At first it was thought the young woman might have sought sanctuary in a New Mexico convent, but friends arranged for her surrender to New Hampshire State Police Tuesday.
She waived extradition proceedings on a fugitive warrant the same day and was taken into custody in Concord, N.H., Wednesday by Los Angeles police department Sgt. Joan Simpson and Sidney Nuckles.
She had spent the previous two weeks before her arrest in Milford, a small manufacturing town 20 miles south of Concord and home of her mother and stepfather.
“I don’t care if the whole world comes down — I’m not talking,” she told newsmen before leaving Milford.
Whatever the future might hold for the young woman, her mother, Mrs. Jake Byrd, is convinced her daughter did not anyone.
“I know my daughter,” she said. “She was never violent. She loved children. There was no hate in her at all. She was searching, searching for love.”
Love led to early unhappiness for Linda as a high school student in Milford. She wed Robert Peasley and quit school at 16. They lived together three months and were divorced when she was 17.
“Something went wrong with that marriage, ” said Arlene Sullivan, 16, a neighbor who has known Linda, born Linda Darlene Drouin, for 13 years.
Miss Sullivan described Linda as “withdrawn but likeable.” Another neighbor, Mrs. Robert Pelchat, said the young woman was “shy, bashful.”
“She just grew up too fast,” said Mrs. Pelchat.
After her divorce, Linda moved to Boston where her mother said she married Bob Kasabian, a “hippie-type,” and moved to California.
In three brief letters, Mrs. Byrd said, her daughter tried to “build it up that she was leading a normal life.” But, she said, Kasabian and Linda lived for a time in a hippie pad at Lake Tahoe.
“He did not want her anymore,” Mrs. Byrd said,” Linda left. What happened next in her life is a void to relatives, How did she meet Charles Manson, the man who called himself “Jesus” and ruled a roving band of hippies?
Her father, Rosaire Drouin, bartender in a Miami, Fla., skid row bar, said Linda showed up, there about Nov. 1 and left shortly after Thanksgiving.
“What can I say?” he told a Miami Herald reporter. “She was not a bad girl and she was not a good girl.
“She was pretty happy. No, wouldn’t say she was depressed or unhappy or anything like that. She was happy as hell. In fact, I kept looking through her luggage to see if she had any drugs. I wondered if she was high.”
Drouin said Linda “was always talking about the good life out in California. About living in the woods and all that.”
But, he said, both Linda and her daughter had sores on their arms. “I guess they got those living in the woods,” he said, “She never said.”
Drouin said he had only seen Linda twice in the 15 years since he separated from her mother.
“I remember the first time she came to Miami,” he said. “She stole a lot of things from my apartment. She was buying dope with this money.
“The only time she ever wrote to me is when she was in California and only when she needed money. I sent her a couple of 25s”
Drouin said he took his daughter to Miami International Airport shortly after Thanksgiving and put her on a flight for Boston.