• Good Loses Release Plea But Bail Is Cut

Good Loses Release Plea But Bail Is Cut

SACRAMENTO, Feb. 2 – U.S. District Court Judge Thomas J. MacBride today reduced the bail of Manson cultist Sandra Good from $100,000 to $40,000 after rejecting her plea that she be freed on her own recognizance.

Miss Good, 31, has been held in the county jail since December, when she was indicted on charges of conspiring with Lynette Fromme, another Manson follower, and companion Susan “Heather” Murphy, 33, to mail threats to government officials and corporate executives.

Miss Good’s bail was set at $50,000 on that charge but later was reduced to $25,000 by U.S. District Court Judge Philip C. Wilkins.

However, it was reset at $100,000 after Miss Good was indicted again on four additional counts of making similar threats in interstate telephone conversations.

Requesting that Miss Good be freed without bail, her co-counsel, William B. Shubb, asked that the court be a “little creative here and fashion another condition of release.” Shubb said Miss Good would be willing to make a written pledge to convicted mass slayer Charles Manson and the judge that she would make her trial appearance; keep in constant communication with the U. S. probation office, or have the $100-a-month trust fund set up by her father go to the federal clerk as a guarantee of appearance.

MacBride said all these proposed conditions are unrealistic. He noted once she was accused of jumping bail and said “this shows you are capable of jumping bail if it suits your purpose.”

He specified that if Miss Good was able to post bail that it be in cash or corporate surety and that she be required to remain in Sacramento County.

Miss Murphy is free on $15,000 personal appearance bond. Miss Good stated she intends to call Miss Fromme, who is serving a life sentence for attempting to assassinate President Ford, as a witness at her trial. Miss Fromme was mentioned in the indictment as a conspirator but was not charged.

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