Category Archives: Archived News
Manson Follower Knifed: Shots Halt DVI Racial Fight
TRACY, Jun. 8 — Security remained tight and tension high at nearby Deuel Vocational Institution last night in the aftermath of a racial battle which required warning shots to stop. Eleven prisoners were injured, one seriously. The seriously injured inmate […]
Files On Manson Are Shut To Lawyer For Van Houten
LOS ANGELES, Jun. 7 – Leslie Van Houten’s lawyer lost a fight Monday for access to the medical and psychiatric records of mass murderer Charles Manson. Attorney Maxwell Keith, defending Miss Van Houten in her Los Angeles retrial for murder […]
LSD Influence on Miss Van Houten Told
LOS ANGELES, May 20 – A psychiatrist who specializes in “medicines of the mind” testified Thursday that Leslie Van Houten’s use of LSD so changed her values that she ended up “not caring for life, even her own.” That is […]
Mrs. Van Houten testifies Leslie ‘Free of Manson’
LOS ANGELES, May 19 – Leslie Van Houten’s mother fought back tears in Los Angeles Wednesday as she told a jury of her daughter’s journey back from Charles Manson’s cult of death. Jane Van Houten, of Monrovia, recalling her personal […]
Prosecutor to End Van Houten Case
LOS ANGELES, May 17 – Prosecutor Stephen Kay plans to wind up his case against Leslie Van Houten today in the retrial of the former Charles Manson follower for the murders of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. On Monday, Kay completed […]
Miss Van Houten Tells Role in Slaying
LOS ANGELES, May 13 – Former Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten testified Thursday that she stabbed Rosemary LaBianca only after Mrs. LaBianca apparently was dead. Miss Van Houten said that after both Mrs. LaBianca and her husband, Leno, were […]
Miss Van Houten Tells of Perjury
LOS ANGELES, May 6 – Former Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten testified Thursday she took LSD during the Tate-LaBianca murder trial and said she gave false testimony in that trial on Manson’s orders. Taking the stand for the first […]
Linda Kasabian Finishes Slaying Account
LOS ANGELES, Apr. 26 – Linda Kasabian completed her courtroom account Monday about a night in 1969 when she said Charles Manson and a carload of his followers roamed from the mountains to the sea searching for someone to kill. […]
Manson Prosecutor Discounts Parole Idea
COLUMBIA, Mo., Apr. 8 – Vincent Bugliosi, prosecutor in the Charles Manson murder trial, smiled out at the large crowd assembled in the University’s Jesse Auditorium. “This is really a good crowd,” he said. “I think some of you thought […]
Two Murders Still Haunt Former Manson Cultist
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 17 – Former Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten says she still has nightmares about the gruesome murders of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, for which she was once condemned to death and for which she will be […]
Follower of Manson Sentenced
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30 — Susan Murphy, a Charles Manson cultist, and her escape companion, Diane Ellis, have been sentenced to 10 extra years in prison for beating a guard unconscious while escaping in August from Terminal Island Federal Prison. […]
2 Women Escapees Receive 10 Years for Beating Guard
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 29 – Susan Murphy and Diane Ellis, who brutally beat a female guard during an escape from the Federal Correctional Institution at Terminal Island last August, were each sentenced in Los Angeles federal court Friday to 10 […]
Police Doubt Manson Link in Merrick Death
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 28 — Police doubt that the slaying of producer Laurence Merrick, who made a documentary about Charles Manson’s followers, was the work of the murderous “family.” “The feeling is they had nothing to do with it,” Hollywood […]
‘Manson’ Film Producer Slain
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 27 – Producer-director Laurence Merrick, maker of the film “Manson,” was shot to death Wednesday at his Hollywood film school, police said. His unidentified slayer, described as a young man in his 20s, escaped after the noontime […]
‘Manson’ Producer Slain Outside Studio
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 27 — Producer-director Laurence Merrick, creator of a documentary film on the Charles Manson family, has been shot to death outside his film studio. Police said they had no indication that the shooting yesterday was connected with […]
Leslie Van Houten Retrial to Stay in L.A., Judge Rules
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 20 – The retrial of former Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten will stay in Los Angeles, a judge here ruled today after both defense and prosecution attorneys agreed that the entire state was “saturated” with publicity […]
Death Letter Suspect Corresponded With Manson
VACAVILLE, Jan. 19 – A Petaluma woman — arrested by the FBI Monday on suspicion of sending death threats through the mail — carried on what Vacaville prison officials considered a harmless six-month correspondence with Charles Manson at the same […]
Woman in Manson Family Arrested
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 18 — A member of the Charles Manson family was arrested Monday at her home in Petaluma on a charge of sending two threatening letters through the mail. Patricia Maureen Gillum, also known as Misty Hay, was […]
Former Manson Girl Vows to Testify Here
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 6 – Linda Kasabian was taken into a Los Angeles courtroom under heavy guard Wednesday where she signed a written promise to testify at the retrial of former Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten on murder charges. […]
Linda Kasabian Found in Fla., Will Return
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 4 – Linda Kasabian, arrested in Miami as a material witness for the upcoming trial of Leslie Van Houten, the former Charles Manson follower, is scheduled to make a court appearance Wednesday in Los Angeles. Dep. Dist. […]