Category Archives: Archived News

New Motive In Tate Case To Be Told

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 7 – A new motive in the up-to-now senseless slaughter of pregnant actress Sharon Tate and four others in her Benedict Canyon home will be revealed Monday, reliable sources said Saturday. The motive — “a big surprise […]

In Sharon Tate Case, The Lives Of The Jet Set and Hippies Cross

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 7 – On the one hand, there was the circle of actress Sharon Tate – the international movie jet set, monied, sophisticated, and on the surface at least, glamorous. And on the other hand, there was the […]

Orgy of Murder: Tate Suspect Tells Jury of Slayings

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 6 – A composed young woman Friday reportedly described the roles she said were played by each suspect during the two-night murder orgy last August that claimed the lives of actress Sharon Tate and six others. Susan […]

Tate Trial Witness Fears Hippie’s Mystical Spell

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 6 – The strange story of “the Manson family,” whose members are prime suspects in the bizarre Sharon Tate murders, was described Friday to a county grand jury by a pretty 21-year-old member. But Susan Atkins now […]

Susan Atkins Tells Tate Death Details

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 6 – A young woman told a grand jury Friday what her attorney said were “all the details” of the slaying of actress Sharon Tate hippie-style clan. Susan Denise Atkins, 21, whose statements to a jail cellmate […]

Can You Hypnotize Person To Murder?

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 6 – Can a person under hypnosis be persuaded to commit murder? A sampling of expert opinion, including that of a psychiatrist retained by counsel of one of the defendants in the Sharon Tate murder case, indicates: […]

Hippie Called Himself ‘Jesus’

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 6 – An indictment charging murder and conspiracy will be soughtl against the wild-haired, hypnotic leader of a wandering band of occult-oriented hippie types, says a prosecutor in the slayings of actress Sharon Tate and six others. […]

Story Of Tate Killings Told To Grand Jury

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 6 – Twenty-one Los Angeles County citizens got the first legal insight yesterday into the multiple murder case against hippie pied piper Charles Manson, 35, and six young members of his allegedly slavish cult. They are members […]

Hippie Girl To Tell All In Tate Murder

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5 – When the Los Angeles County grand jury opens its two-day hearing into the Sharon Tate and Leno and Rosemary LaBianca murder cases this morning, the second witness is scheduled to be a soft-spoken, angelic-looking young […]

Manson ‘Black Magic’ Told by Ex-Followers

SHOSHONE, Calif., Dec. 5 – The three men formed an odd partnership. First there was Paul Crockett, a weathered, 50-year-old itinerant handyman-miner. Then there was a young guitar player, Paul Watkins, 19, short, dark-haired and easygoing: and his friend, Brooks […]

Patricia Krenwinkel Rearrested

MOBILE, Ala., Dec. 5 – Mobile police rearrested Patricia Krenwinkel, a suspect in the Sharon Tate murders, within minutes today after her original arrest was ruled invalid. Circuit court Judge Joseph M. Hocklander gave police only 30 minutes to rearrest […]

‘3 Woman All In Black Aided In Tate Slaughter’

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5 – Five persons dressed in black and equipped with weapons and a bolt cutter killed actress Sharon Tate and four others and left with $73 from the victims, an attorney said Wednesday. The next night, attorney […]

Jury Hears Tate Case Girl Today

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5 – The tall, soft-spoken girl who gave police a major break in the Tate case is expected to testify voluntarily today before the County Grand Jury, which may indict her for multiple murder. It was statements […]

If The World Comes Down ‘I Won’t Talk’

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5 – Linda Darlene Kasabian, 20, a member of the Charles Miles Manson “family” of hippies was returned here Wednesday night to face five counts of murder in the slaying of actress Sharon Tate and four others […]

Tate Murder Case Charges Prepared

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5 – Murder and conspiracy indictments will be sought against “six or more” members of a cult suspected of the Sharon Tate murders, the district attorney’s office said Thursday. Deputy District Attorney Aaron H. Stovitz said he […]

Woman to Tell All in Murder

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5 – A young woman, whose attorney pledges she will tell who killed Sharon Tate and six others, testifies before a grand jury today. Prosecutors are seeking to indict the bearded leader of her hippie-style clan for […]

Cellmate Testifies At Tate Case Grand Jury

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5 – The girl who turned informer and broke the mystery of the slaying of actress Sharon Tate and at least half a dozen other persons testified today before a grand jury. Susan Atkins, 21, star witness […]

Hippie Commune Ruled By ‘Black Magic’

DESCRIBE LIFE WITH MANSON: Paul Watkins, 19, left, and Brooks Poston, 21, tell newsmen in Shoshone, Calif., recently of life with Charles Miller Manson, some of whose clan members are held in the slayings of actress Sharon Tate and four […]

Tate Killing Link To Ukiah Murders?

UKIAH, Calif., Dec. 4 – Sheriff Reno Bartolomie has requested the Los Angeles police department to forward photos and fingerprints of suspects in the Sharon Tate slayings to probe the possibility of a link to the 1968 murders south of […]

Texan Charged In Murders May Ask Psychiatric Exam

McKINNEY, Tex., Dec. 4 – Charles D. Watson’s lawyer indicated Wednesday that he will ask psychiatric examination for the bearded former football player, who is charged in one of the California murders at the home of actress Sharon Tate. “I […]