Category Archives: Archived News

Manson Woman Held In Capitol Park Drama

SACRAMENTO, Sept. 5 – President Gerald R. Ford narrowly escaped assassination today in Capitol Park when a young woman follower of mass murderer Charles Manson pulled a loaded gun and pointed it at the startled chief executive. A Secret Service […]

Manson Girl Tries to Shoot President

SACRAMENTO, Sept. 5 — President Ford narrowly escaped an assassination attempt today by a woman follower of convicted murderer Charles Manson. The woman, identified as Lynette Alice (Squeaky) Fromme, 26, stepped from a crowd of onlookers and pointed a loaded […]

Manson Pushing for Appeal of Conviction

OAKLAND, Calif., Aug. 14 — Former hippie cult leader Charles Manson is pushing for appeal of his mass murder conviction, but he says he has little hope of ever being a free man. Manson says he has a hard time […]

Manson Blames His, World Fate on Nixon Policies

LOS ANGELES, Jul. 8 – Convicted murderer Charles Manson has been writing letters to followers blaming his fate, and the world’s, on former President Richard M. Nixon. “He wrote to us and said he was mad at Nixon and we […]

Manson Family Mad at Nixon

SAN FRANCISCO, Jul. 3 – A caller who said she was Sandra Good of the notorious Charles Manson family told UPI Wednesday night, Charles Manson had sent a message from San Quentin Prison to his family for communication to the […]

Manson Transferred to San Quentin

SAN QUENTIN, Ca., Jun. 12 – Convicted killer Charles Manson has been quietly transferred from Folsom Prison to San Quentin for his own protection, officials said. The transfer took place Friday but was not disclosed until this week. Manson, who […]

Inmate Stunned While Attacking Manson in Prison

FOLSOM, May 14 — One-time cult leader Charles Manson was attacked in an exercise yard of Folsom Prison Tuesday by two fellow inmates, one of them a former follower, a prison spokesman said. A guard broke up the fight by […]

Manson Followers Move to Be Closer to Prison

SACRAMENTO, Feb. 8 — Two of Charles Manson’s women followers have moved to Sacramento so they can be closer to Folsom Prison, where Manson is held, a state prosecutor says. “That’s one reason,” conceded Sandra Good, 30, who is living […]

Folsom Prison Foils Trio’s Escape Try

FOLSOM, Dec. 13 – Folsom Prison officials report that guards thwarted an escape attempt by a member of the Charles Manson clan, the slayer of four highway patrolmen and a convicted robber-rapist. Prison spokesman Max Price said the three men […]

The Merchandising of ‘Helter Skelter’

Dec. 8 – The merchandising of Helter Skelter is neither haphazard nor helter-skelter. It is costing W. W. Norton & Co. $50,000. On the theory that crime pays and pays well if enough people buy a $10 book, the co-authors […]

D.A. Investigates Accusation That Judge Older Threatened 2 Students

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 7 — The district attorney’s office is looking into accusations that Superior Court Judge Charles Older, who presided over the Manson Family trial, threatened two students with a pistol after a traffic accident. Older reportedly conceded he […]

Slayer to Be Shinn Perjury Trial Witness

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 4 – Special Prosecutor Theodore P. Shield Tuesday confirmed that he will call convicted murderer Lawrence E. Wilson, 31, to testify against attorney Daye Shinn, who is on trial on perjury charges. Shield also said Tuesday that […]

Attorney Shinn Faces Start of Perjury Trial

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 3 – Attorney Daye Shinn faces trial on perjury charges today, two months after similar charges were dismissed against former prosecutor Vincent T. Bugliosi when no commission of their alleged crime could be established in court. Both […]

Manson’s Nemesis

Nov. 18 – Charles Manson, a name that will live in infamy, never mixes with the main population of Folsom Prison in California. One of his victims, Sharon Tate, was eight months pregnant, which makes other Folsom cons regard Manson […]

Charles Manson Slept Here

VACAVILLE, Nov. 4 – Charles Manson, perhaps the most bizarre mass murderer ever to be confined in Vacaville’s California Medical Facility, has left in better mental condition than when he arrived. Manson — serving a life sentence for the murders […]

False Arrest Suit in Tate Slayings Fails

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 12 – A Superior Court jury Friday unanimously absolved the city of Los Angeles of false arrest and false imprisonment charges brought by William Etson Garratson, the caretaker of the Sharon Tate estate who was jailed for […]

Bugliosi’s Perjury Case Dismissed but Shinn to Face Trial

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 4 – Daye Shinn, a defense at the 1970 Charles Manson trial, faces trial for perjury Nov. 18, similar charges were dismissed Thursday against Manson prosecutor, Vincent T. Bugliosi. Both attorneys were indicted June 28 on charges […]

Bugliosi, Shinn Will Have Separate Trials

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 26 – Jury selection began Wednesday in the perjury trial of Vincent T. Bugliosi, successful prosecutor in the 1970 Charles Manson murder trial and unsuccessful candidate for district Attorney and attorney general. Los Angeles Superior Judge Earl […]

Charles Manson Still in CMF Psychiatric Unit

VACAVILLE, Sept. 19 – Charles Manson, the infamous cult leader who was convicted of the bizarre Tate-LaBianca murders, is “doing fairly well” in a psychiatric management unit at Vacaville’s California Medical Facility, a CMF spokesman said this week. But Manson […]

Bugliosi Effort to Quash Perjury Charges Fails

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 7 – Attorney Vincent T. Bugliosi’s second attempt to have perjury charges against him dismissed prior to his Sept. 25 trial was turned down Friday by Superior Judge Earl C. Broady. Bugliosi and Daye Shinn, chief prosecutor […]