Category Archives: Archived News

Fromme Receives Life Sentence

SACRAMENTO, Dec. 18 — Charles Manson disciple Lynette (Squeaky) Fromme, convicted of attempting to assassinate President Ford, was sentenced Wednesday to life imprisonment. U.S. Dist. Judge Thomas J. MacBride told the 27-year-old follower of convicted mass murder Manson he was […]

Fromme Attorneys Wind It Up

SACRAMENTO, Nov. 24 – The prosecution and defense presented their final arguments in the attempted presidential assassination trial of Lynette Fromme today after the Charles Manson cultist refused to testify on her own behalf. U.S. Attorney Dwayne Keyes, pulling the […]

Agent Tells How He Captured Fromme

SACRAMENTO, Nov. 8 — Lynette Fromme, banished from her trial for demanding that mass murderer Charles Manson be allowed to testify, was described Friday as yelling in disbelief after an alleged attempt to kill President Ford. Over defense objections, Secret […]

US Judge Bans Pretrial Showing Of Manson Film

SACRAMENTO, Oct. 17 – U.S. District Court Judge Thomas J. MacBride has banned the Northern California showing of a film depicting the exploits of mass slayer Charles Manson and his cult until a jury is sequestered or returns a verdict […]

Manson Girl Tells of Quitting ‘Family’

Says She Didn’t Appear for Sentencing Because of Pregnancy LOS ANGELES, Oct. 15 – Ruth Ann Morehouse, still wearing a bandage over plastic surgery she underwent to remove the forehead “X” that had marked her as a member of the […]

Supervisors on ‘Death List’ of Manson Family

CHICO, Oct. 13 – The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) notified the Butte County Board of Supervisors Friday that they were included on a “death list” reportedly compiled by the women of the Manson Family. The FBI in Sacramento said […]

Manson Follower Is Arrested In Capital

SACRAMENTO, Oct. 9 – Sacramento police yesterday arrested Charles Manson follower Ruth Ann Morehouse, 22, on a number of charges, including burglary and conspiracy to commit murder. Miss Morehouse, known to the Manson followers as “Ouisch,” was arrested at an […]

Manson Family Inner Circle Now Almost Zero

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 29 – Once, the inner circle of the notorious Charles Manson Family encompassed the minds and occasionally murderous hands of about 25 young men and women. Today, despite some widespread news reports to the contrary, all available […]

Fromme Sleeps, Dreams, Ruminates In Jail Cell

SACRAMENTO, Sept. 26 – In Lynette Fromme’s dream, she was walking down “some sort of a boardwalk.” At one point, there was something “like a lighthouse, and it said ‘Little San Quentin’ on it and I went up and got […]

Sara Jane Kahn, Charles Manson: Grocer had Infamous Customers

CHARLESTON. W Va., Sept. 25 — Sara Jane Kahn and Charles Manson bought a lot of candy from Van Watson when they were children. Sara Jane was a serious pupil, but Manson “liked to play a little hooky,” says Watson. […]

Cash In On Notoriety? Fromme Pleads Innocent Of Assassination Try 

SACRAMENTO, Sept. 20 – Lynette Alice Fromme, her commercial value rising with book and Hollywood offers, pleaded, innocent Friday to a charge of trying to assassinate President Gerald Ford. In a loud clear voice the Charles Manson disciple told federal […]

Fromme Bail Reduced By Judge To $350,000

SACRAMENTO, Sept. 16 – A federal judge today reduced the bail of Lynette Fromme from $1 million to $350,000, saying it was the “least onerous” amount he could set to insure that she will not flee from a charge of […]

‘Squeaky’ Linked to Oregon Cons

PORTLAND, OR., Sept. 12 — An Oregon State Penitentiary inmate who is a member of a group accused of plotting to kill the warden was visited last October by Lynette (Squeaky) Fromme, charged with the attempted assassination of President Ford, […]

Manson Girl Says 75 Businessmen Marked for Death

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Sept. 11 — Sandra Good, a disciple of mass murderer Charles Manson, says a “People’s Court” has marked for assassination scores of business executives whose firms pollute the environment. The FBI and local police declined to comment on […]

Manson Denies Plotting to Kill President Ford

SACRAMENTO, Sept. 8 — The name of Charles Manson may dominate the case of Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, although prosecutors say they find no evidence of a conspiracy in the attempted assassination of President Ford. Manson, convicted of murder in the […]

Fromme Vilified Ford, Friends Say

SACRAMENTO, Sept. 6 — Lynette Fromme watched President Ford on television the night before her assassination attempt and talked with two friends about Mr. Ford being a “dummy, an empty head,” her roommates said Friday. Sandra Good, 31, a member […]

Would-Be Assassin’s Bail Set At $1 Million

SACRAMENTO, Sept. 6 – Lynette Alice Fromme, 27-year-old disciple of mass slayer Charles Manson, is being held alone in a cell in Sacramento County Jail today, charged with “willfully and knowingly” attempting to assassinate the President of the United States. […]

Manson was Surprised on Report of Death Try

SAN QUENTIN. Calif., Sept. 6 – “Oh my God,” Charles Manson was quoted as saying after learning that one of his followers had been charged with trying to assassinate President Ford. San Quentin Prison spokesman Bill Merkle said the 40 […]

‘Nice Girls’ Neighbors Tell Impressions of Manson Followers

SACRAMENTO, Sept. 6 – Lynette Fromme and two other followers of Charles Manson — Susan “Heather” Murphy and Sandra Good — had a reputation among their neighbors as “nice girls” and “good neighbors.” . However, one young woman, Chris Daugherty, […]

Was ‘Squeaky’ Playing Murder Game?

SACRAMENTO, Sept. 6 – Lynette Alice Fromme was one of Charles Manson’s earliest and most loyal followers. He called her “Squeaky” because of her tiny, child-like voice. She has been a Manson devotee since 1967 — moving to Sacramento last […]