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Fromme Returned To Alderson
PLEASANTON, Calif., Apr. 10 — Would-be presidential assassin Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme will be moved back to a federal prison in Alderson, W. Va. as punishment for striking an inmate with a hammer, prison officials said Monday. A prison investigation found […]
Ford Assailant Faces Inmate Assault Charge
SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 14 — The FBI is investigating a woman prisoner’s complaint that she was attacked with a claw hammer by fellow inmate Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, the would-be assassin of former President Ford, agents said Tuesday. FBI special agent […]
Squeaky Fromme Attacks Prisoner With a Hammer
SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 13 — Lynette (Squeaky) Fromme, the Charles Manson cult member convicted of trying to kill former President Gerald R. Ford, attacked a woman inmate in federal prison with a hammer and may face charges in the incident, […]
Manson Follower Como Suspect In Credit Card Fraud
SACRAMENTO, Mar. 4 – Former Manson cultist Catherine “Gypsy” Como is sought by U.S. postal inspectors and the FBI in connection with a credit card fraud which has bilked Northern California merchants out of more than $200.000 in merchandise. Como, […]
Manson Girl Sought in Credit Card Fraud
WOODLAND, Mar. 2 — A former member of the Manson family is suspected of leading a credit card fraud scheme in six Northern California cities, the federal government said. Assistant U.S attorney Malcolm Segal said Thursday that the woman, Catherine […]
False Loan Credit Statements Charge Against Manson Follower
SACRAMENTO, Feb. 3 – A former Charles Manson family follower has been arrested for giving false statements to a bank on a credit application for a bank loan, the FBI reported. Catherine Como, 36, was arrested at her home on […]
Undying Loyalty to Manson
PLEASANTON, Jan. 29 — Even if it means spending the rest of her life in prison, Lynette Fromme vows undying loyalty to Charles Manson and the special world he envisions for his “family.” “I’m basically scheduled to go to the […]
A Chat With ‘Squeaky’
PLEASANTON, Jan. 28 — We’ve become friends of a sort, Lynette Fromme and I, in the few months we’ve been writing and talking to each other. I was there, outside the capitol building in Sacramento, the day three years ago […]
Manson Follower Denies Link
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 18 — A Charles Manson cult member serving a prison term for trying to assassinate then-President Gerald Ford in 1975, Friday denied that two ex-convicts found shot in Sacramento had ties to the notorious band. “That’s not […]
Manson Follower Discovered Shot in Burning Car
SACRAMENTO, Nov. 16 — James T. Craig, who was convicted of a 1972 Charles Manson family murder, was discovered today shot and stuffed into the trunk of a burning car with a corpse. Fire fighters put out the blaze and […]
Manson Family Cast Spell on Beach Boys
“Pet Sounds” and “Good Vibrations,” an album and a single released by the Beach Boys in 1966, established the group as the leaders of a new type of pop music, Art Rock. First came “Pet Sounds,” an album fraught with […]
Former Manson Cohort Denied Parole
Oct. 20 – The state’s Community Release Board Thursday denied parole to Bruce Davis, a former member of the Charles Manson family, because of the unusually vicious way one of his two victims was killed. Davis, convicted of the 1969 […]
Manson, Women Live Life of Ease, Bugliosi Claims
COLUMBUS, OHIO, Oct. 19 – Charles Manson sits in a private cell in California today strumming a guitar and watching television. He lives a better life today than he did before he was convicted for the 1969 murders of eight […]
Miss Van Houten Gets Life Terms in LaBianca Deaths
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 12 – Convicted slayer Leslie Van Houten was denied probation and sentenced to life in prison Friday after an emotional hearing before Superior Court Judge Gordon Ringer. A Superior Court jury had found Miss Van Houten, a […]
Guard Accuses Manson of Attack
VACAVILLE, Aug. 1 — A prison guard has accused convicted mass killer Charles Manson of punching him in the face during a routine inspection of cells at the California Medical Facility here, it was disclosed today. Prison information officer Bill […]
Manson: ‘Didn’t Want to Kill’
VACAVILLE, Jul. 10 — In a rare prison interview, convicted mass murderer Charles Manson admits he got in trouble “for cutting people, for shooting people,” but he claims he didn’t want to kill. “Not because I wanted to, but because […]
Escape Try Cancels Jail Visits by Former Manson Follower
SACRAMENTO, Jul. 9 — A former Charles Manson follower has lost her bid in federal court to resume visiting her husband in prison. U.S. District Court Judge Thomas MacBride ruled against Catherine Como after reviewing Folsom prison officials’ assertion that […]
Van Houten Convicted in First Degree
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 5 – Former Charles Manson follower Leslie Van Houten was convicted of first-degree murder today in her third trial for the Aug. 10, 1969, slayings of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca. She also was found guilty of conspiracy […]
Woman Cites LSD Effects; Followed Manson Orders
LOS ANGELES, May 31 — Leslie Van Houten said at her third murder trial she was so heavily drugged on LSD that she was incapable of functioning on her own and mindlessly carried out Charles Manson’s orders to kill. Miss […]
Religion Has ‘Freed’ Him, Watson Says
SAN LUIS OBISPO, Apr. 30 — Charles “Tex” Watson says he spent the first 23 years of his life chasing the all-American dream and the next five chasing after the devil. Now Watson — the former Texas farm boy and […]