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Manson Indicted In Tate Murders

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 9 – Charles M. Manson, self-styled “God” of a desert commune, and five of his followers were indicted Monday on murder charges in the deaths of actress Sharon Tate and six others. Named by a Los Angeles […]

5 Indicted In Tate Murders

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 9 – Five members of a weird hippie band, including the cults’ high priest, Charles M. Manson, have been indicted for murder in the slaying of Actress Sharon Tate and six other persons in August. They each […]

3 Women, 2 Men Indicted In Sharon Tate Slayings

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 9 – A grand jury which deliberated only 20 minutes has indicted three young women and two men from a desert commune on murder and conspiracy charges in the bizarre slaying of actress Sharon Tate and four […]

Tate Murders Grand Jury Indicts Six; Foreman Calls Crimes Worst in History

Three girls, all members of the Charles Manson family of hippies, leave the grand jury hearing room after testifying to their knowledge of the Sharon Tate murders. The three, (L-R) Diana Bluestein, Nancy Pitman and Rachel Morse, were arrested recently, […]

Susan’s Father Doubts ‘Spell’

SAN JOSE, Calif., Dec. 8 – The father of Susan Atkins, the 21-year-old woman who turned informer on the “Manson Family” last week, said Sunday he doesn’t believe her story she was under “hypnotic influence” during the Sharon Tate slayings. […]

Indictments Expected Today

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 8 – Seven members of the mystic hippie “family” linked with the savage Sharon Tate killing and seven other slayings were expected to be indicted today at the conclusion of county grand jury deliberations. Deputy District Attorneys […]

Leader Played Part Of Evil Pied Piper

DEATH VALLEY, Dec. 8 – It was almost nightfall, the dusk making even more eerie the crags and cactus of Goler Wash in Death Valley when a handsome young highway patrolman shoved open the kitchen door of the old mining […]

15 Called in Tate Slaying Case

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 8 – A fingerprint expert and the former leader of a band of motorcycle riders were among 15 witnesses called to testify today as a grand jury pressed its investigation into the slaying of actress Sharon Tate […]

Manson Planned Black, White War

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 8 – Charles Manson talked of triggering a war between blacks and whites by killing whites — including white police — and making it appear that blacks were responsible. Friends recalled: “He said he was building a […]

Grand Jury To Conclude Tate Probe

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 8 – A grand jury is expected to conclude its investigation Monday into a district attorney’s request that Charles M. Manson and several members of his communal “family” he charged with murder in the Sharon Tate slayings. […]

Different View of Manson, ‘Family’

DEVORE, Calif., Dec. 7 – Charles Miller Manson, 35, called “God” and “Jesus” by his followers, incarcerated, accused… Is he a bearded leader of a hippie “black magic cult” which savagely killed actress Sharon Tate and six others? Or is […]

Manson Wanted a Racial War, Friends Says

Dec. 7 – Charles Manson talked of triggering a war between blacks and whites by killing whites — including white police — and making it appear that blacks were responsible. Friends recalled: “He said he was building a bunch of […]

Shock Deepens as Tate Killing Story Unfolds

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 7 – People die every day – in wars, on freeways, in the ocean…in the air. But at no time has the death of five people so shocked the world as in the case of the senseless […]

Girls Plan Future In Tate Killings

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 7 – If they are brought to trial in the Sharon Tate slayings, Linda Kasabian, will plead innocent and Susan Atkins, 21, will plead diminished capacity, their attorneys said Saturday. Both Miss Kasabian, who is charged in […]

New Motive In Tate Case To Be Told

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 7 – A new motive in the up-to-now senseless slaughter of pregnant actress Sharon Tate and four others in her Benedict Canyon home will be revealed Monday, reliable sources said Saturday. The motive — “a big surprise […]

In Sharon Tate Case, The Lives Of The Jet Set and Hippies Cross

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 7 – On the one hand, there was the circle of actress Sharon Tate – the international movie jet set, monied, sophisticated, and on the surface at least, glamorous. And on the other hand, there was the […]

Orgy of Murder: Tate Suspect Tells Jury of Slayings

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 6 – A composed young woman Friday reportedly described the roles she said were played by each suspect during the two-night murder orgy last August that claimed the lives of actress Sharon Tate and six others. Susan […]

Tate Trial Witness Fears Hippie’s Mystical Spell

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 6 – The strange story of “the Manson family,” whose members are prime suspects in the bizarre Sharon Tate murders, was described Friday to a county grand jury by a pretty 21-year-old member. But Susan Atkins now […]

Susan Atkins Tells Tate Death Details

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 6 – A young woman told a grand jury Friday what her attorney said were “all the details” of the slaying of actress Sharon Tate hippie-style clan. Susan Denise Atkins, 21, whose statements to a jail cellmate […]

Can You Hypnotize Person To Murder?

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 6 – Can a person under hypnosis be persuaded to commit murder? A sampling of expert opinion, including that of a psychiatrist retained by counsel of one of the defendants in the Sharon Tate murder case, indicates: […]