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Manson Loses Bid to Co-Counsel

LOS ANGELES, Jun. 2 – Hippie-tribe leader Charles M. Manson got a new lawyer Monday but again lost an effort to have a voice as a co-counsel in the Tate-LaBianca murder case. Los Angeles Superior Judge Charles H. Older approved […]

Judge Grants New Lawyer for Cult Leader Manson

LOS ANGELES, Jun. 2 – Cult leader Charles Manson yesterday won a new attorney to represent him in the Tate-LaBianca murder case. Superior Judge Charles H. Older, at Manson’s request, substituted Van Nuys attorney I. A. Kanarek for the defendant’s […]

New Attorney OKd for Manson

LOS ANGELES, Jun. 1 – Charles Manson got a new lawyer today after the attorney promised the judge he would he ready to begin trial in the Sharon Tate murder case on schedule June 15. Superior Court Judge Charles Older […]

Police Deny Report By Attorney

LOS ANGELES, May 29 – A defense lawyer for a member of the “Manson family” contends police have a confession from someone not connected with the hippie cult stating he killed actress Sharon Tate. Paul D. Fitzgerald, attorney for Patricia […]

Defender Charges Cover-Up of Manson-Trial Evidence

LOS ANGELES, May 28 – Police and district attorney investigators were charged Wednesday with intentionally “covering up” the possibility that someone other than hippie leader Charles Manson and his “family” killed actress Sharon Tate and six others. Former Public Defender […]

Judge Sets Hearing Monday To Rule On Manson Attorney

LOS ANGELES, May 28 – With the Sharon Tate murder trial 2 ½ weeks away the question of who will defend Charles Manson remained undecided yesterday. Superior Court Judge Charles H. Older denied another of the hippie cult leader’s requests […]

Defendant in Hinman Case Will Seek ‘New Evidence’

LOS ANGELES, May 28 – Robert Kenneth Beausoleil today had won the right to act as his own attorney to get “new evidence” aimed at clearing him in the murder of musician Gary Hinman. Superior Court Judge William B. Keene […]

Hinman Slayer Will Act as Own Attorney in Seeking New Trial

LOS ANGELES, May 27 – Convicted murderer Robert K. Beausoleil was granted a request Tuesday to act as his own attorney after a statement was read to the court in which the prosecution’s star witness repudiated her testimony as “not […]

Beausoleil Given Okay to Seek New Murder Trial

LOS ANGELES, May 27 – Robert K. Beausoleil, condemned to death for one of eight sayings police have attributed to the “Manson Family,” has been granted permission to act as his own attorney in seeking a new trial. Beausoleil’s request […]

Manson’s New Pleas Are Heard

LOS ANGELES, May 27 – Motions to change attorneys, suppress evidence, and throw out the whole case against accused murder mastermind Charles Manson and three of his female followers were heard in Los Angeles Superior Court today in a confusing […]

Tate Slayer Suspect Watson Wins Delay, Separate Trial

LOS ANGELES, May 21 – Manson “family” member Charles (Tex) Watson apparently will not be tried with the other five defendants in the slaughter-killing of actress Sharon Tate and six others. Watson, who allegedly wielded the murder weapons — a […]

Manson Family Legal Troubles

LOS ANGELES, May 20 – A motion by cult leader Charles Manson to substitute attorneys in one of the eight slayings he is accused of masterminding was denied Tuesday in Superior Court. Manson asked Judge George M. Dell that attorneys […]

Manson Only Witness?

LOS ANGELES, May 19 – Charles Manson is expected to be the sole defense witness among those accused in the Sharon Tate murders, sources close to the bizarre case said today. The ego of the 35-year-old leader of a hippie […]

Drug Victim Identified

ALBUQUERQUE, NM, May 18 – Police today tentatively identified the man who died from an overdose of narcotics early Saturday as a 23-year-old mystic and practicer of black magic living in a hippy community at Cedar Crest. The man, who […]

Hearing Set for Manson, Susan Atkins

LOS ANGELES, May 17 – A Superior Court judge today had scheduled May 27 to hear defense motions designed to free accused Tate-Labianca murder defendants Charles Manson and Susan Atkins. Judge Charles H. Older will hear arguments on the motions […]

Beausoleil Is Denied Right to Act as Own Attorney

LOS ANGELES, May 14 – Robert Beausoleil, condemned to death for the murder of musician Gary Hinman, tried unsuccessfully to act as his own attorney so he could introduce “new evidence” into his case. Superior Judge William B. Keene denied […]

Beausoleil Asks For New Trial

LOS ANGELES, May 13 – Robert Beausoleil, a “Manson family” member convicted of one of eight slayings attributed by police to the hippie cult, has requested a new trial with claims he has “new evidence.” Beausoleil, 22, also sought unsuccessfully […]

Beach Boys Singer Splits With Wife

LOS ANGELES, May 8 – Beach Boys singer Dennis Wilson’s five-year marriage ended in divorce Thursday. His Benedict Canyon home, which he allegedly once shared with Charles Manson and his family, was ordered sold by Los Angeles Superior Court Commissioner […]

Texas Okays Tate Case Extradition

AUSTIN, Tex., May 7 – The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals yesterday upheld a lower court order sending Charles Denton Watson, 24, to California to stand trial on charges he helped murder actress Sharon Tate and six other persons last […]

Tate Case Defendant Charles Watson Asked to Stop Fighting Extradition from Texas

LOS ANGELES, Apr. 30 – Leslie van Houten appealed to Charles (Tex) Watson today to stop fighting extradition and agree to return to Los Angeles so that Manson family defendants could stand trial with “the strength of unity.” Watson, 24, […]