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Suit Filed in Frykowsky Son’s Behalf
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 30 – Another multi-million dollar wrongful death suit was filed yesterday against Charles Manson and four of his followers over the mass murders at the home of actress Sharon Tate nearly a year ago. The latest suit […]
Two Attorneys in Manson Trial Hauled Off to Jail
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 30 – Two defense attorneys in the Charles Manson murder trial were cited for contempt of court yesterday and hauled off to jail, where they were to spend the night. The lawyers are Irving A. Kanarek 51, […]
Horror Piles On Horror As Linda Goes On
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 29 – The dark, blood-stained clothing used in the murders of Actress Sharon Tate and four others in her Benedict Canyon home was introduced today as the grim story of the massacre murders continued to unfold in […]
Linda Tells Of Screams In Darkness As Death Struck Tate Mansion
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 29 – Screams pierced the darkness, Linda Kasabian said, as a man, blood streaming from his wounds, stumbled from actress Sharon Tate’s hilltop mansion across the lawn. “We looked into each other’s eyes for a moment, and […]
Key Witness Recounts Night Of Tate Murders
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 29 – “I ran toward the house. There was a man who entered out of the door. He had blood all over his face. We looked into each other’s eyes for a minute and I said ‘Oh […]
Mrs. Kasabian’s Testimony Met by 50 Defense Objections
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 28 – Linda Kasabian’s account of life with cultist Charles Manson and his “family” met a veritable barrage of more than 50 defense objections and an unsuccessful mistrial motion Monday in the Tate-LaBianca trial. The state’s key […]
Linda Kasabian Testifies for Prosecution in Manson Trials – Will Tell of Slayings
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 28 – Prosecution star witness Linda Kasabian took the witness stand yesterday and said she wanted to tell the story of the Tate-LaBianca murders because “I feel the truth should be spoken.” Mrs. Kasabian, a demure, pig-tailed […]
Linda Kasabian Describes Sex Orgy, Manson’s Power
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 28 – “If you’re willing to be killed, you should be willing to kill.” Quoting hippie cultist Charles Manson, the chief prosecution witness in the Tate-LaBianca murder case today detailed the power the leader of the Manson […]
Kasabian Story Told To Jury
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 27 – The state’s only alleged eyewitness to the Sharon Tate murders was scheduled to testify under courtroom guard today against Charles Manson and three female members of his “family.” Linda Kasabian, 20, who will be granted […]
Manson Displays Contempt as Murder Trial Begins
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 26 – Charles Manson used a razor blade and a pencil to demonstrate his absolute contempt for straight society as the prosecution opened its case in the Tate-LaBianca murder trial. The 35-year-old cult chieftain, wearing rumpled jail […]
Manson Sought Racial Conflict, State Contends
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 25 – Cultist Charles Manson tried to start a race war with mass murder on two bloody nights last summer when his followers killed seven persons, the prosecution charged Friday in the Tate-LaBianca trial. Dep. Dist. Atty. […]
Prosecutor Claims Manson Wanted to Spark Race War
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 25 – With a Beatles song spinning in his mind, Charles M. Manson ordered the murders of actress Sharon Tate and six others in hopes of igniting a black-white war, the state says. “To Manson, ‘Helter-Skelter,’ the […]
Manson Sought A Racial War
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 25 – Cultist Charles Manson tried to start a race war with mass murder on two bloody nights last summer when his followers killed seven persons, the prosecution charged yesterday in the Tate-La Bianca trial. Los Angeles […]
Court Frees Manson ‘Girl’ Given Immunity in Slaying of Hinman
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 24 – Mary Brunner, 26, former member of Charles Manson’s hippie “family” indicted in the torture slaying of musician Gary Hinman, was freed Thursday. At the conclusion of a two-day hearing, Superior Judge Kathleen Parker granted a […]
Link Massacre to Beatles Song
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 24 – The prosecution said today that Charles M. Manson, inspired by a song by the Beatles, ordered the murders of actress Sharon Tate and six others in order to start a “black-white revolution.” “He believed the […]
Judge Releases Manson Girl for Testifying
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 24 – Mary Brunner, the first member of Charles Manson’s “family,” the mother of his child and an admitted murderess, walked out of Los Angeles Superior Court Thursday a free woman. The Wisconsin University librarian, indicted for […]
Beatles Song Inspired Tate Murders, Says D.A.
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 24 – The state said today that Charles M. Manson, inspired by a song by the Beatles, ordered the murders of actress Sharon Tate and six others in order to start a “black – white revolution.” “He […]
Testimony to Start in Tate Trial
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 23 – Charles Manson — is he the world’s hottest lover or the world’s coldest killer? Beginning Friday, the — and especially seven men and five women sitting in the jury box — will begin to find […]
Judge Hears Testimony on Immunity in Hinman Case
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 23 – A Superior Court judge yesterday heard testimony on whether Mary Brunner, member of Charles Manson’s clan, was in fact granted immunity from prosecution for the murder of musician Gary Hinman. Judge Kathleen Parker recessed the […]
First Testimony Expected Tomorrow in Manson Trial
LOS ANGELES, Jul. 23 – Six alternate jurors have been sworn in for the Charles Manson murder trial and testimony is scheduled to get under way tomorrow. Trial Judge Charles H. Older granted the delay after the swearing-in on Tuesday […]