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Ex-Tate Juror Tells Ordeal: ‘Could Only Sit and Sit and’
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 31 – “There was nothing to do but sit and sit and sit. At times we didn’t leave the sixth floor of the Ambassador Hotel for a week at a time, except to stand on the fire […]
Hinman Murder Testimony Barred at Manson Trial
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30 – Charles Manson’s attorney Friday blocked prosecution attempts to offer testimony of another murder in the penalty phase of the Tate-LaBianca trial. Superior Judge Charles H. Older ruled in chambers that prosecutor Vincent T. Bugliosi could […]
Manson Penalty Trial Shortened
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 30 – Penalty phase of the Tate-LaBianca murder trial Friday was cut by at least a week when, in a surprise move, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Charles Older refused to allow the prosecution to outline still […]
PUNCHES HIS LAWYER: Manson Ejected From Courtroom
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 29 – The penalty phase of the Sharon Tate murder trial began Thursday with Charles Manson shouting at the judge and being ejected from the courtroom for punching his attorney. The action preceded testimony by a black […]
Manson Strikes, Shoves His Attorney in Court
LOS ANGELES, Jan 29 – Charles Manson struck and shoved his attorney Thursday and was removed from the opening of the penalty phase of the Tate-LaBianca murder trial. The 36-year-old convicted murderer then continued to yell at Irving A. Kanarek […]
Death Is Unlikely For Manson, Followers, Attorney Says
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 29 – Even if the jury condemns Charles Manson and his three female followers to death in the Sharon Tate murders, attorneys believe the chances are slim they will die in the gas chamber at San Quentin. […]
Tate Juror ‘Mentality’ at Issue in Trial
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 29 – A hearing to determine whether a member of the Tate-LaBianca jury, sequestered more than seven months, has been “mentally affected” by the tight security and sensational publicity surrounding the case, today was scheduled for next […]
Judge Denies Insanity Plea for Krenwinkel
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 28 – One of the four members of hippie leader Charles Manson’s “family” convicted of the seven brutal Tate-LaBianca murders Monday today attempted to change her plea to not guilty by reason of insanity. The motion was […]
Vine Street Can Claim ‘Manson Started Here’
CINCINNATI, OH, Jan. 27 — It was shortly before midnight Monday, and the newspapers were just off the presses and the headline in bold black letters said, “Manson, Three Women Guilty.” An old man with grey hair and no teeth, […]
Manson: The ‘Why’ Remains
Jan. 27 – A jury of representative citizens has pondered the evidence and reached its verdict, and now the long and arduous trial phase of the Manson murder case is over. Ahead lies still more testimony as prelude to the […]
Susan to Testify of Being Tricked Into Confession
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 27 – Convicted murderess Susan Atkins, whose initial “confession” to the brutal Tate-LaBianca murders led to the arrest and eventual conviction of sex guru Charles Manson and three of his “family,” will take the witness stand during […]
Until Charlie Gets Out Girls Vow to Continue Vigil
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 26 – The Charles Manson “girls” who have kept a five-month vigil outside the gray Hall of Justice took the Manson guilty verdicts calmly Monday and vowed they would stay there “until Charlie gets out.” When it […]
Manson’s Followers Loyal: Female Group Says He’ll Go Free
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 26 — “He couldn’t kill anybody,” said the tiny, waif-like girl kneeling on the pavement. She was talking about Charles Manson, the man a Superior Court jury had moments before found guilty of masterminding the murders of […]
MANSON VERDICT ALL GUILTY!: First-Degree Conviction on 27 Counts
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 26 – Charles Manson and three of his “girls” were convicted Monday on all 27 counts of first-degree murder and conspiracy to murder in the seven Tate-LaBianca killings 18 months ago. The long-haired, bearded Manson and the […]
Manson, 3 Girls Found Guilty on Mass Murder Charges
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 26 – Charles Manson and three female followers were convicted of first-degree murder yesterday in the killings of actress Sharon Tate and six others in August 1969. The defendants also were convicted of conspiracy to commit murder. […]
The ‘Family’ Knew No Wrong
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 26 – “Sadie Glutz is a snitch” Small, white stickers with those words appeared in public places after slender, dark-haired, dark-eyed Susan Denise Atkins, 22, broke Charles Manson’s rule for survival in the nation’s reform schools and […]
Mother Tells Life of Manson as Boy
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 26 – She looks older than her 53 years and feels 90, she says. Thin and slightly hunched from emphysema that keeps her from working, she still smokes heavily. Sometimes, when the fear keeps her sitting up all […]
The Manson Story: Love and Murder
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Patricia Krenwinkel, Susan Atkins, and Leslie Van Houten walking to court yesterday, where a Los Angeles jury found them, along with Charles Manson, guilty of first-degree murder and conspiracy for the Tate-LaBianca killings LOS ANGELES, Jan. […]
Manson, 3 Girls Found Guilty
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 25 – Charles Manson and three young women he lured into his wild nomadic cult were convicted of first degree murder today in the savage and senseless slaughter of actress Sharon Tate and six other helpless victims. […]
Manson and Three Girls Guilty
Sheriff’s deputies escort Charles Manson to court today, where he along with Susan Atkins, Leslie Van Houten and Patricia Krenwinkel were found guilty of first-degree murder and conspiracy in the Tate-LaBianca killings LOS ANGELES, Jan. 25 – Hippie cultist Charles […]