Tate Killing Link To Ukiah Murders?
Thursday, December 4th, 1969

UKIAH, Calif., Dec. 4 – Sheriff Reno Bartolomie has requested the Los Angeles police department to forward photos and fingerprints of suspects in the Sharon Tate slayings to probe the possibility of a link to the 1968 murders south of Ukiah of Clyda Jean Dulaney, 24, and Nancy Warren, 64, her grandmother.
Seven persons belonging to a nomadic cult led by Charles Manson were arrested on June 22, 1968, in the Boonville area and arraigned on a number of charges involving drugs.
Susan Denise Atkins, 19, arrested near Boonville tried under the name of Sadie Mae Glutz and convicted of possession of marijuana, made a statement Wednesday through her court-appointed attorney that a weird hippie band called “The Manson Family” had burst into the Sharon Tate estate and brutally killed five persons. Cult members are also suspects in the slaying of six other persons in the southern California area.
Bartolomie is probing into the activities of the seven men and women since the southern California murders are in the same “senseless” category as those of Mrs. Dulaney and Mrs. Warren who were savagely beaten and garroted with leather thongs at the antique store owned by the older woman, which was located six miles south of Ukiah on Highway 101.
Bartolomie has also asked that samples of leather thongs be forwarded if such items were in the possession of the suspects.
The sheriff was watching television when his memory was jogged by a reference of the newscaster to Susan Atkins, one of the numerous aliases of Sadie Mae Glutz as she was known to local authorities.
The sheriff also recalled that Charles Manson, although never arrested here had visited Miss Atkins while she was awaiting trial.
The sheriff said that a number of the persons arrested in the Boonville raid had been in this area while awaiting disposition of their cases past the time of the double murder south of Ukiah. Several were reportedly guests during this period of a Ukiah man at his home off Boonville Road.
In the article about the Ukiah women, strangled, Nancy is the younger woman and Clida is the Grandmother. The article has it wrong. Also, the Patrolman supposedly pulled over a car load of Manson Family women on 101, driving high on acid with a small child in the car. They were arrested and the child taken into foster custody. In retaliation, they got the name of the arresting CHP, Warren, who pulled them over. His wife was Nancy. He was suspected in the killings, but not enough evidence to convict. It was also supposed that the Manson Family killed the CHP’s pregnant wife, in retaliation for taking Charlie’s baby away to foster care. 1968 in Ukiah, CA, Mendocino County California.
Some people give Charlie way too much credit.
And others, not enough. Everyone knows they committed more murders than they were prosecuted for.
The article is correct. Clyda was married to Don Delany, the CHP officer, and Nancy Warren was the grandmother. I went to school with Clyda and had met her grandmother when she had the antique store on 101.
Hello Norma, I just came across your post and wondered if you could answer a question for me. All the information I’ve read on the case cites the antique shop as being where the Saechao strawberry stand is, but that’s not Burke Hill, that’s Nelson Ranch. Where exactly was the antique store (and, by default, the crime scene)?
WOW. I’m a little slow on the uptake, I guess. I graduated from Ukiah High in 1967. When the Tate/Labianca murders happened, I was probably in Sacramento going to school or working. I had no idea that had hit so close to home.
Do you (or anyone) remember a murder of a young man/kid, think he was the son of the Lake Co. DA and his girl friend, who was kidnapped. Then someone over on Highway 4 (outside of Angels Camp?) heard a sound by the road, the middle aged couple found her, she was taken to a hospital in S.F., was coherent long enough to tell her story, then went it to parasysis. (sp?) I didn’t know the kids, but a girl a year behind me new the girl.
Replying to Sheila. I believe you’re asking about the serial killers Braun and Maine who picked up a couple, just south of Ukiah, who had run out of gas. They murdered Timothy Luce and shot Susan Bartlomei 5 times, leaving her for dead over by Groveland, but she amazingly survived. I remember it all too well. Susan was still in a wheelchair when she would come into Medico Drugstore, where I worked when I was in high school.
Went to high school with Nancy Pitman, Santa Monica High (Samohi). A group of friends would cross the street @ lunch & Nancy would be smoking cigarettes on the vacant lot. She was friends with my best friend. Nancy invited me to her home above the colony one afternoon after school. She took me to her bedroom & showed me a pair of 5.5 size ladies heels/shoes that she had stolen. I asked her what size shoe she wore, it was not a size 51/2/ So I asked why she stole them if she wasn’t going to wear them, she answered that she would give them to one of her friends. I was only 17 years old at the time but thought it very odd that she would take the risk of stealing & getting caught, & not even care if the item fit her or not. Sensed something was “off.” Next while at a sleep over at my best girlfriends house, she announced suddenly that she had to leave & would be back soon. I wasn’t happy about her leaving as I was there to spend the night with her & didn’t want to be left alone in her house. After insisting, she made me promise never to tell if I went with her, so I did, promise. We picked Nancy Pitman up somewhere, it was dark. We drove her to the bottom of Topanga Canyon, & my friend pulled over & stopped to let Nancy out. I stepped out of the car as well & Nancy told me she had run away from home. I asked her where she would stay, & how she would eat, & a couple of other questions about how she intended to get by as we were very young & I still lived at home & was well cared for so it was hard to comprehend. She told me she was going to the top of Topanga & that the “Family” would take care of her. So that was it! Off she went & the rest is history. I surfed Malibu all the time & other local spots from 1965 – 1973 & never once saw Nancy on the beach, let alone surfing as the articles seem to state. They also state she was pretty, not really. She was very skinny, boney & had acne. Her face was gaunt & she did not look healthy like my other friends. She was never overly friendly with me & I sensed something off, so I never got close to her at all. But she was my best friends, friend so it was the school & proximity (I grew up in Malibu for 32 years) that placed me near her. I also would visit DeeDee Shaw at her home & met her mother, the actress who was in hair rollers & her bathrobe trying to roust Deedee out of bed at 10:30 am. I was never close to Deedee but met her because my boyfriend lived next door to them & was friends with her brother, Anthony. I never realized how close I came to being exposed to Manson. But my family always taught me to be an independent thinker & I seriously doubt I would have followed him, or anyone. J.
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