False Loan Credit Statements Charge Against Manson Follower
Saturday, February 3rd, 1979
SACRAMENTO, Feb. 3 – A former Charles Manson family follower has been arrested for giving false statements to a bank on a credit application for a bank loan, the FBI reported.
Catherine Como, 36, was arrested at her home on a warrant issued after the United California Bank branch at 5999 Madison Ave. in Carmichael filed a formal complaint against her, an FBI spokesman said. Bail was set at $10,000 by a U.S Magistrate in Sacramento federal court.
Mrs. Como is married to former Manson cultist Kenneth Como, who is serving a 20-year sentence for a 1971 armed robbery of a sporting goods store, escape and various other offenses. They were married in a Folsom prison ceremony in 1976.
Mrs. Como was also convicted for the robbery and served in prison until 1975. As the former Catherine “Gypsy” Share, she was a defense witness for the Manson family in the Tate-LaBianca murder trial in Los Angeles.