• Manson Family Member’s Release From Prison Stalled

Manson Family Member’s Release From Prison Stalled

ALDERSON, W.Va., Nov. 23 — It will be at least Dec. 2 before Sandra Good, a member of the Charles Manson family serving time for writing threatening letters to corporate leaders, is released from federal prison.

Dave Helman, a spokesman for the women’s prison, said the U.S. Parole Commission decided not to turn Good loose Friday as had been scheduled.

The problem remains, Helman said, arriving at an acceptable living and supervision plan for Good, 41, who has served 10 years in prison.

“…Any parole release is conditioned on what the commission considers an approved release plan,” Helman said, “Specifically, having a place to live, finding someone to supervise her in the community, someone to counsel her, and hopefully finding her employment.

“In any event, at this point the commission does not have a place for her to live and with those requirements.”

Helman said it was his understanding that the parole commission is considering options that may be finalized by Dec. 2.

“Possibly she will be released then on an approved plan or possibly the same thing will happen that happened today, which is she wasn’t released.”

Good’s parole was initially approved for March 29, but she has refused to abide by the parole conditions.

She is serving a sentence for conspiracy to send threatening letters through the mails. Authorities intercepted 171 threatening letters she had written to corporate officials.

Good had been a member of the Manson cult. Manson and other family members were convicted in the grisly murders of pregnant actress Sharon Tate and others in California. Good was not convicted in the murders.

She has said that when she is released from prison she wants to live close to the Vacaville, Calif., prison where Manson is held. But authorities have made it a condition of her release that she not associate with any Manson family members.

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